IG Legend Hilde Kicks Off Labor Day, Brian Kelly Wants To Execute His Team & Ella The Tee Retriever
How was that for college football's opening weekend?
Packed stadiums, bands, cheerleaders, fans going surrender cobra, Brian Kelly's face while screaming at refs over what he thought was a 15-yard roughing the kicker penalty, LSU fans crushing every available beer in the Rose Bowl, Michigan fans thinking they're back, and not a single team out there that looks like it can hang with Alabama for a quarter.
That...was...a weekend. The weather was perfect. The patio was incredibly relaxing. The basement was perfect. The Big Ten had meaningful games on opening weekend for the first time in a long time. Montana from the FCS beat Washington. Kansas is in the win column. Iowa State escaped against Northern Iowa.
And then there is the performance out of UCLA against LSU. This is a program that hasn't finished a season above .500 since 2015. Chip Kelly hasn't won more than four games in a season at UCLA and is already 2-0. I know most of us will continue to ignore the Pac-12, but that's just a massive win.
Before I forget, a special shoutout goes to all the Screencaps readers who were DMing, tagging on Instagram and sending emails. The community is off to a strong start with sending in content that I need to see.
• Reader Nathan B. was at the Texas A&M game taking in that incredible atmosphere for Kent State. Now stop and think about what this is going to be like when Alabama comes to town on Oct. 9.

• Meanwhile Indy Daryl, who famously sent in an email explaining how his mom preached "DO HARD THINGS" to him as a child and he's carried that with him into adulthood, missed his TNML duties last week, but he had a great excuse:
Happy Sunday, hope all is well in the Kinsey household and that the long weekend is treating you well! Full confession: I will be mowing on Monday, on Labor Day….. Yet I hope the pictures make up for and keep me in the league. Last week was the annual guys backpacking trip: 4 guys, 6 days 5 nights in the Glacier Peak Wilderness out in the Cascade mountains. Stunning views. Incredible hikes. Glaciers. Snow. Everything we could have asked for.

• Evan A. in St. Louis is having yard issues and needs to vent a little bit. He's also going to need some advice on how to convince his son and wife on how high the yard will be mowed moving forward:
Your post today about declaring war on the Army Worms is similar to the battle I’ve been fighting for a couple of years now. I have had multiple battles with a bastard of a weed known as yellow nutsedge. It is one of the toughest weeds to eliminate.
I have no idea where it came from. I had my yard on point for a couple of years, then suddenly two or three years ago, our entire subdivision became infested with this stuff. It’s like some asshole drove through in the middle of the night and threw seeds of this everywhere.
Dry soil? It grows. Wet soil? It grows. I buy the herbicide from HD that says it kills it, but a few days later more takes its place in a different location. It’s like f--king HYDRA!
Admittedly this summer, I had turned the mowing responsibility over to my 14-yo son who was home every day during the summer. This was where I went wrong, because under the instructions of his mother, he cuts the grass way too short, allowing this stuff to proliferate.
I have since resumed mowing responsibility, and have been cutting the grass at proper height, much to wife’s chagrin…but hey, I don’t tell her how to clean the kitchen. She doesn’t need to tell me how to cut the grass.
Anyway, just when I thought I had the front yard under control, I had to work late on a Thursday and the boy cut the grass. Guess what? Not only did he cut it too short and kill off some recently laid sod, he gave the nutgrass another foothold. Here I go again.
We are all fighting battles. But I am confident in my ability to prevail over this enemy, as I am confident in your ability to overcome yours.
• I analyzed my own yard this weekend and I believe the Armyworms have either been killed off or they're too fat and lazy from treating my yard as a buffet. They've been stopped in their tracks! I haven't lost any turf over the last 3-4 days so I'm declaring victory over those disgusting little bastards.
And with that, let's end the commentary right there. Have a great Labor Day, enjoy tonight's football game and remember to fire up the email hotline if you need to reach me with thoughts, photos, etc.
Email: joekinsey@gmail.com
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Stuff You Guys Sent In & Stuff I Like:
Dana B. writes:
"7th year guy, Wesley French, and 2 six-year guys. I think that should qualify as a professional at this point. Geez."