Man Breaks Guinness World Record For Fastest Sprint In High Heels

No, this is not an other transgender athlete story.

Christian Roberto López Rodríguez broke a Guinness World Record this week by running a 100-meter sprint in 12.82 seconds — in nearly 3-inch high heels.

That's only 3.24 seconds slower than eight-time Olympic gold medalist Usain Bolt's 100-meter record, which he ran while not wearing high heels.

I broke my ankle just watching that video.

"The preparation was very exhaustive and specific," Rodríguez told Guinness.

"I find it very challenging to be able to run in high heels at high speed. In Spain, there are races like this, and they have always gone well for me."

This record dethrones Germany's André Ortolf, who earned the top spot in 2019 with a time of 14.02 seconds.

In case you're wondering, though, even the Guinness Book of World Records is smart enough to separate their competitions by gender.

And with a time of 13.557 seconds, Denmark's Majken Sichlau is the fastest female high heeled sprinter.

What would possess someone to try this is anyone's guess.

But Rodríguez — a Type 1 diabetic — said he does it to inspire other diabetics. He wants to demonstrate that people with the illness "can do as much or more things than people without diabetes."

In fact, Rodríguez holds 57 Guinness World Records.

The 34-year-old Spaniard is also the fastest man to run 100 meters blindfolded, in a sack, in clogs, backward and while balancing a pool cue on his finger. Not all at the same time, though.

And you thought your hobbies were weird.

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Amber is a Midwestern transplant living in Murfreesboro, TN. She spends most of her time taking pictures of her dog, explaining why real-life situations are exactly like "this one time on South Park," and being disappointed by the Tennessee Volunteers.