Hockey Goalie Mikayla Demaiter Washes Ashore On Tropical Island, Beers Enter Transfer Portal & Cheesy Potatoes
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One of the true legends of Screencaps checks in. He's a member of the 2024 Two-Club Invitational winning team. Editors are under strict orders to never touch his emails. Beau in Toledo IS BACK!
Yeah, it's been awhile, but I've been trying to keep tabs. I gotta ask... which course did You play Sunday, before the fire that destroyed Shawn's, one of the best pizza and beer spots in all of Toledo(I said what I said)? Was it the one on the south side of that road that's kinda open but with long rough, or the one on the north side, that favors a fade? Both are nice tracks, and great shooting!! Side Note: I'm told that the Shawn's on Dorr Street has a golf simulator... just sayin'.
The comic book store next to Shawn's lost a couple of MILLION dollars in comics. Yikes.
As far as The T's, I myself am living vicariously through Their additions to #ScreenCaps, so I vote for the updates. I gotta get me one of those knives that the swordfish butcher has... Yowzers!
For breakfast, my go-to for a few days is a frittata... it's basically everything You like in an omelette, mix it all up in a big bowl, put it in a baking dish, top with cheeses, yes, more than one kind, and 40 minutes in the oven. Yes, I roast peppers I get from San Marcos Market on Broadway and add them, but I'm not in the mood to fight with Texans over food this week.
Red Star Diner in Temperance has a killer skillet. (I may take the above idea, put it in my cast iron baking dish, and throw it over the coals... The BeauSkillet??) Mama's Kitchen has a breakfast "chimichanga" that's smothered in gravy. Nick's Diner has an omelette that's served in a 16x24.
Biscuits and Gravy is better between the 38th and 32nd parallels. The above mentioned Red Star gets an honorable mention.
I was on the way back from Y-town and didn't get to my buddy's The Game party until just before the end of the 3rd qtr. Yes, I was shocked at the score and UM win, yes, I was happy to find out I won $150 on squares, and yes, I think Josh Williams' idea of a Law re: flag planting is (you might not be allowed to print this part, but anyway) G-H-E-Y GHEY GHEY GHEY!!
We need to bring back #PlaygroundLaw. What happened in c-bus is what SHOULD have happened. I hate that teams nowadays have no clue on what it means to win/lose with respect and honor, but o$u's response to the flag plant was the correct one, no law needed. Josh should be looking into who at ODOT is the sick demented f*ck that wants to guarantee that Toledoans have to endure 5 more years of orange barrels around the I-475 & Secor interchange.
I wanted to wear white hightops with my black tux for Prom(I was promptly informed by my gf that there would be no use for the prophylactics that I had purchased). It would have paired perfectly with my mullet. I miss the 80's. Side Note: dress shoes on artificial turf is comedy waiting to happen. NB makes the 608's in black, fellas.
Castle Noel, Medina, Ohio... do it.
Castle Noel in Medina, Ohio - Castle Noel
Yes, that's the slide from A CHRISTMAS STORY.
Should I rejoin X? I hear the memes are killer these days.
This is not scientific, but I get around Toledo a lot during the day, and I see women driving men around more often in the ishthole parts of Toodle-ee-doo... I'll let Y'all draw your own conclusions.
Oh, and Joe?
Now that's an email! It's even better that I can put a face to the email now that I've met Beau in Toledo and shared some beers with this legend. I maintain that one of the biggest shocks of the year had to be Beau's golf game. He never talks much golf and then he goes out and eagles the final hole of the Two-Club Invitational and wins the whole thing.
What a year it's been.
Let me answer a couple of his questions.
- I shot the 82 at South Toledo Golf Club. The haters will say I did it on a short course. True, it's a shorter course, but that doesn't matter if you can't hit a green and putt. Those 1926 greens are no joke.
- It's true that Shawn's the 19th hole bar that burned down 12 hours after Canoe Kirk and I stopped for pizza was one of Toledo's best places. I'm a sucker for those places where you might be sitting next to a guy who looks ragged, but he might be a multi-millionaire and you'd never know it. That's what drinking at Shawn's was like.
