Paige Spiranac's Calendar Will Rev You Up, Everybody Loves Raymond Star Torches The Dems & Romo Gets Political
Nothing like starting out a brand new week with the Miami Dolphins on primetime! Who's ready for some MNF? Lord knows I am.
Sorry in advance, America. We've been on a roll lately, but now you get to see this beauty about to unfold. Oh well. Maybe we'll be different in Trump's America? Certainly can't be any worse.
Anyway, what a weekend of #content. Big day of football Saturday, bigger day yesterday, and Mark Cuban is currently scrubbing his Twitter of all pro-Kamala content like it's a Diddy party. The world is healing, and it's beautiful to watch. God, I love this country.
On that note, welcome to a Monday Nightcaps – the one where we rev up the internet with Paige Spiranac and then check in with … Debra Barone? Yes! Debra Barone!
What a 1-2 punch on a Monday in November!
What else? I've got Tony Romo loving the Bush (no, you animals!), the Trump dance is taking over sports – but he's HITLER!!! – and we'll also unload my Twitter bookmarks from the weekend before all the #content becomes old news.
Whew. What a menu! Let's roll, because I've got a heart that's gearing up to be torn to shreds in a few hours. Can't wait.
Grab you a Busch Latte and chug it, and then wash it down with a Bud Heavy, and THEN settle in for a Monday 'Cap!
Anyone else feel it in the air this weekend?
Don't know why, but that's maybe my favorite Dale Jr. picture of all time. I used it in my other class this morning – MMPS, check it out! – and it deserves another seat at the table here.
Nothing more American than Junior. Slamming two beers in the same hand like an absolute vet of the game, and make no mistake about it, Dale is a vet of the drinking game. He may not be what he was at 25, but his fastball is still alive and well at 50.
What did Toby once say? Ain't as good as I once was, but I'm as good once as I ever was. God, I miss him. He would've LOVED last week.
Speaking of … I gotta say, I felt it this weekend. We had a Veterans Day parade downtown, and it just felt … different. Haven't seen enthusiasm like that in a long, loooooooong time.

That's not a rare thing to see in Florida, obviously, but they were just everywhere on Saturday. It was insane. I'm not saying we wouldn't have had that sort of enthusiasm if the result last week were different, but … I'm also not not saying that, either.
Anyone else feel it while they were out and about this weekend celebrating our great veterans?
Speaking of … welcome back to class, Anna Paulina Luna! And thank you both for your service:
What a weekend of content, including the Cubes!
I know we joke around here and love having Anna Paulina in class, but, in all seriousness, thank you to all who served. The country is pretty damn divided right now, but I feel like that's something that should be pretty damn unanimous today. Can we all, please, just agree on that?
I saw some dudes on Saturday in the parade that were still ready to run through a brick wall for this country at 100. Seriously. It was awesome. Let's get back to that attitude, and I promise, we'll be just fine.
OK, enough of the serious/sappy stuff. Let's get down to business and see what stood out from the weekend, starting with … Mark Cuban!
Totally normal behavior here:
Paige, Debra & the shimmy!
A lot to break down there.
1. Tony! Romo loves George W. That'll go over well with the mob. Although, I'm never sure where we stand with George W. as a Big R.
I know I grew up with him as my president and it was cool to see him throw out the first pitch after 9/11 and I like his voice. But I also know that people despise him for the war. But also, is he cool again? I don't know. I really don't know where I'm supposed to stand with Dubya.
2. Costco! The reason is because the label … for the butter … doesn't say it contains milk … even though it's butter. This is a tough look for us as Americans. No sugar-coating it.
3. The Harrison Butker jersey is insane. My favorite jersey of all time.
4. Mark! Guy went from Kamala's biggest Stan, to a timeout, to completely wiping his unhinged takes right off the internet. What an amazing fall from grace. The best.
OK, rapid-fire time on this second-Monday-of-November! First up? Let's check in with Everybody Loves Raymond actress, Patricia Heaton!
My God. I love Patricia. Did you know she was so based? And by that, I mean sane? I didn't. I just figured she was like the rest of Hollywood and insufferable. But no. She's amazing. I'm all in.
And she's 100000% right on all of it, by the way. Especially this part:
"Stop saying people that voted differently than you are ‘uneducated.’ Learn your effing lesson."
Amen. God, Debra Barone is the BEST. And while we're on the topic, Everybody Loves Raymond? Underrated show. Feel like it sort of got lost in the Friends-Seinfeld-King of Queens era of comedy, but it more than holds its own. Rip Peter Boyle!
Next? While we're talking politics, let's check in on those who DID vote Trump:
Can't believe everyone is doing the Hitler dance! See? Everyone truly hates Trump. The media told you that, and they were right once again. They never miss!
OK, that's it for today. Feel like we covered a ton of ground. Glad we did. Now, let's go watch the Dolphins melt on primetime for the 46th time in a row.
Take us home, Paige Spiranac!!!
OutKick Nightcaps is a daily column set to run Monday through Friday at 4 p.m. (roughly, we’re not robots).
You grabbing you a copy of Paige's new calendar? Be honest. Email me at