Instagram Star Jadelyn Music Celebrates 'Week of Freedom', Vols Fan Arrested & Biden With Trump Hair
Drop-off day at West Point
Many of you will remember the emailers who sought out advice from Screencaps readers who have spent time at West Point. Connections were made. Advice was shared. I keep saying it over and over again, you're not going to find another column on the Internet where you can connect with such incredible people who have seen or done it all.
From exotic wood, to Russian defense contractor military shows, to members of the military at the highest levels, to dads who have reared college football coaches, this column is overflowing with experiences.
- Matt B. writes:
It's been since January that I've written, but I haven't forgotten that I owe you an update. Yesterday, July 1st was R Day (Reception Day) at West Point. It's that day that families say goodbye to their sons and daughters as they report and begin their 47-month experience at the United States Military Academy. What a day, what a weekend!
We arrived on Saturday and got our bearings while settling some administrative stuff. This year's entering class size is 1,235 kids. I set a goal to see how many different stories I could hear by seeing how many states I could meet people from. The family was annoyed with me initially ("you're such a dad"), but I didn't care because I was on a quest. It broke the ice with people when I'd walk up and say, "sorry to bother you, but I'm playing the 50 states game. Where are you guys from?" Once I explained what it meant people were all in and would share info about their kids and their journeys.
I met a couple from North Carolina where the husband was from Glasgow, Scotland and the wife from Portsmouth, England. Their daughter wanted to be at West Point and that was the deciding factor in getting their American citizenship. I met Louie from Arizona whose son is going to be manning centerfield for the baseball team. I sat on a bus behind JJ's parents from Florida who'll be one of 4 goalies on the ice hockey team competing for time in net. Toughest find wasn't the kid from Alaska I met, but a dad from Montana who, when I told him about my quest, smiled and nodded proudly while saying, "I'm one of the parents of only 2 kids from Montana!" Talk about a needle in a haystack.
The stories were inspiring, and no two were the same. I think each one ended pretty much the same with congratulations, and I'll be rooting for your son/daughter. In the end, I didn't get to 50 but had a blast trying. It was a great reminder that everyone's got a story and our connections are created through sharing them.
As for our son, he asked if we could spend our final evening together watching the sun set over the Hudson at Trophy Point. George Washington gave the order that the Continental Army had to hold that fort and not allow the British to sail into New York or the country would be divided and the war likely lost. WE held and to this day West Point is the longest garrisoned military base in the country and USMA is still thriving 222+ years after its founding in 1802.
Our son reported at 6am the following morning. We were given 90 seconds to say goodbye, but we probably spent less than a minute giving him hugs and final words of love and encouragement. We were choked up, but tears weren't shed. He was ready to dive into it and get his journey started.
One of your readers, Steven B. West Point class of '90, reached out to me through you and said, "there will never be a day you'll regret sending your son to West Point." Those words offer all the encouragement we need.
Happy 4th of July to you Joe and to all the great Americans you keep connected around the greatest country in the world!

Fireworks wisdom
- Ridge Runner shares:
My ol' man used to warn us about fireworks with this bit of wisdom: "Them Chinese don't care whether you got four fingers or three."
July 3 sunrise
- Indy Daryl was up early this morning:
Early morning training runs are the only "good" time I have to get all the miles I need in. And while it’s definitely not easy to make myself wake up at 5 nearly every morning, sunrises like this definitely make it worth it. I was fascinated this morning by the contrast of an abandoned warehouse with the picturesque pinks, oranges, and blues of a stunning sunrise. City life is one of great contrasts I suppose!

Here comes Beryl
- Duncan N. writes:
Greetings from Jamaica! We came down for the week and somehow there’s a hurricane coming. We should be fine, we’re in Negril so it will weaken when it hits Kingston. Hope this isn’t the last sunset I see!

