Jerry Seinfeld Teases Fix To Terrible 'Seinfeld' finale, Possible Reunion

Seinfeld is unquestionably one of the greatest sitcoms to ever grace the American airwaves. However, its notoriously terrible finale would have been more at home as an episode of a lesser sitcom like, oh... say, Friends.

But Seinfeld fans rejoice because, at a recent stand-up gig in Boston, Jerry revealed that the wheels are in motion for something that "has to do with that ending."

Yes, the ending that saw Jerry, Elaine, George, and Kramer behind bars for not jumping in to help a man named Howie (played by the late John Pinette) who was being carjacked.

Some fans asked Jerry — who is 69 years old if you can believe it; that syndication money works wonders — about the notorious finale. He then revealed that he and series co-creator Larry David had some ideas that might be in the works to rectify the flop of an ending.

“Well, I have a little secret for you about the ending," the 69-year-old Seinfeld said in a video posted by Boston Globe Media CEO Linda Henry, per NBC 10 Boston.

"But I can’t really tell it, because it is a secret. Here’s what I’ll tell you. OK? But you can’t tell anybody. Something is going to happen that has to do with that ending. Hasn’t happened yet. And just what you are thinking about, Larry and I have also been thinking about it. So, you’ll see."

Seinfeld stopped short of giving details of what form this idea could take. It certainly sounds like some form of reunion could be in the works.

There Have Been Other Quasi-Seinfeld Reuinions

The cast of Seinfeld had a quasi-reunion on Larry David's Curb Your Enthusiasm in 2009. The entire seventh season featured a story arc where Larry and Jerry were putting together a Seinfeld reunion episode. It was a very meta way of doing a reunion in a way, but still kind of not doing an official reunion.

Seinfeld and Jason Alexander also reunited in 2014 for a Super Bowl commercial.

Again, we have no idea what form this could take, but I sure hope it's an honest-to-goodness reunion show. Not that stupid Friends reunion where the entire cast got together and talked about how cool it was being on Friends.

I can't imagine Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld would go for that kind of self-aggrandizing thing. It would seem to go against their ethos for the original show that made it so popular: No hugging. No learning.

If and when this project comes to fruition, I guarantee my ass will be plunked in front of the TV with every manner of Seinfeld-themed food for the occasion. I'm talking a smorgasbord of chocolate babka, Drake's coffee cakes, big salads, Bosco chocolate syrup, Junior Mints, Jujyfruits and Tweety PEZ dispensers.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.