Hooters Shania Releases A Country Content Series That Has People Talking, 'Cocks Fans Are Ready & Gator FAFO
You ARE AN IDIOT if you're not brewing your own coffee and packing your lunch for work: The Current State of Spending Money
Earlier this week, Mr. Wonderful, Kevin O'Leary unloaded on those who are stopping for coffee and then grabbing lunch later in the day.
- A. Nonymous in Ohio writes:
I work as an accountant for a living. I started out earning $42k a year, and now I'm over $200k a year, and something I have always done my entire life is make my own coffee and pack my own lunch.
I can afford to go out to lunch every day but don't, because it's a stupid waste of money. I see people in the warehouse making $40k a year and getting door dash for lunch every day and I think to myself "That's why you're broke".
Plus, packing lunch from home is so much healthier than getting lunch out every day. Too many Americans are fat and broke, and eating lunch out every day exacerbates both of those.
This is a topic that should get the juices flowing around here. While there are studies that more and more of you aren't even taking a lunch break, it's starting to look like you're going to get relief if you blow through a fast-food window a few times a week.

It's common sense that you should make your coffee and pack a lunch before heading off to the job. So why aren't more people doing it?
Email: joekinsey@gmail.com
Did you catch my appearance on the Ricky Cobb Show?
They're supposedly asking me back next week. I have no idea where this is heading, but I like Ricky's energy and his encyclopedia of sports and pop culture from when I was a kid.
Here's Wednesday's appearance.
What Wisconsin food dish should an Alabama fan cook for the Alabama-Wisconsin game this weekend?
- TV in Birmingham, AL writes:
I know that subject line sounds like a lead-in for a football joke but it's not. I have folks coming over for the Alabama/Wisconsin game on Saturday and wanted to ask for help from your Wisconsin readers on what to cook.
Having never really spent any significant amount of time in that part of the country, about all I could think of was brats but what's the best way to prepare them?
Hoping I could get some other ideas or unique things that would be good too.
We have a TON of Wisconsin readers who live on streets with crazy names. I remember those addresses when I sent out Thursday Night Mowing League stickers. Help TV with his menu.
I might even use this advice. I'm thinking about throwing a Respect Summer pool party Saturday afternoon.
Email: joekinsey@gmail.com
Advice for Michael in PA who's thinking about quitting dipping – listen to Mr. Wonderful
*Disclaimer: The following emails are the opinion of the emailer and may or may not reflect the opinion of Screencaps. I've never dipped, so I'm not the guy to ask on this subject. BTW, don't think about suing us over advice because I didn't give you the advice! Sue the emailer!
- Rich in Hilton Head emails:
Read the article above by Mr. Wonderful about buying $8 lattes and such. A can of Copenhagen these days is north of $8 here in South Carolina. Best part about quitting dipping in my experience: No more wasting money and you don’t have to take your life in your hands at the convenience store anymore! Good luck.
- Clay W. says:
What helped me quit nicotine years ago. Put a golf pencil in my pack and a business card. Every time I lit up I put a mark and the time when I smoked. This gave me an idea of when I would have a hard time while quitting.
Also switched away from "my brand" to one I liked less and dumped my fancy lighter for old paper matches. Also spent a week waiting 5 min after the urge before lighting up. Next week 10 min wait, then 20.. Slowly moving sway from the mechanical elements of the habit.
Made sure I had a piece of of fruit etc as the "tough hours" approached. Also carried a toothbrush as oral stimulation after eating by smoking was part of digestion. Brushing gave the oral stem and my guts were fine.
Finally switched to very low tar cigs. No real taste there so why bother. Lastly a new mantra. "You are one puff away from a pack a day". With that embedded in my head I never went back. The process was like 6 weeks but relatively painless.
The urge might still hit you but keep the mantra in mind and remember all the $$$$ you are saving for not buying cigarettes, clothes you burned with ashes, window cleaner for you car from the smoke etc. Good luck. Go slow. It works.
- Anonymous has his say:
As a reader of Screencaps! for many years I finally feel worthy to contribute to something. The great debate regarding Spitless Tobacco, Modern Oral Nicotine, Pouches, Lip Pillows,etc. I work for a major tobacco company that produces a top 3 brand in this category in their marketing department (I can't say specifically who, because I love my job and want to stay employed and not get me or my employer in trouble).
- Nicotine pouches originated in Europe, primarily Scandinavia. They are HUGE there. Pretty much replaced smoking there.
- We have the "American" versions here in terms of flavors and nicotine strength. Some states you cannot purchase flavored nicotine pouches (looking at you California!). Our nicotine strengths are commonly 3 mg and 6 mg. Highest sold in US is 15mg (hard to find). In Europe you can get up to 50+mg in nicotine strength. They also have much cooler packaging, flavors and brand names.
-Zyn dominates the US market with about a 70% volume share
-Category has grown by about 80% over the past year, quadrupled over the past 3 years. Incredible growth!
-There is NO cancer warning mandated by the government for pouches on packaging. Only warning is that "Nicotine is an addictive chemical" Cigarettes, Chew, Cigars, Vape all have to rotate through several different cancer, birth defect and other warnings.
- Pouches are Tobacco Free, meaning they derive nicotine from the tobacco leaf or synthetically produce it.
- It is "safer" than cigarettes, chew and other tobacco products, but we are not allowed to say it
-Thousands of people have used pouches to stop other tobacco use. Much cheaper than Nicorette type products.
