Is The Person Who Ate Mackerel With Their Bare Hands In A Crowded Subway The Worst Person On Earth?

I'm not sure, about you, but when I travel, I go out of my way to consider the stink factor of any snacks I might bring aboard the plane, train, or automobile.

Sure, the salt and vinegar chips you snagged from Hudson News might be what you want to snack on, but prepare to be the most hated person on your Southwest flight.

Unless of course, you picked up a nasty smelling snack to make others steer clear of you and take advantage of the open seating policy. You'll still be hated, but that is some 3D chess.

Fish seems like a pretty obvious no-no, but tell that to this person who showed up for a ride on the London Underground — or the Tube — with a big pack of vacuum-sealed mackerel with their hands.

Look, I don't care how much hankering you've got for mackerel, that's not a food a polite person eats near others. People get one whiff of that and they'll lose their morning crumpets all over the "carriage" as they say across the pond. 

See what a problem that could cause?

Also, mackerel? I thought that was bait. 

That's about as egregious as it gets, but just remember that all food stink gets amplified in confined spaces. Sure, you can roll with an Italian hoagie on terra firma, but 30,000 feet in the sky inside a metal tube, it may as well be mustard gas the way it affects your fellow passengers. Your delicious sub has caused a BO funk to hang over the Boeing (which may actually be the smallest problem you can have on one of those these days).

All I ask is that when you grab a snack before hopping on a plane or a train, hold that pack of honey mustard and onion pretzels and ask yourself, 'Would I want my neighbor breathing this in my face."

If the answer is no, put it back on the rack.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.