Readers react to Beau in Toledo's email where he declared his own 'independance' and announced he would mow on Thursday to celebrate his freedom from tyrannical mowing leagues
- Harvey D. in Toledo writes:
Congrats on year 2 of Rec ball! The uncensored coach, Chefs kiss!
Beau in Toledo
Hell yeah! This Best Country in the World was founded on the basic principal of "I am a grown ass man(settle down pride ppl, not that kind. Unless it's an Insta chick on the Friday recap) I will do as I want! Write that down.
We told the Brits to pound sand 248 years ago, and reminded them 212 yrs ago (check local listings)! We are a Free Nation, Darwin at it's best! The average age of the Founding Fathers was 44! There were more than a dozen signers of the Declaration of Independence that were under 35! I can't find a 35 or under to show up on time! let alone put in a hard days work. These guys founded the best Nation on the Face of Gods Green Earth! If you are strong and don't fold in to a soy induced quivering mass, you will be fine.
Adapt and overcome! Run that poorly tuned mower and lay stripes! We as a red blooded group of Outstanding Americans know what is the meaning of Independence Day. Pry that 2 cycle Lawn Boy from my cold dead hands! Fire up the weed whacker at 6 a.m. and the blower at 6:46, cause you can! Shoot Roman Candles at geese, cause We can!! Drive big damn trucks, cause We can!! Launch that boat and go 95 mph to the Bay on the 4th, cause We can! Your temporary inconvenience is not justification for a codified law. We are a Free Nation! If you don't like it go inside and close the windows, buy some Bose headphones, write a Congress thing, STFU and leave me alone!
Parking spots
Worked on the Seagate Centre (before it became the ass city center) back in 2014, right before the water killed 2 mayors. Had to stay overnight, and got to park my clapped out truck(if somebody would have stolen it, they would have brought it back,IMHO) inside the convention center. I gave my parking pass for the garage to the future Mrs. so she could stay over, priceless on both accounts.
Max Scherzer in yesterday's Caps belongs on Innocent until proven Guilty! Photoshop the ballcap off, and he is Rural meth head all day long!
It's the 2nd of July, and I passed 6+ rental vans with the explosive placards on them rolling down the Pike(why bother), delivering loads of finger eliminating fun to everyone! (See first paragraph) I am hoping this will be an Independence Day to remind everyone, We were born free, and we hope to go out the same.
- Ridge Runner emails:
Dear Joe: I STand With Beau in Toledo.
I, too, will mow on July 4th. While I support and understand all of the reasons Beau cited, as well as YOUR thinking on why NOT to mow on the 4th,however, they are not MY reasons. I will mow on July 4 because the freaking yard needs mowing. Not only that, I will hop on the tractor and bush hog the Back 40....because it NEEDS it. We had rain, the deer have fawned and the fawns don't need to hide in the weeds any more, the young turkeys can fly now, and it's time for me to knock back the dang jungle and wrest control from Mother Nature.
Besides, Mrs. RidgeRunner is down in Florida, it's just me and the dogs, I have the day off, and I'll do what I damn well please.
I wish all TNML non-mowers a happy July 4, and if I am to be ostracized, well, so be it. I've never been much of a joiner anyway. That said, they'll take my sticker off my cold, dead Gravely.
yours truly
Could one of you explain why the soaked option exists? I haven't been able to figure it out
Living the patio life
- Glyn writes:
Thanks to you and the screen caps community. Been a deck guy most of my life. What are the results of burning weeds off the patio?
Lowe's burner was bad. But got a Harbor Freight #notsponserd that kicks weed. Long term how long will it last?
I'm a bad person to ask about weed killer options. We use elbow grease around here and/or mulch. Mrs. Screencaps has so many plants growing that it triggers her to see weed killer. She's worried about overspray. She's not anti-weed killer. It's just that she'll have nightmares that spray will hit the tips of her plants.
Trust me, pulling the weeds along these flagstones isn't one of my favorite activities when I could be sitting on the patio to the right.

Were you there?
Here's the most important question: Did you stay until the Phillies won it on a Mitch Williams hit?
That's it for this July 4th eve. I have one more Zoom meeting this morning before OutKick goes into holiday mode.
Hopefully all of you get into something fun this weekend. Don't blow off fingers because I need you sending me emails. Remember to send me the red, white and blue this week. I'll be here in the morning for a fresh, not scheduled, edition of Screencaps. I'm going to need your content.
Have fun.