Python Hunter Ashlee Brooke Catches A Monster, Jelly Roll Gives An Inspirational Speech At CMAs & A Drone Beer Waitress
Jerry Glanville -- man on the street
This is what I'm talking about when I say have your head on a swivel because you never know when content is just going to pop into your lap. There I was last night finishing up dinner with the family and trying to catch the local weather when none other than Perrysburg, OH native Jerry Glanville popped up in a report on the local levy failing.
Talk a man-on-the-street 'get' for this reporter who is probably 25. There's no chance she knew Jerry G. was one of the best interview subjects in the history of the NFL.
Then, as if on cue, Jerry, who was a high school teammate with World Series champion manager Jim Leyland, gives her the best man-on-the-street soundbite she's received in her career. Even at 82, Glanville hasn't lost a step when a reporter puts a mic in his face.
The story goes that during the pandemic, Jerry came back to Perrysburg to be near his best friend and older brother, and sister-in-law who are in their 80s. The story also goes that during the Perrysburg High School football team's 2022 season opener, Glanville buys a ticket to catch the game and decides to sit in the stands by himself.
An assistant on the high school staff just happens to look into the stands and there's Jerry in all black and wearing sunglasses.
The coach invites Glanville to the locker room and the rest is history. Now, Glanville is a fixture on the sidelines at the high school games and he's also been known just to show up to high school games in the area just to watch the action.
In a December 2022 interview, Glanville told a reporter that his living room in the house he bought just around the corner from his brother has two things: a big TV and a dry-erase board.
“I see a play I like on TV, I draw it up,” bachelor Jerry said.
After a life of football and working in just about any town that would have him, Jerry is back home and seemingly enjoying the place where he grew up and chose this quote for the Perrysburg yearbook during his senior year: “Life without football is not life.”
'Do Hard Things' proud dad edition -- Attn: Indy Daryl!
• Judson writes:
I wrote to you a few years ago with the Bullshit Job Title generator. I'm constantly amazed how Screencaps has grown even since then.
I had a proud Dad moment that I wanted to share from last night. My 9-year-old daughter has been running with Girls on the Run (GOTR) through her school training for her first 5k in 10 days. Last night, they had their practice 5k race at the school. My wife was originally going to be her running buddy but I had to come off the bench at the last minute due to a knee injury.
The weather was great & we enjoyed some quality father-daughter time over the next 8 laps around the school. While she talked non-stop for the first 7, I used the 8th lap to build into her. One of the things I told her was she could finish strong because she does hard things (h/t to Indy Daryl). She had her fastest lap at the end!
An unexpected second proud Dad moment came when she then stuck with her BFF for 2 more laps after finishing to encourage & support her friend. They were laughing & smiling the whole time.
The third proud moment came later that night as she was talking to me about the fundraising prizes for GOTR. She showed me her sheet where she wrote "I push myself to do hard things." Sometimes those messages really do sink in for our kids.
GOTR is a great organization and actually how I met my wife but that is a story for another time. Keep up the great work & I appreciate all that you've done to build this awesome community.

