Man Posing As Bigfoot Has To Stop After People Thought He Was Real; It's Not His Fault He's So Good

A Virginia man has agreed to stop wandering around pretending to be Bigfoot as his impression of the famed creature was so good that people thought it was real.

That's it... I've had it with people being good at what they do.

According to TV station WSET, there were some Bigfoot sightings in the area around Wintergreen, Virginia. I don't know what Wintergreen is known for (perhaps being the namesake for a flavor of gum) but as far as I know from watching History Channel documentaries, it's not a Sasquatch hotspot.

Nonetheless, big, hairy creatures were being spotted in wooded areas and on likely blurry Ring doorbell camera videos.

However, amid a surge in public concern, the Wintergreen Police Department made sure to put its residents at ease by assuring them that there was not a bonafide 'Squatch in town.

It was just a guy in a suit.

"It was just, I guess maybe something that maybe got out of hand but it was all fun and games," Wintergreen Police Chief Dennis Russell said of the Bigfoot impersonator. "I think he just wanted to, maybe elevate people's happiness during the holiday season."

The man behind the gorilla costume reportedly stopped what he was doing when residents started taking the sightings seriously.

But is that his problem?

Bigfoot Impersonator Too Talented For His Own Good

If this guy is good enough to throw on a costume and maybe people think he's a flesh and blood Bigfoot in the Virginia countryside, he should be applauded. It's not easy to do. Watch Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes then try to tell me that playing an ape is easy.

So, someone with a natural aptitude for walking like the subject of the 1967 Patterson-Gimlin film is being punished for his talent — no, gift.

Not cool.

Although, I guess if this is in the name of "public safety" it makes a little more sense. We don't want the guy in the suit getting hurt when someone whips out a shotgun in hopes of getting themselves a genuine Bigfoot pelt.

Plus, think how much of a distraction a Bigfoot cruising down the side of the road would be. Probably not as bad as trying to answer a text message, but still bad.

"I believe most people, 99 percent, knew that it was all in jest, because, let's be honest, Bigfoot? In Wintergreen? He wouldn't come here," said Chief Russell, who appears to think Bigfoot tours around the country.

The police say they didn't tell the mystery Bigfooter to stop, but he decided to on his own. He will not face any criminal charges for his stellar performances either.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.