Mikayla Demaiter Tests Out New Goalie Pads, Paulina At Ryder Cup Barn & CFB's Most Interesting Punter
It's your time to shine, pumpkin spice latte drinkers and guys who want to get the flannels out
I spent part of my Tuesday reading a message board thread out of Louisiana where grown men were pretty much brought to tears by the first legitimate cold front of the year that is bringing relief from the heat. It wasn't hard to sense the happiness when one message board poster mentioned how he was finally able to open the windows for a refreshing breeze.
While I'm happy for the southern folk who have made it to autumn and the perfect weather it will bring, I know what this means here in northern Ohio -- it's officially chili season! My dad called Tuesday & mentioned how he had a pot simmering. Then, last night for dinner, it was soup night in my household.
Autumn...the first day when my mind starts wandering to those garage beers, those beautiful sunny hoodie Saturdays on the golf course, those chilly Saturday mornings at the soccer field followed by a 30-rack run at Costco. Look, I absolutely LOVE summer and all it brings. I also understand that the earth is tilted, and the pumpkin spice latte crowd needs its time to shine. I understand housewives need to burn a pear, chestnut & teak Aldi candle and let the scents run wild through their bodies.
I will officially back down to the latte crowd today. Do your thing, ladies. I had my fun this summer, and I'm ready to transition to pots of chili and 14-hour football binges.
• John S. in Texas just put all of you grillmasters on notice by sending me the following email at 7 a.m. this morning. John says he'll have food ready for after TNML. My calendar says it's Wednesday. Perhaps he's mowing today.
Ribs and a pork butt under a Full moon should be ready by sunset. Welcome to Fall.

• Paul B. sent an email Tuesday saying how YouTube is starting to block monetization of hunting videos. This is the first I've heard of YouTube doing such a thing. Anyone having similar issues?
I'm what you would call and avid casual fisherman I guess. I have a canal in my backyard that holds Largemouth Bass, Tarpon, Snook, etc. That I fish almost every day. So much so that my oldest son said "what about fishing" last night when I didn't go out because I wasn't feeling well. I have grown to love the outdoor scene on YouTube.
I watch the old standard-bearers like Jimmy Houston and Roland Martin. As an aside, Roland lives down here and I used to run into him all of the time at Ace Hardware. He also used to go to my church. Anyway, I am particular to a certain group of young men who call themselves the "Googan Squad". Googan is a term for a crummy fisherman.
The short story is they started out on YouTube as kids and as they got older came together as a group and wanted to get into the fishing industry. They were turned down by everybody so they started their own business, making lures, tackle, merchandise, etc.
Some expanded into hunting videos and now their monetization is being taken away due to YouTube telling them hunting videos will not be allowed anymore. One of the Googan Squad looked through the terms and services and nowhere did it say that hunting videos are not allowed. In fact, it said they were allowed. I guess I'm saying all of this just to get the word out. Go support your outdoor channels on YouTube while they are still around.
• Mike S. has a solution for the bee issue:
Avid reader of screencaps. Learned this trick from some old timer at a golf course. Fill a bowl with half Mountain Dew and half Dawn dish soap. Put bowl in the problem area. Come back in a couple hours and enjoy the carnage.
• Zach S. had his own experience this year with the bees.
Read the story about the yellow jackets this morning while I was in Cincinnati for work. A friend of mine told me about a great barbecue joint, Eli's, so I decided to check it out. The food was phenomenal and the outdoor seating was great, but the yellow jackets were ridiculous. I had to finish my coleslaw in my car because they were everywhere. If I hadn't read your screencaps I would have thought they were bees.
• Rory M. has a bee solution to share:
Yellow jackets...
If that is what you have, they typically nest in the ground.
A bug guy gave me this tip. If you find their nest, put a little bit of soapy water in a shop vac (like blue Dawn). Stick the hose nozzle down in their nest hole, turn it on, come back in 10 mins, and you'll have a shop vac full of dead pests.
First, I love what you (and OutKick) are doing. It’s become my daily morning source for news and a good laugh. I’m sick of all the liberal news coverage. Thanks for being a great alternative of legit news, while also not taking life to seriously.
As for the ‘bees’, definitely sounds like yellow jackets. I’ve dabbled in honey bees for 3 years now, and it’s great. Yellow jackets will attack honey bee hives in the fall, so I’ve dealt with them. You can make a yellowjacket trap that should divert and kill those flying satans. Look up barnyard bees and yellow jacket trap on YouTube on how to make it.
We have the same problem with yellowjackets in our N. AZ yard. The solution was 2 of these hanging from trees in the middle of our property:
They completely eliminated the hornet problem and as a bonus the top part of the trap attracts common house flies. What a difference it made in enjoying our yard this summer!
Keep up the great work at OutKick!
• And finally this morning, Chris F. went for a quick hike in his TNML gamer jersey. It's the most comfortable mountain hiking shirt known to man. It might not wick away the sweat, but it's comfortable!
Wasn’t able to make the cut Thursday before taking off for the wife’s 40th birthday but did get a picture representing #TNML at the top of the Manitou incline in Colorado Springs.
Our time was just under an hour.