- Eric in Bloomington, MN knows this subject:
I'm a few years younger at 53 but have been using Copenhagen on and off since I was 15. Stopping (I can't call it "quit" because I may start again... but I hope not) might be the toughest thing I have ever done. (Do Hard Things?) A new dentist referred me to a specialist on my first visit because he "didn't like what he was seeing" on my lip and that specialist calmly but firmly saying "you need to stop... NOW!" scared me straight. A few random thoughts:
- Completely agree with the "I can make it another 5 minutes" attitude. Getting mad and calling yourself names because you can't wait another 5 or 10 minutes helped psychologically. I knew I was stronger than that.
- Its nice seeing photo's of yourself without a crooked smile because you have a dip (no matter how small) in your lip
- ""Smokey Mountain" has been the best for me- lots of flavors, available loose or in pouches, and tastes "somewhat" like real snuff. (Amazon carries it)
- If I'm being honest.... I'd do just about anything for a Copenhagen right now, but its been 4+ years and I can make it another 5 minutes. :)
Best wishes and thanks for being the best damn Senior Director of Content in America for the #1 column in America!!
- Nuclear Inspector John writes:
For Michael in Pa , I started dipping back in the 70’s when I was about 12 or 13, it was 45 cents a can , the local grocery store didn’t even keep it up front, it was in the back of the store in the meat cooler, but when I decided to quit about 15 yrs ago I did it cold turkey, just didn’t buy any more. The first week or so was touch and go but I made it through. For me that was better than trying to wean myself off of it.
For constipation, get some Magnesium Citrate gummies. They’ll do the trick.
Side note, this is the last email you’ll get from Nuclear Inspector John, I’m retiring after 41 yrs of Government service, I’ll just be regular guy John from here on out.
Congratulations are in order for Nuclear Inspector John. He's done it. He finally has that Mike T. in Idaho & Cindy T. money to go live life and maybe get a vending machine pizza in France or Spain. I can't remember where Mike T. was when he bought that pizza.
Congratulations to the rest of you who are hanging it up this year. Just promise to not go bitching and moaning all day on Facebook.
Bro, that's not a mint…it's a ZYN!
- Steve E. in Gresham, OR writes:
In reading the content over the past couple days pn Zyn, I thought I’d share my Zyn story with you, since it’s pretty funny.
I have never used tobacco products in any way in my life (and saved myself many thousands of $$$ in the process), and so I was not familiar with Zyn. While at some fire department training one day a few months ago, the instructor pulled out a can of Zyn, and asked if anyone wanted one. I thought it was a mint of some type, so I took one. I put it in my mouth and bit down, and the taste was, shall we say, rather strong and biting.
The "flavor" didn’t last very long, but the effect did. Never having had nicotine in my body before, I felt the effect for a while. A few hours later, when I normally would have gone to bed, I was sitting up, wired and unable to sleep, with the weirdest sensation I have have ever felt going on in my head. It evetually wore off, and I was able to go to sleep.
to this day I still laugh when I think that somehow I thought it was a mint.
Would you buy this?
Jack & Coke slush? Frozen margs? Do I need it? No, but it sure as hell would be a nice addition to the basement for the remainder of the football season. Is it hard to clean?
One of you has this machine. Tell me about it.
Email: joekinsey@gmail.com
Tennesseeans react to ‘elitist bullshit’ overrunning their state: People eating a five-course dinner and drinking wine at a table in a creek
- W.C.S. in Nashville has some thoughts:
This is what has happened to certain parts of my beautiful state – the prettiest in the nation IMHO. You are right – this is elitist bullshit. We are being overrun not so much by people from California b/c of the political/social conditions there, but b/c the cost of living here is less (but moving away from that!) and major corporations are catching on and moving here, bringing these knuckleheads with them.
I would bet that not one of those dipshits in that creek is actually from TN. Also, save me the argument that this population growth is improving the economic condition of our state – I’m not buying it. We can look to Atlanta and the state of Georgia as an economic case study if you like. I don’t need to.
One of the local celebrities here is fond of saying "yes, Tennessee is nice, but Tulsa is nice also."
I looked it up. People are paying $200 to eat a meal and drink wine while sitting at a table in a creek.
2024 Two-Club Invitational Champion Beau in Toledo has some thoughts
- The Champ writes:
I know the topic of the other gender (isn't it odd that "science" still has yet to find the genetic code for the other 53+ "genders"?!?) in sports is a contentious one, but I thought that this story that a buddy of mine at work told me about was kinda cool...
5th grade girl takes to the gridiron (13abc.com)
On the nicotine subject, I cannot offer any advice, but I DO know that it's a lot like caffeine and alcohol (learned that from a rehab therapist that held a work-wide class). Days without coffee give me a headache, and days without beer, yes, You read that right, give me cravings to just go grab one(only after work, FTR), like when you walk into an old-school deli on an empty stomach and you want one of everything.
I can tell You that Mom quit after 55 years of smoking the day She found out She was scheduled for triple-heart bypass after a mild heart attack. [True Story: She complained for 2 hours about how all her doctors told her her heart was fine and she had no blockages for 2 years prior to that day. That day was about 3 months after her second "vaccine" shot against the Plandemic.]
Good Luck and Keep Up The Fight to EVERYONE trying to quit!
If You and Mr's Screencaps ever DO have that expensive dinner in a river in Tennessee, take Your clubs and stop in Franklin, Kentucky and play Kenny Perry's course, Country Creek.
Home - Kenny Perry's Country Creek Golf Course (kpcountrycreek.com)
And since it IS Thursday, I'm going to give my League Report early for Morning ScreenCaps to save space for the Playoff contenders. A solid DNM. And I know that this guy on Your side of the Maumee River isn't cutting "grass" today, either.

That's it for this beautiful Thursday. Update: It's barely rained here in two months and the next 14 days are bone dry according to the long-range forecast. Yes, I will be watching football on the patio tonight.
Let's go dominate those sales meetings. Let's go dominate those Zooms. Go have a great day.
Email: joekinsey@gmail.com