North Korea Censors Jeans On A Gardening Show Because Denim Is A Symbol Of Western Imperialism

North Korean dictator Kim Jung-un is enigmatic, but one thing that we know for sure is that the man is not renowned for his fashion sense. 

We also know that the notorious leader hates denim.

He hates it so much…

How much does he hate denim?!

He hates denim so much that it's being censored out of old episodes of a British gardening TV show.

As you're no doubt aware, everything in North Korea is controlled by the government. That includes TV, and apparently, the programming they've got over there is so dull it makes Antiques Roadshow look like A Fast & Furious movie in its prime.

According to BBC News, one of these shows on North Korea's Central TV is Alan Titchmarsh's Garden Secrets. 

Think how boring gardening is. Now imagine watching someone do it.

Despite the dull nature of the programming, North Korea still found something wrong with it and that would be Titchmarsh's jeans.

They were blurred out so no one from the DMZ to Pyronyang and beyond could lay eyes on them.

The man is just dishing out gardening secrets, but it turns out his Levi's are too hot for North Korean TV.

Maybe Trying Jeans Would Make Kim Jung-Un Mellow Out A Little Bit

Kim Jung-un's old man — Kim Jung-il — had a beef with jeans, and now Kim Jung-un (Lil Kim? More like Big Kim) is carrying that torch. They both view jeans as a symbol of Western imperialism.

Maybe he'd loosen up a bit if he — oh I don't know — threw on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt (which happens to be another article of clothing he can't stand). You'd be a little up-tight too if your dad made you dress like Hilary Clinton your entire life, even from beyond the grave.

I think we could solve decades worth of international tension if someone just sends Lil Kim a pair of jeans made out of that stretchy denim. I think those would flip a switch for him.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.