People Reveal Dumbest Reasons For Being Fired, Stories Are Hilarious
What's the dumbest reason you've ever lost a job?
Most people lose a job at some point in their lives. Whether it's because they got laid off or it's because they were fired, it happens to a lot of people.
Losing a job is never fun, but I have no doubt that there are plenty of people reading this right now with some wild stories about being shown the exit.
Reddit users share crazy stories about being fired.
A Reddit thread popped up asking users what's the dumbest thing they've ever been fired for, and I couldn't click fast enough.
Check out some of the stories below, and let me know your thoughts at
- Was supposed to send a rejection letter after a failed job interview to someone i knew but waited a few days so he could have a good weekend.
- I refused to lie under oath in a deposition.
- I was on my cell phone. In the break room. On my lunch break.
- I was 91 days away from qualifying for pension through my work, and was fired with 90 days severance so they wouldn't have to pay.
- Requesting to have my desk moved after the person who sat behind me shot me with a pellet gun.
- I got fired once for having emergency gall bladder surgery. We had a phone deposition with HR and the Unemployment Judge. After they explained when I was fired, the Judge asked them why the didn't offer me FMLA. They said "he didn't ask". The Judge said "it's your job to offer him FMLA. You're lucky he didn't sue you. Unemployment approved."
- A coworker saw me injecting myself in the stomach with insulin and fired me for injecting drugs while at work.
- I took a coffee mug home from the office kitchen on a Friday. Got a call from HR on Saturday asking me to come in for an emergency meeting and was fired on the spot. Turns out I was seen by security walking out with company property, the "coffee mug" from the office kitchen. Later I was able to prove it was my personal mug and was offered my job back but I declined to return.
- I got fired for reporting the daycare I worked at to the state for blatant violations And providing photo evidence. That facility got shut down shortly after.
- growing a a cashier at a gas station!
- Got fired for having pneumonia
- Worked at a bar and got fired for not IDing a clearly 60 year old woman for a glass of wine during a holiday evening rush by myself.
- I got fired for being "too slow" - this by the owner who would pull his guy friends into his office to BS with him for half the day. F you, dude!
- Not technically fired. I was an IT contractor for a while. The client firm decided to make some contractors permanent. I was one of two on my team. Only one was going to get the job. The other would not have their contract renewed. I was the better engineer. He was the better socializer. He got the job.
- Was planning to go straight from work to camping on a Friday so I had my truck all packed up. Boss saw my sealed bottle of whiskey in the front seat and canned me over it for having alcohol at work. He had a grudge for some reason.
- I got fired for 'stealing time' because I clocked in 3 minutes early. Apparently, those extra 180 seconds were a real threat to company profits!
- Getting to work 6 minutes late. There was an accident on the freeway and they said that was not a valid excuse. I happily signed the paperwork and walked out with a smile. The manager asked why I was not upset. And all I said was "why should I be? You’re losing your best asset." He laughed and said I was always too confident. The business when bankrupt and shut down just a few months after that. It was a coincidence because I wasn’t that good of an employee
- I told a customer I was going to kick 100% of their ass.
- I got fired for fixing a broken coffee machine myself.
- Telling the owners son that I was pregnant, when offered an alcoholic beverage on shift.
- Got fired from a bookstore because I organized the self-help section alphabetically instead of by publisher. My manager said it would 'confuse the customers.' Still think I did them a favor.
These are all some great stories. Truly elite reasons to get fired. Knock on wood, but I've never been fired for a job since graduating high school. I have quit some jobs, but never fired.
I was once fired and then immediately re-hired with a raise at a job I worked at in high school, but that's a story for another time. It's not even that interesting. Definitely not nearly as interesting or funny as these stories.
This thread is a reminder that you can be a rock solid person, and sometimes, it's just not meant to be. No point in sweating about it.
Go home, crack a beer (or a few) and move on. If a company is going to fire a person for a stupid reason, then it's not worth losing sleep over. It's really that simple. It's just a job. It's not your whole life…hopefully, anyway.

Reddit users are going viral for revealing the dumbest reasons for being fired. (Credit: Getty Images)
Do you have a funny story about being fired? I definitely want to hear it at