Rachel Stuhlmann's Tennis Halloween Costumes Were Great, Instagram Models Love Halloween & Russell Wilson As Coach Prime
Halloween recap
It was a night for the record books around here.
The last time there was measurable snowfall on Halloween in NW Ohio was 1954 when this area received one-tenth of an inch of snow. Last night, around 6:45 ET, a wall of snow -- huge flakes -- came barreling in from west to east and provided a snowglobe feel to the festivities.
After all was said and done, the recording station at the airport announced a new record snowfall of seventh-tenths of an inch. Record books, baby! We lived through it.
Move over, 1954.
Observations from the field:
• Millennial Chris B. in Bowling Green writes:

• Meanwhile, over at Diesel's house, the kids understood the gravity of the weather situation:

• Canoe Kirk reports from his sister-in-law's house where the Canoe Couple was hanging out inside the Michigan state line:

Again, I'm really surprised by what I'm hearing. Canoe Kirk's report was 22 minutes into the night and he hadn't seen a single little Aidan Hutchinson. That is mind-boggling and speaks to just how afraid to believe Lions fans are right now. The Lions have a 20% probability of PLAYING IN THE SUPER BOWL and kids still aren't in unis.
The Ford Family needs to put its merchandising department in touch with the Meijer stores to make sure this is the last year this happens. Little kids in Lions jerseys is marketing 101.
• Hans from Arizona writes:
First time long time. Love the community. Halloween question.
What's up with these kids ringing the doorbell and just standing there like statues? I was on door duty as my 14-year-old went with his friends and my 11-year-old didn't want to go and I swear 30% of the kids just stood there staring at me. I'm not talking about scared 5-year-olds. I'm talking teens who I guess are too cool to say trick or treat.
Anyone else notice this?
Keep up the great work.
The teens aren't used to human interaction, Hans. Now, if you answered the door as a video game character there might have been a reaction. It's worth testing the theory next year.
• Jim R. writes:
Peter and Lois Griffin at Here Come The Mummies in Nashville.

What was Halloween like last night in NW Ohio?
Halloween report from Ada, OH
• Tim G. in the 419 was at his sports job and reports:
The Ohio Northern women’s soccer team hosted Wilmington in the quarterfinals of the Ohio Athletic Conference Tournament Tuesday night at Kerscher Stadium in Ada, Ohio. An intense snow squall came through about an hour before kickoff, covering the field with snow. The Polar Bears took a beautiful sunset pic before advancing with an 1-0 victory over the Quakers.

#TeamSunset keeps bringing the content
• Tim G. in the 419 also wanted in on #TeamSunset:
This was in December of 2022, but here is a sunset at the Atlantis in Nassau, Bahamas, while I was working the Bahamas Bowl for ESPN. You don’t see this in Ohio…

• Lou in Tucson writes:
End of monsoon season on Dove Mountain:

#TeamSunset and #TeamSunrise
• Indy Daryl fires off one of each:
Gotta say the sunset vs sunrise topic has provided amazing pictures everyday! Keep sending them folks. What a nice way to start the day! A sunset from Florida back in March and a sunrise from Denver back in January.
Ormond Beach, looking across the Halifax river

A Denver sunrise

Just #TeamSunrise
• Martin from Omaha reports:
My Buddy KC Krause took this pic of a beautiful sunrise from his back yard patio in Scottsdale where he now resides. McDowell mountains in the background. Keep on keeping on!

• Brian B. is on this team:
Sunrise - promise of what is to come
Sunset - satisfaction of a day well lived
This sunrise will always be special, didn’t know it at the time but it was from the day I met my wife.

Is it a sunrise or sunset?
• Shane B. says:
Love the variation of topics this community brings under your direction. Took these at my cabin. I saw an arrrow. My friend saw something else and ruined it for me but still a great view. Snowed in MN last night. Global warming is upon us
Thanks for getting my days started on a positive note!
BTW the for photos may need to be moved up in the column. Those are works of art!

Where are all my Mike T. and Cindy T. fans at?
• Mike T. wants to know who's on his team:
Ok, Fall has officially arrived here in the Mountain West with morning temperatures in the low 20s. That signals the end of The Patio Life and the start of fire pit season here in the high desert.
Let’s see the outdoor fire setups around this great country! We’ll go first, last Friday nights lights in the backyard!

Sunsets, superhuman running backs, evil high school kicker
• There are some awesome tidbits in here from Ricky in Ohio:
If you have never seen Friday Night Touchdown on Fox 8 Cleveland. You have to try looking it up online. It airs at 11 on Fridays and is awesome. They cover many games with crews and when they can't be there they use their SkyFox helicopter and zoom in on some games.
My only complaint is that small schools don't get the props like they should. The first photo is a sunset over one of my daughter's school James A. Garfield G-Men. They have just finished up their second undefeated regular season. Hopefully, they keep it up in the playoffs. Last week their all-state running back rushed for 324 yards on 13 carries and he scored 6 touchdowns.
He did not play the 4th quarter. He was not player of the week. How I don't know. He did receive some other award though which is great. The second photo is my other daughter who is a cheerleader for the Ravenna Ravens. Friday night touchdown was there on armed forces night to get a great shot of them cheering on their team. Yes, they do have a Boise State blue turf field. Since it's Halloween, I thought you would like to know their kicker's name is actually Michael Meyers.
I would have literally worn the mask under my helmet. The funny thing is that the kid is actually really good. He also plays soccer and has kicked field goals over 40 yards. Since you are now a fan of tractor pulls I added a pic of my nephew's pulling tractor.
I grew up on a dairy farm and my late father started pulling in 1970. In the mid 80's he blew his motor and decided not to waste any more money and parked it in the back barn. Fast forward 30 years he pulled it out of storage and his 16-year-old grandson rebuilt it to be competitive today.
Last year he finished 1st in points in his class. This year he finished 2nd. Not bad for a tractor that's been pulling and winning for over 50 years. That's my little G-Man posing in the shirt with his tractor on it.

