Big Couple Of Months For Pop-Tarts Continues With Teaser For New Jerry Seinfeld Movie

I did not think that Pop-Tarts could top the inaugural Pop-Tarts Bowl. As far as marketing is concerned, that seems to be about as big of a W as one could ever hope for.

Watching a mascot kill itself so it could be consumed by the Kansas State Wildcats got the nation — no, the world — talking about the foiled-wrapped breakfast pastries.

Everyone and their mother was talking about Pop-Tarts, debating which flavor was supreme, or simply sitting around thinking, "Damn, I could really go for a Pop-Tart right now."

Meanwhile, I haven't heard a peep from Toaster Strudels in what feels like a decade. 

Where's their bowl game? Nowhere, that's where.

And as if that wasn't enough, here comes Jerry Seinfeld with a movie about the creation of the Pop-Tart, titled Unfrosted.


While that project was announced a while back. we have our first look at it. A short one, but a look nonetheless.

We get a full five seconds of the upcoming flick and you can see it down below.

It doesn't look too bad. I'll watch anything Seinfeld does even if Amy Schumer is in it. She is just terrible.

I went to a stand up performance of hers because I wanted to see her opener, the very funny Mark Normand. Normand performed, as did Sam Morril and Rachel Feinstein, and they were all great. Then Amy Schumer hit the stage and was just awful.

I couldn't tell you one memorable joke or bit, I just remember she walked out on stage, held up a bottle of wine, and that got a cheer. 

I'm not sure if they were cheering her or the bottle of wine, but either way it was just terrible.

Still, I'll overlook Amy Schumer's awfulness to watch a Seinfeld movie, which happens to be based on a bit of his.

I'm sure it'll have some laughs, and if you're already a Netflix subscriber, there are certainly worse things you could watch on there… like Amy Schumer stand up specials.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.