Joy Reid and Rachel Maddow Celebrate Ronna McDaniel Firing
NBC News fired former Republican National Committee chairwoman Ronna McDaniel on Tuesday, days after announcing her signing.
NBCU News Group Chairman Cesar Conde made the decision after 48 hours of pushback from NBC and MSNBC hosts on air, including Rachel Maddow, Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski, and Jen Psaki.
Maddow joined Joy Reid for a beauty shop talk regarding the firing later on Tuesday, when both women celebrated the reversal. They claimed it "took strength" from management to admit their mistake:
NBC caving to its hosts by firing an employee over her unfavorable political opinions shows the opposite of "strength."
In 2024, there's no greater display of strength than withstanding backlash from public figures. Unfortunately, few executives in television exhibit strength.
The executives at NBC knew about McDaniel's comments regarding the 2020 election before hiring her. Obviously. Yet she was not persona non grata, in their opinion.
Thus, Cesar Conde could have explained the calculation to his hosts. And then demanded they stop airing their grievances about the network on the network, often a fireable offense in media.
He's in charge. Not them.
However, Conde didn't have the backbone to tell them that. Nor did he wait and see what type of rhetoric McDaniel spewed on-air before announcing a decision.
Cesar Conde is a coward. He's sheep-ish.
His employees now know that, if they didn't before. Maddow, Reid, and the others know they can now dictate the hirings of former operatives in Washington.
Best of luck to the next Republican to ink a contract with NBC News.
We mean that, sincerely…

By the way, what's more cringe than two known liars on-air celebrating the firing of a woman whom they deem a liar?
In 2018, Joy Reid posted several homophobic and racist remarks on her blog. She then lied about a "hacker" to save her job.
In fact, she lies about racism in America nearly every night on air. See her coverage of Geroge Floyd, Tyre Nichols, #SayHerName, and Kyle Rittenhouse for a few examples.
Meanwhile, Rachel Maddow signed a $40 million per year extension in 2022 with MSNBC due to the popularity she amassed since 2016 from the many lies she perpetuated pertaining to the Russia Hoax.
Not the two best ladies to converse about "lies," amirite?