Instagram Models Celebrate 4th Of July Round 2, Tiger Woods In A Bookstore & B1G Commish Kevin Warren In The Cayman Islands?
Rural 4th of July
• Dana B. in Indiana, the TNML member who wears her league colors while driving a school bus, writes:
This truck is a classic in our town. These are people who go to work every day, get their hands dirty, sweat their fannies off, and come home to their families after a long day of doing hard things. The fact that they misspelled their truck's name, makes it even better. They work hard, and play hard. We sometimes forget that college isn't for everyone. These hard-working men and women are the backbone of America!!

Let's all get on the same page here, the misspelling is what makes this truck special. It's the calling card.
As someone who grew up in rural Ohio, I know my calling cards. We used to hear the police chasing muscle cars out Westbrook Rd. towards Preble County when I was very young, but I remember it like it was yesterday. I remember my dad making a big deal out of the town hoods who would come south on Arlington Rd., turn right towards the country on relatively flat roads and hammer the pedal to the floorboard, making a sound like these cars were shot out of cannons. Tires spinning. Smoke. Haulin' ass.
Towns need VFWs that are the social gathering spots, old timers named Butch (I feel like only one main guy in town can be named Butch; if you start to have multiple, the name starts to lose its value), muscle trucks titled "Big Terd" and a local grocery store you avoid unless you want to run into 20 people you know who want to talk about the latest gossip around the village.
4th of July in Lake Oswego, Oregon
• Ron M. writes:
Sorry this was late. Yesterday was rough, the pic of our dog Bonnie this morning says it all.
Anyway, attached are some pics from our neighborhood 4th of July Parade. This has been occurring for over 30 years now and "kids" who paraded in the late 90's now walk with their parents and children.
We probably had 150 kids and then their parents. Pretty good for the last day of a three-day weekend.
That's my wife on the Firetruck in her American Warrior Initiative t-shirt. That's NOT me w/ the beard.
Thanks again for giving us Regular Joe's a place to hang out and talk.

I know it's easy to bang on some of the western states where lib lib madness has run rampant and the lib libs who said they weren't going to celebrate the 4th holiday because they hate this country. Then along comes Lake Oswego, which is in metro Portland.
This is your reminder that this country is being held hostage by politicians who are playing to social media mouthpieces. This country is still patriotic and doesn't believe in open-air cesspool drug-infested cities created by lib lib politicians who have allowed criminals to do their thing without consequences.
Speaking of bike parades, let's go to Eagle, Idaho
• Mike T., who is recovering from knee surgery, and Cindy T. shot this video in their neighborhood:
Speaking of states that SEC fans just assumed didn't celebrate the 4th
• Dave H. writes:
Hey Joe, love screencaps. Here is how the Central Coast of California does the 4th of July! Photos from Templeton parade, it was awesome.

The 4th in Little Elm, Texas
• Rob DeG. writes:
Not sure if you're still looking for flag pics, but here's mine on our Patio. It was a great long weekend, family, friends, food, pool time and plenty of beverages. God Bless America!

Kids being kids
• Adam W. in Nebraska sent this in after I'd called it a day Friday:

That should take care of the near-drought conditions of the last three weeks
It's been very quiet around these parts as the lack of rain started to take its toll, but all is better after two straight nights of straight downpours that should have the turf dialed in for the rest of the month. The beauty of this rain is that it came in the early hours of July 5 and then again late last night. Mother Nature understood how important it was to have a sizzling 4th weekend and then she was like, 'I got the TNML members of NW Ohio, SE Michigan and NE Indiana.'
The problem for lower Michigan and Indiana is that these guys now have ponds in their yards.

This got me fired up for Canoe Kirk's annual Au Sable trip I go on
This one got lost in the shuffle over the weekend
• Matt B. in North East, PA, who infamously got his zero-turn stuck on the side of this pond, writes:
TNML obstacles from Thursday

The national website editors like to say this is the quietest part of the year and they complain that there's nothing going on. Then I open the email inbox and see that this country is full of action. All I have to do is ask Screencaps readers to show me their part of the world.
And I'm forever thankful to the blue checkmarks who refuse to step on Screencaps' turf. They actually make my job incredibly easy because there's absolutely zero competition out there for what we have going on with this column.
And the numbers continue to rise. OutKick is rolling this summer.
Keep spreading the word. Tell your coworkers this exists. Tell them TNML exists. Tell them they can come here and relax, have fun and take a break from the world that the asshole elitist TURDS have created with social media.
Now, let's go out there and crush another day of life.