Horrifying Video Shows Scumbag Savagely Attacking Female Bar Employee
Police are on the hunt for a man in Washington D.C. who brutally attacked a female employee at Service Bar DC.
The establishment's official Instagram page shared a video Tuesday from this past Saturday night of a man walking past a female employee sitting alone and cold-cocking the defenseless woman across the face. He then strolled off like nothing happened.
You can watch the video below (swipe to see it), and send me your thoughts to David.Hookstead@outkick.com. Be warned that many will find the footage highly-disturbing. The sound alone will send a chill down your spine.
Man attacks female employee at Washington D.C. bar.
A source with direct knowledge of the altercation informed OutKick it started when the man was asked to leave by security following aggressive behavior outside of a bathroom. Security became engaged with the suspect, who they were able to eventually get out. It was at that point the video footage started.
This version was backed up by a statement from Service Bar DC provided to Fox5. The woman he attacked was the same person who previously told him to stand in an appropriate area while he waited for the bathroom, according to the statement. The police and establishment are now searching for information to find out who this man is.
As I'm sure many of you find the footage disturbing, just know I'm right there with you. What does it say about a man that he would ever behave in such a violent fashion, especially against a defenseless woman. The victim wasn't even looking at him. She was staring at her phone, and he hit her so hard it sounded like he hit the metal.
That kind of behavior can't ever be tolerated in a civilized society.

Horrifying video shows man attacking female bar employee in Washington D.C. (Credit: Getty Images)
Where was the help?
That brings me to my second point. Why the hell did nobody in the area immediately get up and do something? I'm not saying I'm a tough guy. I'm not at all, and don't pretend to be. But I do know one thing. You savagely and brutally attack an innocent person - especially a defenseless one - the cops are getting called and you're not going anywhere at a minimum.
Instead, nobody in the video footage does anything other than really gasp. Where was the quick reaction? Why did nobody get up and immediately put this guy in his place? Naturally, I'm not advocating for illegal action, but the man brutally attacked a defenseless woman. There's reasonable cause to believe he might attack again. That must be stopped.
I was raised to always help those who are in danger and trouble. That used to be a very common mindset. Now, it seems to be gone, and that allows bad people like this scumbag to run roughshod over civilized society. As someone who lives in the D.C. region, I'm horrified by the lack of action. I've lived all over the country, and I promise you if someone walked up to a woman and cold-cocked her Montana, the best case scenario is he ends up in handcuffs. The worst is he ends up hospitalized. Yet, in our nation's capital, nobody in a packed restaurant appeared to chase him down. To be clear, that's what the footage shows. Perhaps it did happen, but no statements from the bar suggest that's the case.

Police are looking for a man who attacked a woman at Service Bar DC. (Credit: Getty Images)
We need to start raising young men to stand up for those who can't stand up for themselves and to confront evil wherever they see it. Attacking an innocent and defenseless person is evil, and should be dealt with as such. Let's hope the police find this piece of garbage, and slap the bracelets on him. There can't be mercy for violent criminals (such failures lead to horrible outcomes), and a line in the sand must be drawn. If you know who it is or have an opinion, reach out to David.Hookstead@outkick.com.