Pregnant Biological Female On Cover Of Magazine: 'I'm A Pregnant Trans Man & I Do Exist'
It's the first Friday in June which means, as a biological male, I'm honestly just trying to get to the finish line today, get on the patio to suck down some margs and watch some baseball from the pool. I might go do a biological male thing and buy the biggest TV I can afford at Costco and probably smoke chicken wings while sending smoke signals to my neighbors that there are wings and beers in the patio cooler.
But before all that fun, I have to dive into this whole thing where British magazine British Glamour has gone fully brave and had a pregnant biological female named Logan Brown grace the cover of the magazine while declaring "I'm a pregnant trans man and I do exist. No matter what anyone says, I'm living proof."
Yeah, not shit you exist. You're pregnant with a human inside your belly. You're proof that a biological female can get pregnant. Not sure that deserves a magazine cover, but that's the state of play in 2023 now that the mags have moved on from Black Lives Matter, the burning of Minneapolis, and every other social justice cause cooked up over the last 3-4 years.
Let's dig into this Logan Brown thing before I go look at my non-binary garden and reconnect with society and the earth.
So how exactly did this whole 'I'm pregnant!' thing go down?
"One day, I had this really weird feeling; it was early in the morning and Bailey was asleep. I took a pregnancy test and it was positive. I’d been off testosterone for a while due to some health issues. It was like my whole world just stopped. That everything, all my manlihood that I’ve worked hard for, for so long, just completely felt like it was erased," Brown told Glamour.
Now for the money quote on all this:
"At first, I was lingering around the house while Bailey was still asleep. It was really hard because how do you tell your partner, 'Oh, I’m pregnant, but oh, I’m also your boyfriend as well.' I finally woke them up, but I couldn’t get the words out of my mouth to say it, because it’s just something that you just don’t say as a man," Brown added.
Wait a minute. I thought in the British Glamour tweet promoting all this you want the world to know you're a trans man and pregnant. So say you're pregnant. Man up. Grow a pair of balls and say it like a man.
Look, I'm not going to waste your time going through this interview quote by quote. A biological woman who had her boobs cut off got pregnant by a biological male who is now living as a trans woman and is now a parent with a biological female who is living as a trans dude.
Those are the cliff notes here.
There are at least two dozen moments of mental gymnastics going on here with Brown who says it would've been nice to have some "mental health support," during the pregnancy because of how difficult it is to be trans and pregnant.
Throw out all the delusion in this interview from Glamour. Throw out all the stupid arguments people found themselves in on the first day of June when British Glamour timed its magazine cover to cause the most chaos possible.
Hopefully that child has the best possible life it can have. Hopefully there's not unnecessary drama. Hopefully the child isn't turned into some prop for British Glamour. Hopefully the child can just live life.
Something tells me that's not going to happen, but I'm going to remain positive and go feel the sunshine on my face, listen to the birds chirp and reconnect with civilization instead of letting this simulation get into my brain too much.
You should too.