Mexican Weather Girl Yanet Garcia Has Competition, Tom Brady With A Mark Davis Haircut & Yankees Squirrel Goes Viral
House ball 10U update - Game 6
The team is now 4-2 after a 13-8 victory.
Those of you who were around over the weekend might remember how we lost Game 5 with a depleted roster, but we found a new pitcher we're calling Griffey. After that game, possibly with adrenaline running through his veins, Griffey asked if he could become a starting pitcher.
Done deal.
First of all, I love his live arm. Second, I love the attitude. He wants the ball. He wants to be on the bump. It's not cocky, it's determination. He's hungry. And he throws to the mitt. Kids either put the ball in play or strike out.
Last night he got right back to it. Now, there was some squeezing of the plate by the ump because 80% of Griffey's pitches are down the middle to the upper part of the strike zone. He wasn't getting the high strike at all and his emotions started to come out. We'll have to work on channeling that energy as he continues to turn into a top-of-the-rotation type of ballplayer.
I had to go get him after 2 1/3 as he was gassed, but it was great to see him battle that deep into the game.
• We used four pitchers over five innings as my plan to start implementing new pitchers starts to add depth to the staff which will come in handy when vacations start next week. I was already given the heads-up by one dad that his son, who pitches, will be gone for a week.
• The kids continue to overrun second and third. Last night, we nearly had a kid get tagged out at third after he tried to steal on a passed ball that the catcher threw down. Their momentum is carrying them over the bag and they don't seem to comprehend keeping one foot on the bag. All I can do is keep drilling them on it.
• I'm beginning to worry about a few of our big hitters really struggling at the plate. There's too much bailing of the front foot and too much lunging. The pitching is getting better by the game and some boys who should be cranking the ball are swinging through pitches.
• The kids say they have come up with their own nicknames for each other and there will be a big reveal before Thursday night's game. This should be fun.
Daddy Ball Report:
My son really struggled at the plate Saturday in his first game back from the hospital. His arms looked like Jell-o and he couldn't get the bat on the ball. Last night, he was back to hitting the ball to right-center. I didn't keep track, but I think he was 2-for-2 or 3-for-3 with five or six RBI.
He also had a couple of nice defensive plays, so all in all, it was a positive night.
The IGs are working again on iOS!
I know some of you were boycotting Screencaps until the IGs returned. Well, it's time to drop your boycott. It's time to stop canceling Screencaps. It's time to get back in here and get scrolling through all of our favorite IG models, the IG food section, the IG travel section, and of course my all-time favorite, the Dale Earnhardt Collection®.
I'm not sure what changed, so I'm not ready to announce there's an official winner of the OutKick shopping spree I promised to the person who solved the issue.
• Mike N. writes:
Whatever you did, it worked!!! The pics/ links are BACK!
Fun email from the screencaps newlywed wife this morning... You are right, top notch!
More reaction to Ms. Jelly Roll's email
I knew this email would be a hit and it took all of about 10 minutes before Tim had written me with his reaction.
• Tim in Texas City, Texas write:
Boy oh boy did Ms. Jelly Roll nail it with this line:
" husband’s not easily impressed. He’s young but he has an old soul. Seems like every day the list of things he genuinely enjoys gets shorter and shorter thanks to our millennial peers and everything turning woke. I often think he was born in the wrong era. There’s really only one place he feels like he fits in.. Screen Caps Nation."
Sounds like the way I might describe myself. Maybe her husband and I should hang out and have some garage beers after a league night sometime, he sounds like a stand up guy.
LinkedIn bots are learning
• Mike L. had this conversation:

Hey bot, he asked a question
• From Homebrew Bill L. in Nebraska:
I think Jack Ryan is a great show but this bot posing as the lead actor doesn't get it. I wanted to include a GIF of Dwight but decided against it. Hope your son is doing better. Cheers from Nebraska.

