What Questions Should You Never Ask A Woman? The Top Answer Is Clear
What questions should you never ask a woman?
I think it's safe to say that we have likely all found ourselves in an awkward situation from time to time. I certainly have (more on that later), and it's never fun.
Asking someone an inappropriate or ill-timed question is a great way to set yourself up to be embarrassed or upset the person you're talking to.
What questions aren't appropriate to ask a woman?
There's definitely some obvious questions you probably shouldn't ask a woman, and that's exactly what a viral Reddit thread is breaking down.
Check out some of the responses below, and let me know your thoughts at David.Hookstead@outkick.com. I think you're going to see a very common theme that will then lead into an all-time awkward moment I once had:
- My mother taught us, in no uncertain terms, that no woman is pregnant until she tells you that she is pregnant.
- Do you have a plan to lose the baby weight? My boss said this to a coworker who had just given birth two weeks earlier by emergency c section.
- Don’t you think you’re acting too much like your mom?
- When you're in a bad mood "Are you on your period?"
- "Are you pregnant?" Because it's either "F*ck off I'm just fat" or "Of course, can't you see?"
- Are you pregnant?
- After sex, "Well, am I the best you ever had?"
- "Are you sure you want to eat that?" I'll eat you too.
- Can you calm down?
- Are you fixed or can you still get pregnant?
- "What's your body mass index?"
- For the love of god, don’t ask me to have a f*cking threesome with my twin sister. Disgusting.
- Are you tired? If a woman looks tired she probably is and she is in no mood to be reminded that she looks like sh*t.
- Is that what you decided to wear?
- Is your sister single?
- "Have you considered that you may be in the wrong?"
- Are you pregnant?
- What do you weigh?
These are all great suggestions, and if you haven't already figured it out yet, asking a woman if she's pregnant is an awful idea. Buckle up because I have a story for the ages that had me seeing my life flash before my eyes.
My buddy got married last year, and it was an outstanding wedding full of fun times and plenty of drinks. Following the reception ending, pretty much everyone walked to the bar down the street for the after-party. A woman with her husband was walking beside my friends and me when I heard her loudly wonder if she'd be let in without her ID.
This woman looked pretty pregnant. I mean, *VISIBLY* pregnant. Without hesitation, I turned and said, "I think the baby inside of you will be good enough proof."
Why did I say it? I have no idea. It happened so quick that I'm not even sure what my logic was. I think I was trying to compliment her on being pregnant while also washing away her fears of not getting in. This woman was easily in her 30s. It shouldn't even have been a question.
Well, she got super pissed. I mean, super pissed and very offended. I thought she legit was about to take a swing at me. I found out after getting to the bar (she turned around and did not attend) that she had just given birth about a week earlier. So, given that new information, I felt like my comment wasn't totally out of pocket. Should I have said it? No. Did she look pregnant? Yes.

What questions should you never ask a woman? (Credit: Getty Images)
In closing, don't ever assume a woman is pregnant and definitely don't mention it to them if you think they are. Trust me from my own experience. It's not worth the gamble. Let me know at David.Hookstead@outkick.com if you agree with my assessment and the other suggestions.