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It's time for the Put-In-Bay Invitational recap now that we've gone 24 hours without Screencaps loading issues
What a glorious Saturday it was at the Augusta of the Great Lakes...the Key West of the Midwest...the most intimidating 9-hole golf course in all of golf. You couldn't ask for better conditions for the 4th annual Put-In-Bay Two-Club Invitational where I throw supplies into my wife's grocery getter and we have ourselves a golf bender.
Let's get right into my observations:
• We had like 24 to 26 players which continues to be the perfect number. I lose track of the actual numbers as I'm running around making sure we have all the supplies (coolers to drop off at strategic locations around the course) ready to go for guys who are there to get their money's worth. I had the age range at somewhere around full Medicare all the way down to maybe 25.
• Rookies continue to be shocked by the annual dumping of the clubs where one tournament organizer takes the bag and turns it upside down...pick your weapons, fellas!
• I was teamed up with TNML veteran Tim G. in NW Ohio who left me with the club choices. I went with a vintage Walter Hagen Lady Ultra wood and an 8-iron. As a three-year vet, I knew we'd need an intermediate iron for some of the holes that run uphill at about 125 to 130.

The annual dumping of the clubs at the Put-in-Bay Invitational
• Best drive of the day went to Colin C. out of New Jersey who smacked a vintage wood around 220-yards -- tree limbs hanging out over the non-existent fairway -- to within five feet for eagle on the short par 4. Then this happened.
• We ended up with five states represented in the tourney: Ohio, Michigan, New Jersey, Colorado and North Carolina; that's not bad out of 24 to 26 players.
• Best putt of the day, and probably the best putt we'll ever see at the PIB, goes to my partner Tim G. who used the Lady Ultra to drain a downhill 36-foot birdie on No. 4 that had to travel over twigs, ant hills, and leaves into the cup.
It was like watching a replay in slow-motion. The ball just kept going and going...and into the cup. It's permanently burned into my PIB memories like the booty-shakin' contest at the Blue Marlin.
• My best shot had to be the tee shot to set up Tim G.'s monster putt. Fellas, we were DEEP into the round if you know what I'm talking about, and I was somehow able to bust that 8-iron up the hill to give Tim the opportunity. My tee shot could probably win an ESPY for courage.
• It was a three-way tie for first place at 2-under between Team New Jersey, my radio buddy Bellino and Team Screencaps(!!) thanks to Tim G's monster putt.

Some of the heavy hitters...and drinkers...at the Two-Club Invitational; Thanks to Mig for representing TNML in the most comfortable shirt on the course
• In the Closest-To-The-Pin Challenge® defending champion Colin C. from New Jersey relaxed as the money started pouring in and school teacher Ryan S. put a ball to within 17 feet, which was a really nice shot considering you're dealing with a tricky 95-yard shot where everything deep is a goner and the greens are slow. You're also trying to hit the shot without the use of a Vokey.
Eventually, Colin C. stepped up and put one to within 15 feet to defend his title and take home somewhere around $330 or so for his efforts. Plus, he earned a $20 scratcher for his long drive on No. 7.
• I got home Sunday fully prepared to turn over this tournament to the young guys, but now that I write about it the more I'm thinking the young guys will have to wait at least one more year. The highest honor of the weekend comes when people sober up and say how great of a time they had and how they are already making plans for next year.

As Andy G., in the tank, said of the tournament, 'The golf scorecard is not a reflection of success.'; That's Toledo Rockets tailgating legend Sean with some of the most incredible lettuce Put-In-Bay has seen in a long time / Facebook
• There are magical powers on that Put-In-Bay golf course. You truly are on island time as everything stops and people just have fun. Politics are out the window. You don't know if the guy next to you is a multi-millionaire or broke. You don't care what kind of car they drive. You don't care about much besides having a beverage, meeting new people, and letting loose.
And with that, the PIB Invitational remains undefeated.
Email: joekinsey@gmail.com