Model Ditched Career Posing For Cameras To Teach Naked Yoga Poses

The ups and downs of the world of modeling left Jannica Klingborg "riddled with insecurities."  The 39-year-old was once flying all over the world and working with names like Calvin Klein, Armani, Burberr and L’Oreal, just to name a few.

She was living the life, but her success came with a price.  She struggled with her body image and developed bad habits like constant drinking and a poor diet.  That was until she found yoga.

Not any kind of yoga, Jannica got into naked yoga.  Her experience with it was so life-changing that she ditched her modeling career and started working as a lead yoga instructor for True Naked Yoga.

"Yoga is yoga no matter if you are wearing clothes or not," the model, who lives in Los Angeles, said.  "Being able to practice completely free from any restrictions like clothes, [is something] I think everyone needs to try at least once."

Jannica sees nudity as natural, not sexual.  It helped her get back on track.  She explained, "[After the glamour of modeling wore off], I realized I was very stressed and not satisfied with work, or how I felt mentally and physically."

She was going out all the time, drinking and eating unhealthily.  Before she knew it, she was grappling with insecurities that many models deal with.  She admitted, "Your entire sense of value is defined by your looks, and you can literally lose your livelihood if it changes or falters."

The Power Of Naked Yoga Changed This Model's Life

"Expectations of endless youth and perfection are always present," Jannica continued.  "There was always a constant requirement to lose more weight to fit the new collections, even though I was a perfectly healthy weight."

In 2011, she went to her first yoga class.  Her intention was to maintain her physical appearance, but it wasn't long before her mindset started to shift.  She became obsessed and used yoga as an escape.

Jannica started studying the practice in Bali and Thailand before becoming a full-time yoga teacher and Reiki healer.  Then she discovered naked yoga in 2020 when a friend introduced her to True Naked Yoga.

"It was difficult giving up the income I was making from modeling to a minimal salary," the model turned yoga instructor said.

"I miss the freedoms of travel, but I don’t miss being told what to do – and being judged for my looks and size.  It was all worth it for my mental health – and to help others."

This isn't a case of a model doing some yoga and becoming a part-time instructor after finding herself.  She put her money where her mouth is and went all in.  That's about as solid as an endorsement gets for the power of naked yoga.

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.