What a great story about the tractor. Let us know if you end up in Bowling Green next summer. Millennial Chris B. lives right down the road. We'll throw a Screencaps tailgate.
New low price on the Battery Daddy!
• Aaron in Lisbon, WI had his head on a swivel:
I thought of you today as I passed the Battery Daddy at Costco. They are selling them for $9.99. I'd be an idiot not to get one right!? I've never been so organized in my life! #notsponsored
I just happened to stop at Costco this week with Screencaps the III and look what was just inside the front door. Ladies, I'm telling you, it's still the gift your husband NEEDS and WANTS, if you haven't already purchased one for him.
We always know exactly where the batteries are located -- right there in our battery toolbox.
$10 is a steal.

Where's all the real denim at?
• Jeff B. knows where to get real jeans:
For me, Rural King jeans are THE way to go. Normal denim, regular cut, and at $11.99 for a pair, they can't be beat. Sadly, we don't have RK out here, so it's online for me, which increases the cost slightly, but if you're in the Midwest and have a Rural King near you, I highly recommend.
RK Brand Men's Denim Carpenter Jeans - RKCARP | Rural King
Great hot dog memories
• Keith in West Chester, PA says:
Matt's reference to Jim's in West Mifflin brought back fond childhood memories. My dad grew up in West Mifflin and his grandfather lived in Munhall. I lived in Harrison City (a couple more towns in western PA for you to look up! :)) and there were many a weekend that we would go to Munhall to cut his grass and take care of his house and we would stop for a Jim's hot dog.
We would make our own "poor man's" version at home - a hot dog with generic bbq sauce and onions with shredded cheddar cheese toasted in the oven. It wasn't the same as the real one but getting the real was a big treat for us.
Thanks for sparking a great child hood memory!
Flora Cardoni, the mask-wearing activist trying to take away gas lawnmowers and trimmers in Philadelphia, is a dope
• Kevin in Toboso, PA writes:
That mask-wearing nut job, Miss fluoro Carbon needs to back off on the internal combustion engines. She could use my Echo 2-cycle weed trimmer on her uni-brow though. Could use some work.
I am so sick of these mask-wearing, left-wing cry babies telling the rest of us how to live. Can we start a Move-On movement.... like to another country or something.
Stickers, logs, and other things
• Brandon C. in Pinckney, MI writes:
See attached for wood pen i built with my own damn hands. Cleared out the woods for the flat area, pulled 6 stumps, leveled the ground, tilled the ground, built the fence. Going to put chicken wire on the front come spring when I start planting. But for now I'll leave it open in the winter. Want to promote more organic material entering the sandy soil, catch my drift.
Next here's one one-month difference in trees in my yard. Michigan, where the weather is an Instagram model with the clap.
Finally, on stickers, I used to work in a "secure" office for a govt agency. Found these stickers one day at the dollar store. Guess what became our new visitor badges the next day. (Spoiler alert- General Officers love dinosaurs and gorillas)

The $12,000 kitchen bar set story has people talking
• MC in TN says:
I can't help myself in relaying this "unusual" Screencaps occurrence this morning.
Backstory is first freeze in Middle Tennessee came last night. I'm sitting on the throne in the powder room reading Tuesday SC and lamenting the fact that a guy has to drop $12,000 for a kitchen table when there appears scurrying across the hardwood floor is a million legger.
Instinct took over and I slam dunked the back of my phone on the warmth-seeking creature.
My wife will never know it happened but now I feel like I may have overreacted. She hates those harmless critters so I guess I can justify my actions protecting the Mrs.
• Mark W. says:
While Sheriff John in Houston is paying $12K for a table and chairs (and good on him for being able to do that), lots of us are paying out the wazoo for essential stuff.
I recently had to replace my downstairs HVAC unit and was thoroughly shocked at the cost ( I hadn’t had to have one replaced in over 10 years). Price quotes were doubled from the last time I bought a unit, and the technician said that new environmental regulations enacted by the Biden administration had added $2-3,000 to the cost of a unit.
I wondered how this was playing out in other areas, and I got the following information from the Alliance for Consumers. It is amazing how the current group of idiots in Washington have screwed over the American public:

I just went back to look at the price of our new A/C unit installed in 2022: $6,000.
• Raccoon 'Sheriff' John in Houston reports back on what he was able to add to the new house after his wife got the $12,000 breakfast bar furniture:
To answer your question about what I got in return for the expensive table, the outdoor kitchen on the new house is going to be pretty nice with a built-in gas grill, a kegerator, and a custom countertop niche for my XL Big Green Egg, but what I'm really excited about is the 10x20 walk in gun vault with custom shelves and racks for holding all of my guns and ammo. And yes, the gun vault opens off of the closet of my study.
I generally had zero input into all of the paint and countertops and tile decisions and just let my wife agonize over different shades of blue literally for months. And in return I was able to have considerable influence on the design areas that I actually cared about. It was a good trade.
I KNEW IT! John will have a study!
This gun room sounds promising. That officially has the attention of Screencaps readers. John is in Texas. We're expecting big things. No pressure, buddy.
That's it for the first day of November, which also happens to be Mrs. Screencaps' birthday. Tonight we'll celebrate her big day and hang on for dear life as the kids mix Halloween candy and birthday cake.
Go have an incredible day. I need to go on the birthday coffee run.
Email: joekinsey@gmail.com