'No more sunsets or sunrises'
• Todd Z. writes:
For the love of God, stop.
Hey Todd, I haven't asked for sunrise or sunset photos. Not one time have I commissioned a reader to send in either. Wednesday, I actually told an emailer that he sent plenty and there was no need to send more than the 11 emails that were resting in the inbox.
On a daily basis, I take the pulse of the community via the Screencaps Inbox and the readers dictate where we're heading.
If you hate the sunsets and sunrises, I'm willing to let you and others start a new conversation. I've given readers the chance to use the Screencaps Facebook Group page to start conversations.
It's my belief that the readers are pouring out their souls when they send a sunrise or sunset photo. Sure, there are some 1-star sunsets and sunrises that look like they're shot on a Polaroid, but I feel like even the bad photos are journeys into the soul of the emailer. They're incredibly proud of that moment in time when the photo is snapped, and in this day and age, it's rare for adults to share a piece of themselves with a website unless it's on Facebook where they aren't exactly pouring out their souls.
Will the sunrises and sunsets run their course? 100%. This will end in time.
But right now, people are finding peace with this series and by the look of the inbox, they have plenty more emotions to share with me.
I am challenging Todd and the #AntiSunset and #AntiSunrise crowd to give readers new options for subjects. Take charge. Perhaps there's a new way you'd like to pour out your soul to Screencaps readers.
Let's hear it.
Readers loved Brandon C.'s description of Russian defense contractor trade shows
• Mike N. says:
Honest, original, authentic, entertaining:
The guy bored at work and creates 64 (wo)man IG bracket + Brandon C. = Gold…You might be woken up at 2-3am by a knock at your door from a scantily clad lady who wants to “practice her English” with you, or the unusual fire alarm that goes off at 4-5am but lasts for 30-60 minutes and when you get back to your hotel room, your luggage seems slightly off from where it was, and a new lamp is on your nightstand.
• Hallmark Channel Christmas movie scriptwriter Steve B. in Grand Junction, CO says;
In reading Brandon C. in Pinckney, MI's excellent write-up about the Russian defense contractor shows, this stood out:
"You might be woken up at 2-3am by a knock at your door from a scantily clad lady who wants to “practice her English” with you..."
In order to write the movie, I'm going to need more details on this, (preferably with photos).
• Rob writes:
Enjoyed Brandon's description of Military Trade Shows. I was in Abu Dhabi in 2013 as an instructor and SME and the company I was contracted with decided to get a booth at the International Defense Exhibition (IDEX). This happens every 2 years in Abu Dhabi and its a HUGE deal. Very much as Brandon described, except in the UAE there were no Instagram quality models (not surprisingly, no models at all) and no alcohol at the actual IDEX, though it flowed freely in the Hotel bars each evening. Most fun was wearing my Boots with my suit, I got asked about them constantly, the Emirati's love Cowboy attire! As Brandon noted, at times its good to be one of a very few Americans at such events.
However, despite no 'gram models or daytime booze, the food was plentiful and exceptional, the Swag was generally decent, and the amount of hardware was impressive. More firearms of all types than I could count, plenty of Armored Personnel Carriers, very cool Riot Control Vehicles, among others. Luckily I did not have to man the booth, just went back when called occasionally to answer a question about our training programs. Very fun event and I'm glad I got to experience a few days of it, very unlikely that I will find myself in the Middle East again.

Is that a snowmobile rocket launcher?
• Rob replied: was an 'All Terrain' missile transport system, Anti-Aircraft if I recall. It could be operated by a person or could operate as an unmanned drone. Totally cool James Bond stuff!
Wait until Hookstead sees this stuff!
SMH, climate terrorists
Mike T. knows a Screencaps headline that's going to work for this column.
I wonder what that climate terrorist Flora Cardoni thinks about this news while she's off trying to get gas lawnmowers and blowers banned.

Brothel bust
I had a few readers point out this story from Boston. Any chance we'll ever learn the names of the politicians enjoying alone time with the Asians associated with this sex ring?
We're talking “elected officials, high tech and pharmaceutical executives, doctors, military officers, government contractors that possess security clearances, professors, attorneys."
No chance this ever becomes public.

