Nick Adams (Alpha Male) Doubles Down On Chipotle Boycott, Orders Reparations For Alpha Males

Thirty-six hours ago, Nick Adams (Alpha Male) launched an unprecedented boycott of Chipotle Mexican Grill for disciplining an alpha male college student for "misgendering" an employee whom he was training. 

Millions of social media users have since watched Adams record his journey by appearing outside local Chipotles and slamming their burritos into the ground:

Sources tell Adams (Alpha Male) that the stock price of Chipotle has crumbled since the start of his boycott.

Wednesday, Adams addressed the swathes of people imploring him, even begging him to end the boycott and apologize.

 "Many have since thrusted for an apology," Adams began. "But they will be met only with the stiffness of defiance."

However, Adams says he will end the boycott under one condition. Well, four. He orders reparations for the full alpha male community in the form of the following demands:

– the permanent end of Taco Tuesday.

-- sensitivity training for all corporate employees to effectively accommodate the needs of alpha males. 

– free double protein for alpha males in sweaty gym attire buying burritos.

– 4.7 percent of all 2024 profits must be donated to the Trump legal defense. 

"Failures to comply with any of these demands will only prolong this effective and devastating boycott," Nick (Alpha Male) explained. "God Bless America."

The ball is in the court of Chipotle. Nick is not backing down. He's not going to apologize. He plans to wreak the same havoc on Chipotle as he did M&M's for introducing feminist candy one year ago.

When not defending the alpha male community against systemic suppression, you can find Adams in the gym at 4 am. Nick wakes up at 4 each morning to pump iron and eat a steak.

He doesn't go to sleep until around 1:30 am:

Unfortunately, his dating life recently suffered a halt – but to no fault of his own. 

Last month, Adams took a nice lady named Jordan to the steak house and ordered her a salad with light balsamic. He later learned she lives by a few wind turbines. 

Thus, he had to drop her:

And yet, despite his obligations, Nick Adams (Alpha Male) found time to appear on OutKick Wednesday morning. 

"OutKick was HONORED to host @NickAdamsinUSA - the king of ALPHA MALES - to discuss his boycott of Chipotle," confirmed David Hookstead.

"Many are saying his appearance is among the greatest in news history."

I've heard the same.

Finally, I wrote this story while sitting outside a shopping complex. I noticed a nearby Chipotle that's usually slammed with patrons. Yet today, the only cars outside the restaurant appear to belong to the employees.

The boycott is in full effect. 

Written by
Bobby Burack is a writer for OutKick where he reports and analyzes the latest topics in media, culture, sports, and politics.. Burack has become a prominent voice in media and has been featured on several shows across OutKick and industry related podcasts and radio stations.