Rachel Stuhlmann Smashes Backhands In Mrs. Claus Tennis Attire, Army-Navy & Christmas Vacation Mary Is 70
It's a Saturday, let's keep this brief and fun
First up, a reminder that you're getting old, real old. How do I know? Because Mary from Christmas Vacation (Nicolette Scorsese) will turn 71 in less than a month. It feels like yesterday Mary asked Clark if she could take something out for him at the mall.
Time flies.
You're getting old.
Costco's new muffins and the Mexican Food Wars
- Millennial Dalton D. from South of Crater Lake reports:
Momma and the kids are not fans of the new muffins from Costco. The muffins are a breakfast staple at our house with flavors mixed per kid’s liking. Big time shit fit by my crew over the change in size and recipe, but now I'm pissed with the per oz price change. Thanks for the investigative journalism.
Also, Mexican food wars are getting intense. Did one post claim that we make Mexican food better than Mexico? Hell ya! Of course we do Mexican food better than Mexico. Havent eaten any snakes at the local Chinese place either so Id say we have the Chinese beat on Chinese food too.
I had leftover elk burger quesadillas for breakfast at my office desk this morning…take that San Diego and Tuscon and UNESCO or whatever credentials we are citing. Does Southern Oregon make the 12 team playoff for Mexican food? We are probably the 2024 BYU…we have some Mexicans and our local Mexican food plays pretty good for a bunch of white guys but sooner or later we are just pretending….ketchup is hot sauce around here.

Log truck with Trump Christmas lights tonight at our town’s Christmas parade. God Bless America and our Mexican food thats better than Mexico’s.

Did you see this one? Made me laugh hard.
Dalton D. is talking about my Costco report where mathematicians have determined that Costco muffin prices have skyrocketed.
Last night, I went to our Costco and I can report that our store HAS NOT changed its muffin operation, so I picked up the traditional two sixers for $9.99, or whatever the price has been for years.
- Speaking of our Oregon readers, Shawn M. in Canby, OR checks in:
The new Costco Helles-Lager brewed by Oregons Deschutes Brewery is really good. Beats the hell out of all the crappy IPAs we've been tortured with.
And at $13.99 for 12 it's a steal.
I actually like the new muffins? Yeah they're smaller and cost more, but I think they taste better, and come in an appropriate size for a non-glutonous human. I'm out on the chocolate, so I can't speak to those "muffins"
Let Millenial Outside Crater Lake guy know that most people around Portland and Salem Oregon are actually Beaver
fans. Waaaayyy more black and orange up here than green and yellow.
I like him and think him and I have a ton in common, but he needs to know Corvallis is more liberal than Eugene, sorry.
- I've had a 12-pack of the new Kirkland Lager in the garage since Thursday at lunch and haven't had one. It's been one of those weeks. Today, things could change.
- I feel like Shawn M. & Dalton D. could be the future of Screencaps in Oregon. I might need to figure out a way to get these young guns up for a visit with a seasoned vet like Vern in Washington.
- The power of Screencaps in the PNW is stronger than ever. What a run that part of the country has been on with this column. I'm proud of that.
- Corvallis is "more liberal than Eugene" is a statement I wasn't expecting this morning. I had no idea.
Is it true there's a Guinness shortage in the U.K.? A report from Cindy T.
A reader asked the Ts if they've noticed a shortage or issues.
- Cindy T. reports from Ambleside, England:
Yes it’s true, there is a Guinness shortage in England! The lovely lady at the bar says, "We usually order 4-5 kegs of Guinness a week, but lately she says they have only been receiving 2."
Demand worldwide is up on Guinness she said.

Cindy T. further reports she’s never been told a pub is out of Guinness, and she’s drank a few the last 8 days.
Here's one to ponder this weekend. Really stop and think about it.
– Brian B. asks the question and shows a spot that is special to him:

List the best places to eat this world-famous Mexican food in San Diego
- Brian B. also asks:
Can we get a few names of where to actually try these places? I'm going to be in the area for a conference in February. I always go to old town but I feel like that's a tourist destination. I want to hit the local joints not the chamber of commerce places.
Attached a photo of my Thanksgiving week cooking setup. unfortunately forgot to take pictures of the actually food. never cooked on a lang smoker before but when I had to return in my Christmas ended. spending 3 days smoking meat, vegetables, water for old fashion ice cubes. Had 30 people over each night it was awesome.
Keep up the great work.

‘My wife went to a Christmas ornament exchange party and came home with this’
- Travel Ball Hardo Chris B. in Houston has something new for the tree:

Hold up, the Amish are big into the Stanley mugs? This is the first I'm hearing of this
- Brad S. reports:
We were down in Ohio's Amish country this past summer, and nearly every one of the Amish women were rocking a Stanley Mug. They're not just for travel ball moms and Jr. High kids, anymore!
I find it fascinating that Stanley's annual revenue has jumped from $70 million to $750 million since the "Quencher" became so popular? You can thank the guy who made Crocs all the rage! Here's a great story about it from CNBC:
Do you guys remember the Amish reader we had like a year or two ago? I was digging into all sorts of Amish content at the time. I need to look up that email and ask him what's up with all the Amish women succin' on those Travel Ball mugs.
For those who loved the Spanish market knife this week
Mike T. sent another photo:

Is it ever too cold to grill?
- Mark in Bismarck, North Dakota says hell no it isn't!
Never too cold to grill in ND. Only problem is your beer freezes so you have to go in to get a drink.

The State of the NBA from our buddy Mike from Layton, UT who DESTROYED the Libs in his last email for taking the Latino community for granted
- Mike from Layton has the floor:
In The Last Dance, Michael Jordan mentioned how he felt almost obligated to always go out and give it his all for the people who paid their hard earned money to watch him play.
Fast-forward to the 2020s and that sentiment has long been dead.
The NBA has been unwatchable for years because of 3 main things: wokeness/ player empowerment, "load management" and the free for all shooting 3s.
I agree completely with Colin Cowherd that the NBA has separated itself from normal Americans.
From the "Kiss China's Ass" position, to LeBron pretending to read the same book for over a decade now, the NBA has spat on Americans for years. I for one have been THRILLED to read about it's decline.
Imagine a plumber telling LeBron that he can't fix his throne because he needs a day off because of load management. LeBron would thow a sissy fit, cry racism and call for a protest. All when in real life, that plumber probably works 60 hours or more a week, dealing with crap (literally) everyday yet still finds time after work to play and be there for his kids.
That plumber deserves a day off cause of his load management, not some guy playing a children's game. The difference? The plumber will but his boots on, body aching and busted, crank his truck and do the next job. No bitching, no pity party, maybe not even a thank you from his family. Just gets the job done.
Poor NBA players play back
-to-back games; can't do it boss. Let the crowd eat cake (and expensive ass beer).
Americans work long hard hours to provide for their families and give their children the opportunity to make something of their lives. The NBA was infected by the woke mind virus and the people of this great country have had enough of their crap.
Other leagues better take serious note because as player salaries continue to soar, America might just turn away from them too.
That is it for this beautiful, cold Saturday morning in NW Ohio. Screencaps Jr. has a basketball game today after a brutal Friday night where he slept off the 12-hour flu. That's right, this will be his first flu game. We'll see how this goes.
Have an incredible weekend. Go enjoy those Christmas parties.
Email: joekinsey@gmail.com