Hookstead Ranks Mexican Beers, And Number One Will Start Some Debates

Have you ever wondered what the best Mexican beer on the market is?

Well, I have some good news for you because we're here to party. As many of our readers know, we've started a new feature known as the Weekend Recap (send all your content to David.Hookstead@outkick.com), where I compile all the awesome stuff OutKick readers have done throughout the week.

It came to my attention during this new journey that we all have something in common: a love for ice cold beer.

There's also a lot of our readers who definitely love Mexican food, and I thought the next thing to do was obvious. Rank the best Mexican beers you can commonly find in America. Now, I must admit finding a large variety of Mexican beers in Washington D.C. was far from an easy task. Not at all. It turns out the selection in America's capital is downright slim at best. Fortunately, I was able to scrounge up a few items.

Now, let's dive straight in and let me know your thoughts at David.Hookstead@outkick.com.


Mexican beers ranked!

6) Budweiser Chelada with Clamato:

Before everyone jumps down my throat about drinking an Anheuser-Busch product, just understand options are limited and I did the best I could. Having said that, this is absolute trash. It's a trash product that I wouldn't recommend to everyone.

People wanted a wildcard. Well, say hello to wildcard number one. I've had cheladas and micheladas before. Have never enjoyed them. Figured this might switch things up. It absolutely does not. Hard pass. Perhaps the worst drink I've had in a long time. Either be beer or be a cocktail. Don't play the middle. It never works.

This is literally a photo of me pouring it down the drain once I was done.

5) Modelo Oro:

Say hello to wildcard number two. Now, I want to preface this by saying that I didn't really hate this beer after having it for the first time ever today. I just didn't love it. It's Modelo's version of a light beer with 90 calories and 3 carbs. It's fine, but do I really just want to be fine when drinking a beer that is going to cost more than your average drink?

Absolutely not. And what is the point of drinking a light Modelo? If I'm drinking a Modelo (as I often do), then I want the full taste. More than anything, this beer is just completely unnecessary. If I want light beer I'll stick to my domestic classics, not a Mexican brew. Coming in at five is honestly generous.

4) Corona:

This is the definition of a standard Mexican beer. In fact, if you ask the average person walking around to name a Mexican beer, odds are high they'd name Corona. You know what you're going to get. It's nothing special but certainly not bad.

If you're in a pinch and an ice cold Corona is there, then odds are very high you're going to be okay. It's not the first beer we'd pick, but it's also not the last.

I might also be insane, but I think Corona is 100x better WITHOUT the lime. If I'm somewhere serving Corona and get one, I make it crystal clear I want nothing to do with the lime. Keep that trash away from me.

3) Tecate (not featured in the video):

To be clear, this didn't make the video (literally couldn't find it in D.C. as shocking as that sounds), but I have to include it. It's the definition of a working class Mexican beer. It's cheap, not great but gets the job done. It's essentially dollar store version Mexican beer. I can go down to the liquor store near the Hookstead Compound (location classified) and get six of these bad boys for about $5. It's comically cheap, and for good reason.

The best way to describe Tecate is that drinking it reminds me of season two of "Eastbound & Down" when Kenny Powers is in Mexico. It's vulgar, dirty, rough around the edges but entertaining as all hell. I'm not going to crush an entire 12 pack of these bad boys in one sitting, but mixing them in from time to time is acceptable.

2) Dos Equis:

This is probably going to be a pretty controversial ranking, but I'm not going to apologize for it. People are certainly going to ask, "How can you rank Dos Equis ahead of Corona?"

The answer is because I can, and there's not a damn thing you can do about it. Dos Equis is a great day drinking Mexican beer that's definitely on the lighter side of things. It almost feels like you're drinking a light beer (you're not), and you hardly notice how many you're tossing back.

It's probably going to upset a lot of people, but these results are fair and final. Dos Equis is SLOTTED in at the number do spot.

1) Modelo:

Is anyone surprised Modelo is in the top spot? You damn sure shouldn't be. Modelo isn't just the best Mexican beer, but might be the best beer money can buy.

A crispy Modelo hitting your taste buds is like a group of fighter jets roaring through the air to light up your mouth like the United States Navy did to the Houthi terrorists in Yemen.

It's an explosion of taste, a fury of flavor and borderline impossible to stop after just one sip. There is nothing - and I do mean nothing - more refreshing than an ice cold Modelo on a scorching hot summer day. Drinking one gives me the same confidence I imagine Delta Force operators have going into a gunfight they know they're not just going to win - they're going to dominate. Modelo is the Delta Force of Mexican beers. Unmatched, unrivaled and unbeatable.

Are you surprised by my top pick? Did I go with something too mainstream? Let me know at David.Hookstead@outkick.com. Otherwise, just crack open a few yourself, and let's have a day!

Written by
David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.