Are Some 'Price Is Right' Contestants On Drugs? Drew Carey Says They Are
If you've ever watched The Price Is Right and watched some lunatic come running on stage to win a dinette set and wondered, "Jeez, what is that guy on?"
Well, according to host Drew Carey, the answer is sometimes drugs.
Carey did an interview with TV Insider, and he was asked if any contestants get a little "liquid courage" before hopping onstage.
Not only did Carey confirm that he also said some also get a little gummy gumption or fungal fearlessness too.
"Oh, that happens here all the time," Carey said. "They’ll have a gummy or I’ll smell alcohol on their breath. Not unusual. There was a guy here that was tripping on mushrooms. He came with a bunch of friends. He was a sketch [comedy] guy. I found out later when I went to UCB [United Citizens Brigade] to hang out and they were like, ‘Did you see that guy who claimed to be a skateboarding rabbi?’ I asked him what he did for a living. And he goes, ‘I’m a skateboarding rabbi.’ He didn’t think he was going to get picked, and he totally tripped."
This isn't to say that every skateboarding rabbi is on 'shrooms of course, but that one was.

<i>Price Is Right </i>host Drew Carey said it's not unusual for contestants to be on something, including one guy who was on mushrooms. (Getty Images)
Is Doing Drugs At A Price Is Right Taping A Bad Idea Or A Terrible Idea?
I can understand why people need a little somethin' somethin' to get through the process of waiting to get in the audience. I imagine there's a lot of sitting around, twiddling your thumbs, and trying to remember how much toothpaste costs just in case you get called on stage to play Cliff Hangers while producers determine whether or not you're worthy of an opportunity to bid on an electric fireplace.
Still, I can't help but feel like a Price Is Right taping would be the wrong place to be on certain substances. Maybe one of the worst. It's just sensory overload with a lot of colors, noises and models. The giant wheel might make you freak out too, and God forbid you have to try to climb the Plinko staircase in an altered state like that.
That's how you end up with a broken leg and on the show's blooper reel.
It's pretty interesting that Carey was so quick to say how common this is, and you'd better believe that the next time I check out some Price Is Right, I'll be keeping my eyes peeled for any contestants who are wobbly or seem to be unusually fascinated by Carey's long, skinny microphone.