Instagram Legend Jenna Berman Is Back, Blue Jays Got Bored & Nick Chubb Is Strong
Today is the Morning Screencaps summit in Birmingham
In case you've been in a coma this week and didn't hear, I'm in Birmingham, Alabama this weekend and we're doing a summit at local hotspot Back 40 TODAY at 3 p.m.
I'll have more about my trip down here on Monday morning when I'm back at the Screencaps HQ, but let's just say that I had zero clue there was so much development going on in this city center. Had no clue the Birmingham Barons baseball ballpark was so cool. Had no idea the new football stadium area where the USFL played its games is so developed.
Also, I have news for my wife. I played Golden Tee in Brandon in Birmingham's garage last night and NOW I'm ready to buy a unit. It's official.
More on all that tomorrow. Hang tight.
If you're in the area, get over to Back 40 today so we can talk Screencaps and OutKick.
Reid's pool dilemma
• You guys remember Reid as the homeowner who agreed to allow excavators access to his yard so his neighbor could dig a pool.
Reid writes:
Joe, They should be done in a week.. then the mid- to mid late August total renovation will start in about a month. Weather dependent.

• Douglas J. writes:
Saw this one driving into work Friday morning and thought it would be perfect for SC. Have fun in Alabama!

• Danny from MN writes:
I feel dirty just sending this to you. I got to the lake today and my wife’s father rolls up with his Cub Cadet smiling like a Beet Farmer at a strip club. I asked him “what he was thinking?!” He said “I’m starting my own Friday Lunch Mowing League for seniors over 67.” I just about fainted. But I thought you should know that there are phony’s out there. I will drink his beer as vengeance.

• Sean K. writes:
Good morning Joe! Just dropping a line in appreciation for making 'Screencaps' the best daily read on the planet. I mean, where else can one go to find out how to eliminate mosquito infestations, track daily lumber prices, get NFL-level referee insights (god bless all refs for doing what you do and taking the B.S. you do -- without them we don't have games, just free-for-alls), a smattering or eye-popping IG models, photos of Ansel Admas-worthy vistas and mouth-watering food delights, plus the funniest close captioning faux pas churned out by the MLB.
MAJOR props, by the way, to Mark and Julie Augustyn and their home-grown charity Wiffle ball tournament! Like you, I would love to see photos of this event (and one day attend if I can). It is efforts like this that will restore this country to greatness. To that end, I would love to see/read about more such 'home-grown' tournaments (your 'Put-inBay Golf Extravaganza' is right up there) regardless of sport.
And speaking of IG models ... SOMEBODY has to sign 'Sebby_row' to a TNML contract! A poster of her bodacious self on a John Deere mower with the TNML logo splashed across the top would be a hot seller, hands down. I want one for my mower/man shed I can tell you. She'll go right next to Katrina Pacensa, who is destined to be the Busch Light spokesmodel (if anyone can make that happen for her, It's YOU Sir Joe!)
As always, that's for providing a daily dose of sanity and fun! Screencaps is my antidote to all the misery the mainstream media inflicts on everyone.
I like where Sean's head is at here. It's time to bring in some mowing Instagram model influencers. Let's hear some suggestions on where we should send shirts.
As always, you'll stay anonymous.
And that should do it for a quick Saturday Screencaps. I need to get out on the streets to see the action around this hotel. I'll see all of you Monday morning with a Birmingham recap.
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