Former 'Price Is Right Producer Says The Show Had Protocol In Place If Contestants Peed Their Pants

We all know people get pretty fired up about getting told to "Come on down!" at The Price Is Right, and now we know the lengths to which show producers were prepared to go in case someone got a little bit too excited.

In an interview with People, former Price Is Right producer Mike Richards gave some behind-the-scenes details.

First, if that name sounds familiar, it should. This is not Mike Richards former captain of the Philadelphia Flyers, but it is Mike Richards the former producer for Jeopardy who was named host of the show after Alex Trebek's death, but was canned for some tweets after about a day.

In this interview, Richards revealed that The Price Is Right had a plan in place in case a game of Plinko got so exciting a contestant emptied his or her bladder onstage.

"When I got there, they had a system in place in case someone peed their pants," Richards said. "I never saw it happen, but there were curtains and a blow dryer and [a] pair of sweats just in case, since we'd have to get on with the show."

I, uh… I don't know about this plan.

Like no towel? If some over-excited bank teller from Schenectady got over-excited after bidding on a dinette set, I don't think the blow-dryer is the best option. 

We don't need to heat everything up; a towel would be sufficient.

I also love that they had some sweatpants back there. I bet they were some weird-colored pair like the school nurse keeps in a bin in case a kid springs a leak.

While Richards said he never witnessed this during his tenure at the show, it has to have happened. There's not a single reason to set up a permanent accidental-piss station unless something went down in front of Bob Barker.

Oh, well I guess they're just prepared which is good. If there's any game show where a contestant would get so excited they'd pee themselves it's Price Is Right.

Although, I can see someone getting a little startled by a Whammy on Press Your Luck and needing to use the blow dryer and weird sweatpants.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.