Rachel Stuhlmann Takes Her Tennis Influencing To Mexico, Eagles Fans Being Eagles Fans & Ole Miss Player Gets Punched In The Nuts
The State of the NFL
There are several things to ponder this Monday morning after a very interesting week of the NFL.
• Guy G. in western New York always makes a meal based on the opposing team's most famous food options.
Last night it was Skyline Chili:

As a Cincinnati chili veteran, I have to say that chili doesn't look nearly wet enough. And Guy G. needs to add at least 10X the amount of finely shredded cheese to that bowl.
Sleep apnea
• Aaron H. writes:
The CPAP machine is the best discovery I have made in the past decade (finding Screencaps is a close #2).
My sleep study showed that I stopped breathing 58 times in an hour.
I used to wake up several times during the night, unable to fall back asleep for hours on some occasions. Woke up tired & groggy 4-5 times a week.
FWIW, overnight TV isn't that bad -- after L&O reruns stop around 2am, you can find Golden Girls, Frasier, Cheers and Columbo.
Get a sleep study. My machine has truly changed my life.
Time change
• Jim M. says:
This time thing change is stupid. Sunset in RI today was at 4:35 , pitch black by 5!! Joe I believe you're in the eastern time zone, what time is the sunset there? In the middle time zone what time does the sunset? Is it just the east coast that's this early? Hate this time change shit, it sucks! and I'll add, it blows!
Correct. Ohio is in the EST. Tonight's sunset is scheduled for 5:23. It's not the end of the world. As I've written in the past, it helps when you work at home and can take a walk at lunch in the sun or get out at 3:30 to get some daylight before the darkness kicks in.
I did see this weekend that Clay's been railing about how it's dark in Nashville at 4:30.
A M*A*S*H reference for the old timers
• Al in Medina says:
Showing my age by wondering where Hot Lips Houlihan fits into this defense.

Now you guys are just showing off with these #TeamSunrise photos and I like it!
• John H. writes:
Sunrise in. Cappadocia

• Judge W. writes:
Fulton,Texas just now . That’s my new pier on the right.

• Terry F. writes:
Enjoy your work every day! I’m a first time sender.
I took these two pictures on Friday morning overlooking the civil war confederate cemetery on Arsenal Island, Rock Island, Illinois.

• John H. also sent in this one:
Sunset in Namibia

• Brian L. in Franklin, TN reports:
This was our last night at Rosemary Beach, FL this week on November 1st. Picture doesn’t do it justice…
Oh, one more thing…my wife had our Christmas tree up on Nov 2nd. She said, I don’t care what anyone one thinks, I like it and it makes me happy!
Enough said, let her get her Christmas on whenever the hell she wants…and to be honest, it makes me smile that she does it, it’s the little things.

• Glyn says:
Not the great Vista some have but #sunset, I am sure the dog will get a #sunrise this week.

• Chris in Newport reports:
Sunset at our old beloved Cardines field in Newport, RI.

This will probably be worth thousands when Gen Z comes around to loving vintage Dale
• Alex R. sent over this one:

That's it for this morning. The kids are on a four-day break and I'm currently up in Michigan with the family enjoying indoor pools, waterslides and video game arcades.
Enjoy your day. I'm off to breakfast and the pool.
Email: joekinsey@gmail.com