Man Says His Nudist Neighbors Have Become A Tourist Attraction In Their Small Town

Living in a small town has several benefits.  One of the most obvious is fewer people and the fact that there isn't a need to live on top of one another like there is in crowded cities.

That doesn't mean that with fewer people there aren't some challenges.  For example, standing out in any way is going to be magnified.  Let's say, for instance, that you like to mow your lawn in the nude.  Everyone in town is going to know that about you.

That isn't stopping a man's new nudist neighbors from doing their thing in their small town.  They like keeping up with their property without any clothes on and it's attracted some attention.

"All the homes are very close, and there's not a lot of us, it's a small community.  Anyways, our somewhat new neighbors are two nudist men and they're very proud to show off their lifestyle," the man said, according to The Mirror.

"Things have been quiet for the past few months due to the colder weather, but now that the sun is out, their junk is out!  There's not much we can do about this, there are no complaints to be made, or laws being violated."

Sun is out, junk is out is an interesting way to approach life, to say the least.  It's not for everyone and their neighbor is one of many amused by seeing a "grown man push mowing his front lawn completely nude."

"I mean, who would want lawn clippings blown all over their naked body? Weed-Wacking, naked, he continued.  "The confidence is off the charts!  It's a very very unique lifestyle I'll never understand."

While he doesn't understand the nudist lifestyle, and that's likely the case for most, he does recognize that his two neighbors have become a tourist attraction.  That could be annoying for some, but not this guy.

He acknowledges that things could be much worse than living next to a couple of naked guys who do their yard work without any clothes on.  After all these two have now become legends.

"They're becoming local legends of the town though, everyone drives by their home, and then puts their car in reverse because they can't believe what they've seen," he said.  "They're not loud or intrusive, so I wouldn't classify them as neighbors from hell."

Keep your nudity in your own yard and there isn't a problem.  These neighbors aren't throwing raging parties every weekend or constantly harassing everyone with complaints about things not concerning them.

They're simply living their life "sun is out, junk is out."  This guy has the right approach, the situation could be much, much worse.

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.