Mel Brooks Drops Trailer For 'History Of The World' Sequel, Proves Comedy Is Still Legal
Mel Brooks stunned entertainment fans Friday afternoon when the trailer for "History of the World Part 2" dropped.
"History of the World" was a classic comedy film from 1981 that almost certainly would result in prison sentences if it was released today. Why? Well, as we all know, only jokes that offend nobody are allowed. If a single person doesn't like your comedy, boycotts are necessary, you must be canceled and your life has to be ruined. Those are the rules the left has set for society. Fun, right?
Most famously, the "It's good to be king" segment might result in riots if it happened today. Despite the fact comedy is supposed to be edgy and push the envelope, that's not tolerated anymore because the wokes ruin everything.
Well, Mel Brooks dusted off his script writing pen, went to work and it looks like "History of the World Part 2" is going to be awesome.
For the first time in a long time, it looks like a comedy worth watching will be out. Check out the preview for the Hulu eight-part series below.
History of the World Part 2" looks great.
Dropping the, "How did these dumbasses enslave us?" line is not something you'd ever hear out of most of the garbage Hollywood produces these days. Hollywood has gone woke, and in the process killed comedy.
Mel Brooks, who again is 96, is out here throwing heat. The current people in Hollywood running the show have the creativity of an ant.
Meanwhile, Brooks is nearing his 100th birthday and is still able to dominate the industry.
It just takes one great project to turn everything around. Just like "Yellowstone" saved TV, maybe "History of the World Part 2" can save comedy.
The cast is also loaded with talent. Wanda Sykes, Nick Kroll, Danny DeVito, David Duchovny, Sarah Silverman, Emily Ratajkowski and other recognizable faces will also appear in the series from Mel Brooks.

Mel Brooks is releasing "History of the World Part 2." When does it come out? (Photo by John Phillips/Getty Images)
You can catch "History of the World Part 2" starting March 6 on Hulu. Let's hope it shows the world comedy is not just welcome, but essential.