Liberal Hollywood Elitist Barbra Streisand, Worth $400 Million, Took Covid Relief Money For Gardener

"Celebrities... they're just like us!"

Yeah right.

Barbra Streisand is getting slammed today after it was revealed that the $430+ millionaire took Covid relief funds in order to PAY HER GARDENER.

Must be nice, right? As you the reader and your local pizzerias, restaurants, bars and small businesses struggled to make ends meet and pay monthly rent, the 81-year-old 'Babs' wanted to make sure that her real garden didn't go dry.

There aint anything funny about that, girl.

At the same time this was happening, Streisand was going off on unhinged Twitter rants about President Trump and criticizing him over federal funds going to protect the border and not to where she really wanted them to go - her own pockets.


According to a New York Post investigation, Streisand's Barwood Films LTD., was approved for the Payback Protection Program (PPP) federal relief loan because it registered as a "small business" that had six employees. Amongst those that were paid from the bailout money included Barbra's groundskeeper for her $20 million Malibu home, and someone listed with a job title of 'executive support,' which upon further review looks like her damn personal assistant.

The total relief money received was more than $200,000 which may not be a lot to Streisand but that's exactly the point. She could buy her employees million-dollar homes in the blink of an eye but real mom-and-pop stores that were struggling for any relief may not have been able to get it because of the likes of Babs.

It was essentially free money for a person that didn't need free money whatsoever. (Fantastic job by our government once again but that's for a different day.)

Just another example of the Hollywood elites being 'holier-than-thou' while the regular, hard-working Americans suffer. Look at that absurd $20 million House Tour video I just posted - Hey Barbra (by the way spell it the correct way it's BARBARA damnit) nobody told you that you had to go and make a botanical garden in your backyard.

If you were worried about its upkeep, then figure it out on your own - don't take our taxpayer money.