- I didn't edit a single letter in Beau's email.
- Yes, you should rejoin X/Twitter. It's still just a big screaming match, but with way fewer Libs.
Steve B. in Colorado's Hallmark movie continues to resonate with Screencaps readers
For those who are new around here, Steve B. in Colorado is known for sitting down and writing a Christmas movie screenplay, his first, and then figuring out a way to sell it to Hallmark and getting it made into a movie, which became Checkin' It Twice, a hockey Hallmark movie that had a big TV ratings win in 2023.
It remains one of the biggest moments in Screencaps reader history.
- Jason R. writes:
Can you please send me the name of the Hallmark movie our fellow Screencaps brother wrote and the dates it will be playing? I have told my 75-year-old mother about it and she is excited to watch. Keep doing what you are doing and we definitely mow on Thursday.
- Your mother should be looking for Checkin' It Twice on Hallmark.
- According to Hallmark's schedule, the movie will air Thursday, December 19 at 2 p.m. EST. If she misses that showing, it's on again Saturday, December 28 at NOON.
- Tell your mother Merry Christmas from all of us at America's Best Daily Column, as named by the readers.
I'm so proud of our vintage Pizza Hut conversation and how it has taken this twist from Tillamook, Oregon
Seth B. sent me this photo Thursday night and it instantly caught my attention because it's a Pizza Hut building rebrand, and it actually looks really cool compared to some of the rebrands we've seen.
I haven't had Domino's in years, but this building makes me want to go in and see what's going on. Can I eat inside? Is there a buffet? Is there a salad bar? Draft beer bartender?
Speaking of food, I knew Jim T. in San Diego was going to cause a rush of emails over his declaration that San Diego Mexican food is better than Mexican food in Mexico
- H.M.I. fires back:
I need to step in the fray regarding Mexican food and Jim T's argument that San Diego's is so much better than anywhere else, it' "not even worth debating." His argument reminds me of the "SCIENCE" screeds we heard so often during covid. But the science (and my taste buds) have spoken: Tucson reigns supreme when it comes to Mexican food.
Tucson was also the first city in North America to receive the UNESCO City of Gastronomy designation in 2015 for its Sonoran style Mexican food. And as a Tucson resident, I will vouch that the Mexican food here is mind-blowing. UNESCO & Creative Cities Network | Tucson City of Gastronomy
A decade later, the only other city in the US with this recognition is San Antonio. I will concede however, that San Diego's Mexican food is vastly superior to that in Los Angeles, which makes no sense considering the Hispanic population of about 8 million in LA.
- Joe P. backs up Jim T.
I live in San Diego, and was raised in LA.
Mexican food IS better in San Diego. My favorite burrito joint isn’t even a -berto’s, but it’s next to a crappy liquor store and generic gas station.
One thing I found out when I moved here was the Chile Relleno burrito. It might not be the most popular Mexican dish, but the Chile relleno is
when done correctly. It’s better than the California burrito because the cheese gets all gooey and when mixed with the beans, it’s just awesome.
David in Illinois is mad at Chris Y. for ripping on his breakfast burrito. We have ourselves an old-fashioned WAR of WORDS
First, here's the breakfast burrito that David in Illinois sent in. Chris Y. said it looked like Big Bird took a dump on a tortilla.

- David in Illinois responds!
Y, Chris?
Seriously? That’s all you got? The food I enjoy looks like a pile of shit? Hey everyone, "comments section Chris" made a funny, and wow, he really put me in my place. I’ll definitely think twice about contributing now that I know Big "D" Energy Chris controls these parts!
Was Chris out of line? Does David need a DBAP shirt?
Gerard is going to trigger the mailers with that glass of milk. The last time he showed his glass of milk, the email inbox went nuts
- Gerard in IL checks in:
Leftover Bean and Pasta Stew over eggs was a delicious post work out meal this morning. I suspect most will be disgusted?

