PETA Continues Undefeated Streak Of Lunacy, Wants White House Easter Egg Roll To Use Potatoes

PETA has a problem with the iconic White House Easter Egg Roll, but they've got a way to fix it.

They want the event's eponymous Easter eggs replaced with potatoes.

"Ahead of the annual White House Easter Egg Roll, PETA sent a letter to Dr. Jill Biden today asking the first lady to modernize the celebration by replacing eggs with dyed Easter potatoes," the organization said in a statement.

If that doesn't make you want to go to your kitchen right now and fry up a spite egg, I'm not sure what will.

PETA is known to offer up some straight-up loony ideas. It's their modus operandi: say bizarre things to assert their dominance atop the turd mountain of far-left activists. 

But this one seems certifiably insane even by their lofty standards. In fact, it's so bizarre, that I'm starting to think PETA may be some decades-long, Andy Kauffman-esque piece of performance art. 

No, that can't be. They're not smart enough to pull that off.

I can't even figure out where they landed on potatoes instead of eggs. Why not any round fruit? Why not rubber or plastic eggs? 

Why potatoes?! Make it make sense!

PETA Wants Easter Egg Roll To Be A Celebration Of Potatoes… For Some Reason

Well, they had an answer in the letter to the First Lady, and the number of ham-fisted potato puns in this thing hopefully made whichever aid cracked it open throw it right in the shredder.

"In starch contrast (to eggs), a potato roll wouldn’t exploit any sentient beings and would encourage empathy and kindness to animals while supporting potato farmers in the U.S. Potatoes are the most popular vegetable in the country and can be safely dyed, allowing for spudtacular traditional activities, such as rolling them, seeking for them, and decorating them. You could even hold potato sack races and games of hot potato!"

Potato sack races and hot potato? Is this supposed to be the Easter Egg Roll or the history's worst corporate picnic?

What's so hilarious about PETA is that they managed to take a message most people agree with — treat animals nicely — and stray so far off track with their insanity that they're complete laughingstocks. It does a total disservice to their original message, and no one takes them seriously. 

They've gone from "animal activists" to being the fun police.

That's why I'm pretty sure you'll see eggs at the Easter Egg Roll. 

At least, I hope not.

Considering the way the Biden administration buckles to pressure from extreme left-wing activists, some kids might be forced to celebrate Easter with a big basket of russets or Yukon golds this year.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.