Hotep Jesus Predicts A Trump Landslide Victory In Upcoming Election On Maintaining With Tyrus

Hotep Jesus is Tyrus' guest on the latest episode of Maintaining With Tyrus — which is available now — and the two covered a lot of ground throughout their conversation, including the upcoming presidential election.

Tryus asked the media personality and author about his prediction for the 2024 presidential election, and he didn't hesitate to give his prediction and back up why he thinks it'll go the way he predicted.


"They're saying Trump landslide," Hotep Jesus said. "I've been talking to the streets, talking to my Black folks and they're all leaning Trump."

He also recounted one specific instance where his barber eased his way into a political conversation and wound up giving a thumbs up to economic conditions under Donald Trump.

"My barber, he brought up politics," he began. "He was like, ‘You know the economy was better under Trump,’ and I was like, ‘Yeah!’ And then he felt comfortable."

"But then it comes out!" Tyrus added.

"It all came pouring out," Hotep Jesus agreed.

Tyrus said he agreed that it looked like the election might be trending toward a Trump landslide, however, he did note that the Republican Party has a habit of evening things up a little bit.

"In that aspect of things, I agree with you," he said. "Unless something crazy happens, unless Trump land mines himself, or — no, no, no, the Republican Party will find a way to tighten this race up.

"They are worse than every bad guy in every movie; they're Dr. Evil," he said.

Tyrus had recalled another time the party fumbled what should have been a surefire victory.

"We saw it with the big Red Wave that was supposed to happen," he noted." And that's the week you pick to mess with Roe v. Wade?"

I just don't get it.

Be sure to check out Tyrus' full conversation with Hotep Jesus on the latest episode of Maintaining With Tyrus

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.