Psycho Lib Warns MAGA To Watch Its Back At Mexican Restaurants
Let the meltdowns over Trump kicking illegals out of the United States commence.
The usual suspects are going nuts on Chinese-owed TikTok over ICE's roundups of criminal scumbags who are here to cause mayhem. The purple hairs hate Trump's order to roundup the scumbags. The lesbians with huge rods rammed through their noses WANT JUSTICE. And then there's TikTok loser ‘Ashley Gets Bored’ who has a message for MAGAs who like to eat at Mexican restaurants.
"If I pull up to a Mexican restaurant and I see a truck with a Trump bumper sticker, you’re getting keyed," this pathetic maniac announced on TikTok.
"I don't even want to see you at Taco Bell. The only thing you can eat for the rest of your life is plain white bread and mayonnaise. I know that you were going to eat alot of that anyways, but that's all you deserve. You deserve nothing that tastes good for the rest of your life," Ashley continued.
Meanwhile, she has since locked her TikTok account and will not be taking your calls at this time. I know you wanted to give her a piece of your MAGA mind, but she went and hid like the cockroach that she is.
There are reports she also locked her Instagram and might've went through a divorce in December. Trump won, took office, didn't go to jail, her marriage possibly ended, according to the Internet, and ICE is rounding up illegals.
Talk about being down BAD. Ashley is going through rough times.
There are plenty more Lib maniacs where Ashley came from
The Libs even got Selena Gomez to make a teary-eyed video saying how tragic it is that rapists and murderers have been taken off the streets of the United States.
She quickly deleted the video, but it lives on and it's absolutely a piece of art.
It would be interesting to know what Selena thought of the Lib-gun government ripping Elián González out of a closet and sending him back to Cuba in 2000.
And then you have this Lib complaining about how they/them can't get a passport right now and how there's chaos at the border. I'm actually calling bullshit on this one because if any agent saw this weirdo trying to escape the country, they would easily oblige. Please, head on over to Canada and live a great life Beezy.