Ohio Face Tattoo Woman Begins Process of Face Tattoo Removal...You're Damn Right It's Painful
The Ohio woman who went off the viral charts back in 2018 and 2019 when her mugshots became Internet fodder around the world is in the process of having her face tattoos removed and you're damn right it's painful.
Alyssa Zebrasky of Warren Ohio, who was all screwed up with drug and theft charges between 2018 and 2019, says she's now clean and trying to get busy living a normal life, but that's tough when your face has been tatted up.
The 29-year-old recently fired up TikTok to give a life update that included news that she had gone through her 10th tattoo removal session and she was "in a lot of pain."
"The hands are hurting pretty f***ing bad this time," she told her fans.

Alyssa Zebrasky has been documenting her face tattoo removal process on TikTok. / @spiritualunicorn216/TikTok

As you can see, tattoo scribbles on her cheeks and chin have started to disappear and the forehead spider web is starting to lighten up.
What about the eyes?
"I know they can get around the orbital bone, anything that has bone underneath it, they can remove it…but some of the black might stay," Zebrasky explained.
How does an Ohio woman end up with a face covered in tattoos and the subject of tabloid fodder around the world? She says a mix of heroin and the need to please a then-boyfriend and the gang he was in led to the insane face tattoos.
Two tattoo sessions later, Alyssa had her ridiculous face tattoos and she eventually ended up arrested three times over six months.
But she smartly got her ass into rehab after spending time in jail. The boyfriend who talked her into the Dawn of the Dead tattoos visited her twice during her stint.
“I have to think about that every time I look in the mirror,” she told the New York Post. “I started healing mentally from all the stuff I went through with him.”
That's all old news. Now it's time to get these tattoos off Zebrasky's face.
What's that like?
“The initial pain from the laser I would relate to having a rubber band snapping against your skin, that’s what the laser feels like and then like afterwards it’s sore for 30 minutes,” she said.
Thinking about getting face tats? You might want to hear from Alyssa on the subject before going through with those cool tat designs you've settled on.