Model Claims That It's Harder To Date When You're A 10, Says Her Boyfriends Won't Stop Cheating On Her

Being a hot model isn't all it's cracked up to be.  That's not my opinion.  I'm not a hot model.  It's that of Playboy model Louanna Jasmin.

The 31-year-old has already detailed her battles with "hot phobia."  Battles that caused her to change the way she dressed in public.  She was tired of the constant shaming and dirty looks from other women. 

That would be bad enough on its own, but as Jasmin revealed, that's not her only struggle as a self-described "10 out of 10."  She can't keep her boyfriends from cheating on her and it's not due to a lack of self-confidence.

She seems to have quite a bit of that.  Although she doesn't know exactly why it keeps happening to her, she has some theories.  She said, "It seems the hotter a woman is, the more likely she is to be cheated on."

That's only part of the equation.  Being "incredibly attractive" with a complexion that is flawless and pouring thousands into cosmetic procedures to be "perfect" are all working against her as well.

Not to mention the fact that Jasmin, admittedly, isn't going after the best and the brightest.  She said of the men she chooses, "The problem is, I always pick men just for looks."

She's into men that are tall, dark and handsome and claims those are the type of men who are more likely to have a wandering eye.  This doesn't keep her from going back for more, even when she knows how it's going to end.

Tough Times Call For Tough People And Model Louanna Jasmin Isn't Going To Be Stopped By A Little Cheating

"As soon as a man realizes I have a personality and a brain, it’s as though they can’t handle it, and they look elsewhere," Jasmin claims.  "I love to talk about sci-fi, music and films.  But God forbid there is ever a good-looking woman who has a voice of opinion."

I think there's a pattern developing here, but who am I to say?  She's the one who has, "been cheated on so many times since my teens - I’ve literally lost count."

You add all of those reasons she's given together, and the fact that "There’s never two people in my relationships, but always three" and you're left with a result that is still puzzling to Jasmin.  It doesn't make sense to her.

So she's still left to speculate about what could be happening.  She added, "I don’t know for sure, and neither do I understand why, but I think it’s a misguided view that the ‘grass is greener.'"

That's what it has to be.  It couldn't possibly be the whole rating herself a 10 out of 10.  Or, as she did, comparing herself to Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Lopez, and Beyonce.  That has nothing to do with it.  She is simply too hot to date.

So the next time you're feeling down, take a moment to remember you don't have it as rough as Louanna Jasmin does.  If you feel so inclined, pour a little out for her as well.

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.