NFL teams faking injuries...the readers lit up over this topic
• Indy Wentz writes:
Long-time reader, first-time emailer. First off, thanks for all you do for the SC community. I absolutely love it.
I've considered emailing before but have remained on the sideline until now.
Today's topic from Jeff A. / Clay regarding NFL players stopping a game due to injury needing to sit out for some specified time etc. Your response was of not being able to remember a game where feigning injuries was an issue.
Well just hearing this topic absolutely makes my blood boil because I can 100% instantly remember this happening. You asked for an example so here you go.......
I am a die-hard, I mean die-hard Colts fan. I know there are a lot of us here in Indianapolis.
My claim - I have attended every Colts home game going on over 20+ years straight now. That's right, I haven't missed a single one.
Anyway, it was late in the 2003 season and it was Colts vs Patriots with AFC playoff seeding implications on the line. Pats have the lead but the Colts are storming back. Manning and company simply cannot be stopped. Belichick and the Patriots have no timeouts left so Bill motions over to LB Willie McGinest who just sits down on the field. The refs then give the Patriots a free injury time-out while they get him off the field.
Fast-forward a few plays later and Willie stuffs Edgerrin James at the goal to seal a Patriots win.
But then....immediately after the tackle McGinest sprints and I mean sprints to midfield and beyond with his hands in the air. Knee injury? Yeah right! This memory is permanently imprinted in my brain.
Safety Rodney Harrison even said " The McGinest injury gave the defense time to refocus."
What???? That is 100% cheating as the Patriots due time and time again.
The Patriots then go on to get home-field advantage and cheat yet again to beat the Colts in Foxboro to win the AFC championship and head to the Super Bowl. I won't get into that cheating but just know that the NFL changed the pass interference rules for the next season after the Pats had zero PI violations on Marvin and company.
But that regular season game, that series, that moment, THAT is the exact birth of the Colts vs Patriots rivalry that would go on to last the next decade plus.
WOW just typing this email / remembering this game has me fired up like you wouldn't believe. And to top it off this is Colts vs. Patriots week (I know it's not the same now and the game is in Germany) so my personal rage/hatred of this team and their coach is going nuts right now.
You know what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna have the boys over on Saturday and pull out the DVD of the 2006 Pats vs Colts AFC championship game where we exercised the demons and beat
those cheaters. Heck, maybe I'll have them over Sunday morning at like 6 am to start pounding beers and wrap that up right before kickoff at 9:30.
Anyway, sorry if that was too long-winded but you asked for it.....
Now off to pound out some work, bring out the push mower (gas), and get the leaves mulched before heading up Top Golf to crush some beers. Wish it was real golf but DST has it dark at 5:30 now, but I'll take what I can get when it's sunny and 75 here today.
Take care SC nation!
• Mark F. writes:
As a Bengals fan, how can you forget the Fake Knee Nash debacle during the Seahawks/Bengals 1988 playoff game. The Seahawks couldn't stop the Bengals no huddle offense (the Sugar Huddle), so they resorted to faking injuries. As a 12-year-old in southern Ohio, I was furious.
#72 Joe "Fake Knee" Nash was the primary culprit.
Here is a summary of his "injuries" during the game:
0:45--walks away after the play and then goes down
2:40--finished play on his feet, yet is injured
3:45--finished play on his feet, yet is injured again
6:50--looks amazingly spry recovering a fumble
7:32--cleans up a tackle and walks away, only to have a knee injury (Merlon Olson and Dick Enberg look at the replay and mock Nash at 8:32)
#67 Ken Clarke, Nash's replacement at nose tackle when he was "recovering," makes a tackle, stands up, looks to the sideline, and then falls to ground (4:40).
Clarke is mocked at the 9:36 mark for his second "injury."
I seem to remember my dad yelling at the big box TV in the living room, but life soon went on because the Bengals won. I haven't really thought about it much since.
I'm going to leave you with just TWO sunset pictures so Todd Z. doesn't flip out
• Brent in Saginaw, MI pours out his soul:
Hey Joe, hope I didn't miss the window on the sunset/sunrise pictures. Here are a couple sunset pictures from this summer that I took while on a fishing trip up in Canada with my Dad and Brothers. The one picture is the sun setting over our cabin for the week. Secluded Island in the middle of the lake, nothing but God's country all around us. Love reading the column and all the advice and great stories for Dads.

That's another Thursday morning in this life. Enjoy your day. Enjoy the football tonight. Enjoy the Christmas commercials that are really cranking as I learned last night watching Toledo.
Go crush that Zoom call. Win the day at the conference you're attending.
Take care.