Silence of the Lambs truther
• Heywood J. writes:
I love this flick but have a small gripe.
Also, here is my commentary on the movie. Clarice was a hero who was subjected to unspeakable indignities and risked her life in the service of her nation.That's hardcore courage.
Baker Mayfield?
• Rogar S. writes:
Is it just me or is this Baker Mayfield? If so, has he pushed it too far this time?

'No Mow May' in Cleveland
Please keep these stories coming about how this is working out for the mowing wokes.

Is this even a violation of the penal code in Kentucky?
Eggs & it's impossible to catch a Cardinals game
• Rod in Freeport, IL writes:
It's been a while, but my wife works on a small egg farm here in IL (they only produce 1M eggs/day) and market prices are now back down to about cost for these smaller farms. While they avoided avian influenza last year, it's a constant fear because migrating birds spread the aerial disease. One case and the whole flock is gone. Those farms that avoided the flu had good years, but they were really just making up for losses during the lockdowns of Covid. Restaurants, schools and hotels drive demand for the market, and well, that's been written in the history books what Fauci and the his cronies imposed, along with our whale of a governor. Just a bit of egg information I thought I would share.
Next, I'm done with MLB.
I can't watch the Cardinals because of the arcane blackout rules, and over the years I have become okay not watching, to the point I really don't follow the sport much. But the progressive politics creeping into the sport has me done. From moving the All-Star game, to the Dodgers reinstating the award to the sisters of perpetual indulgence and honoring this offensive, blatantly heretical group, not caring how it offended Christians and Catholics.
I quit drinking Anheuser Busch 30 years ago when they owned the Cardinals, and I haven't missed it.
Baseball is next.
Keep up the great work. Late getting on schedule for mowing as weather and high school softball have been playing havoc on league nights, but about ready to be back in the saddle shortly.
Tropical Hardwood Mike IS BACK!
• Mike in Pasadena writes:
Saw the mention ! I’m here, have been every day since the last we “spoke”. I followed Mike and Cindy all over Europe, saw the firewood piling discussions, and got a kick out of the Hildee navel controversy. I know exactly what I would do with her navel….but I digress.
I’m still traveling and still buying Tropical Hardwoods from around the world.
The logs are of a specie called Ekop Beli, pronounced just like it seems from Cameroon. Massive tree as you can see them placing on the bandsaw. Lesser know specie here in the states, and hard to figure out where to go with it.
Anyone in the community need a table top 4” thick 5 feet wide and 15’ long ? Not real practical. But working on it !!
The round mushroom is Madrone Burl grown right in the Pacific Northwest. Typically peeled for Veneer, but sometimes cut into slabs.
Tip for the SC community, for anyone wanting to put in a deck, a real wood deck out of tropical species like Ipe, Garapa, Balau etc. prices will begin coming down. There is a serious oversupply condition happening now in the U.S as well as goods piling up on the ground in the countries where those species grow, because of the slowdown in housing starts and rising interest rates.
That’s all I got today! At the airport taking the Mrs to the Turks and Caicos for some much needed R & R.

You guys asked for unique inside baseball looks at jobs and how the world works, and Hardwood Mike In Pasadena delivers again. This is why you guys keep coming back day after day. You truly never know what's going to pop up in this column.
And if one of you puts in an Ipe, Garapa or Balau real wood deck, you better be sending in photos!
Hopefully this doesn't trigger a bunch of anti-Goldendoodle emails

And now for a fun story out of Flagler Beach where pups spent last weekend showing off their surfing skills.
Mike T. in Idaho knows I'm a sucker for such content.
That's it. I'm done before 9 a.m. ET. It's time to get this one published, tweeted, and get moving with my day.
To those who have told me they're leaving town early, enjoy the start of your summer travel season. You earned if after that long haul from New Year's Day. Soak up that sunshine. Enjoy those patio beers. Sit back, close your eyes, and be thankful for the life you've built while the sweet sounds of Yacht Rock waft in the air.
Take care.