Instagram Models Celebrate The 4th Of July, Cubs-Brewers Fan Fight Fireworks & George Washington Landing A Stone Cold Stunner
Anyone else exhausted this morning?
Observations and a full 4th of July report
TNML grandchildren
• Roger C. writes:
Our Fourth of July was spent in Knoxville at our granddaughter's first birthday.
She's been on Screencaps several times as you know as the first granddaughter. She likes classic country and steak like her G-daddy! No grass pictures from me until late fall as the heat and drought have destroyed my yard. Pictures also of the Boston butt my son-in-law smoked for us. Appreciate what you do for us daily! God Bless the USA and Screencaps!

On Lake Erie
• Brian K. writes:
Aboard the Goodtime I near Sandusky, Ohio

The Byrds in 1971 & TNML origin
• Galen in TN writes:
The Byrds 1971 "One of America's Great National Pastimes" lyrics... "One of America's Great National Pastimes
is cutting the grass,
grabbing some ass,
living too fast."
51 years later, I am thankfully still doing two of the three!
The most comfortable shirt you'll ever own
• Adam W. writes:
Fathers Day shirt arrives. Walmart pool Activated!Great Screencaps today, thank you. Time to blast Fortunate Son on repeat.
Happy 4th!!!!

Happy 4th from Grayton Beach FL
• Brett B. sent in the following photos:

What a performance this weekend from OutKick readers. You guys made my job easy by providing a snapshot of the holiday across this country. There are soulless websites who want nothing to do with allowing readers to show the real America. As I've stated multiple times, we have a duty to be the voice of the common man across this country.
Now let's go out and have a productive day. I understand you're physically and mentally a mess right now. Drink an extra coffee and get your head right. It's back to work and yet another push towards another weekend.