Porn Star Mia Khalifa Offers Awful Marriage Advice
Mia Khalifa is now in the marriage counseling game, and it appears her skills in this industry far fall behind her acting talents.
Khalifa has successfully managed to parlay being the most famous porn star on the planet for a brief time years ago into being a popular influencer.
To her credit, she didn't burn out as a flash in the pan as many often do. She has 27.7 million Instagram followers, and manages to still captivate fans, even if her most X-rated days appear to be behind her.
However, she apparently seems to think the fact she's been married and divorced multiple times (with another failed engagement in the mix) makes her an expert on relationships.
Ladies, she wants you to leave your man! Pack your bags and get to walking!

Mia Khalifa goes viral with awful marriage advice. (Photo by Pierre Mouton/Getty Images for Acne Studios)
Porn legend Mia Khalifa offers wild marriage advice.
"Married at 18. Divorced at 21. Second marriage. Married at 25. Divorced at 28. Third engagement. Engaged at 29. Ended it at 30, but I kept the ring. I'm still keeping Tom Brady on his toes. We should not be afraid to leave these men. We are not stuck with these people. Marriage is not a sanctimonious thing. It is paperwork. It is a commitment you make to someone, but if you feel you're not getting anything from that commitment and you're trying, you got to go. You got to go. You have to go," Khalifa told her followers while also managing to compare herself to Tom Brady's ring count.
You can watch her full comments below. The video sure is something to behold.
Should people be taking marriage advice from Khalifa?
I want to state on the record that I'm not anti-porn star. Not even a little bit. I have some friends who are famous porn stars, we've known each other for years and it doesn't need to be a big deal.
They're funny, hard working, intelligent and can talk about just about any subject you can think of. They treat porn as a lucrative job. Nothing less. Nothing more.
So, don't take the criticism that is about to come as me slamming porn stars. It's not. It's me slamming Mia Khalifa. We all got that? Good. Let's roll, gentlemen.

Mia Khalifa hands out awful marriage advice. (Photo by Edward Berthelot/Getty Images)
Taking marriage advice from Mia Khalifa would seem to be like taking advice on how to win world wars from the Germans.
This woman, by her own admission, has two failed marriages and a third one that failed before even making it alter. Yet, she kept the engagement ring. Classy, Mia. Real classy.
Why would anyone listen to advice from someone who fails at anything? Her core argument is pretty much, "I got married, felt the guys weren't good enough and left."
Mia Khalifa is firing from the hip with this advice.
Folks, is that nothing something that should have been figured out BEFORE getting married? This woman was married twice by the age of 25. If I need advice on what not to do, she might be among my first calls.
Now, should you stay in an awful relationship? No, no you shouldn't. I wouldn't ever encourage that, but I also wouldn't encourage hitching your wagon to someone you know so little about that you quickly think they're a loser.
Prenups. Prenups is all I can think of when I hear nonsense like this. Advice like this just makes people paranoid and bitter.
That's the last thing people need right now.

Mia Khalifa shares marriage hot takes. (Photo by Greg Doherty/Getty Images)
There are some things I think we can all agree Mia Khalifa is an expert on. I just wouldn't recommend looking into them on the work computer, but when it comes to marriage, failure doesn't make you an expert. Hard pass on this one!