Lawyer's Cat Filter Gets Stuck During Zoom Court Hearing

"I'm not a cat," Texas lawyer Rod Ponton insisted during a Zoom court hearing in the 394th Judicial District virtual court as he battled to figure out how to remove the filter that had turned him into a cat. Meanwhile, H. Gibbs Bauer, Jerry Phillips and the judge are just trying to conduct the business at hand.

Welcome to 2021 and the world we live in, where a Zoom cat filter can bring the world comedic gold. A year ago at this time, hardly any of us had heard of Zoom or district courts holding virtual court proceedings. But here we are, and poor Rod Ponton sure is in a pickle.

Judge Roy Ferguson from the 394th court has advice for the lawyers out there. "IMPORTANT ZOOM TIP: If a child used your computer, before you join a virtual hearing check the Zoom Video Options to be sure filters are off. This kitten just made a formal announcement on a case in the 394th (sound on)," he wrote on Twitter.

"These fun moments are a by-product of the legal profession's dedication to ensuring that the justice system continues to function in these tough times. Everyone involved handled it with dignity, and the filtered lawyer showed incredible grace. True professionalism all around!"

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Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.