‘I went to China & had a snake hot pot; they skinned it tableside’
- Scott H. shares his experiences in China and has a question for Mike T. & Cindy T.
Wanted to weigh in on a couple of topics:
I've been to China twice. Both times in a smallish city called Gaoming (sp?). Nice people. Hadn't seen too many tall Americans in their lives. I was walking down the street one day on a nice day and the kids were walking home from school. Young kids, like elementary school age maybe K-3. They walk in very orderly packs with a sort of military formation and a teacher with each group. Several groups one after the other.
As I passed the first group, one little kid looks at me and says "Hello" recognizing that I looked different and taking a swing at English. Good enough and I say hello back with a big smile. With each passing group, more kids saying "hello" in unison. Three kids, five kids.... that last group, they had all caught on and shouted "hello!" with big smiles and I of course shouted right back at them. It was pretty cool. Adorable. I'll never forget it.
Now as for food, the first time I went, we ate some snake hot pot. The veggies were great, but the snake not so much. Skinned it at the table, chopped it up, took some weird gland and squeezed it into a glass of water. As the guest of honor, I got to drink the weird gland water. Gross, but I am nothing if not a gracious guest.
The snake itself, very chewy. Not much meat. Imagine if you met some friends out for wings and they had already eaten the wings, but you got to nibble the meat from the bones. Gross.
Second time, I said to the host, ‘Hey can we skip the snake?’ this time before we headed out for dinner. Yes yes, said the host. We got to the restaurant/wet market and there were all kinds of chickens, snakes, animals in cages. I walk over near the snake and my host holds me back.... "viper snake spits venom... stay back." Good advice. I stay back. We get the snake anyways. Still gross.
A lot of the other meals were fantastic though.
Secondly, can the T's confirm this problem with Guinness? Guinness' sales are more than their capacity? I do have some friends that swear by Guinness 0. Regular G, Guinness 0, switch, repeat, and you can drink like 6 or 8 beers over the course of hours and still feel ok about driving.
Keep up the fine work.
Screencaps readers weigh in on LinkedIn & the question of whether it's turning into Tinder
- Don M. writes:
Thanks so much for sharing your LinkedIn link. I just followed you.
As for the flirting, it’s all bots. I used to live in San Jose and was part of the tech scene. I asked former colleagues about these same messages I get on Truth Social and LinkedIn (I already knew they were fake, but the question was to them, how these bots have become so smart, you start to doubt yourself if they’re real or not).
I did not have any social media, but I decided to join Truth because the media got so bad. That’s the only place I found news firsthand by Trump and other conservative figures. But since I joined last year, I now have about 70 bots following me and about 50 friends.
The bots are wild, sometimes it almost feels like they’re real. But here are some dead giveaways (according to my Silicon Valley friends): when you look at their page, their history isn’t deep. On Truth, their accounts usually started in the past month or two. Secondly, they message you about things I like, like the LA Rams, Dodgers, Trump, my company, etc.
The scariest ones are when they say they’ve worked with me in the past and they say ‘We met in 2007 while working at…’
So, let me just let all you guys this now, these are bots. I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but I hope none of you have been sending money to these ‘cute Asian ladies just new to the states and loves Trump’… LOL.
But, I mean, it’s still flattering to know that even the hot bots find me attractive.
Hot Bots… (I am coining this).
- Voiceover Guy Mike in California emails:
I'm assuming this is a bot.

If there's a Travel Ball mom on your Christmas list, she could use a new bottle to SUCK on
Thank you to Chris in Milford, CT for tipping me off on this one.
"Boy do these travel moms have problems now," Chris emailed.
How to tip the Amazon drivers and program them before Alexa & Bezos can program you
- Allen K. has a suggestion for those who want to do a little programming of your own:
I have my delivery preference on Amazon set up so that packages are delivered to my back patio (my work schedule is pretty flexible, but I can’t always be home when deliveries are made and I don’t like the idea of boxes piling up on my front porch).
When I have a substantial amount to be delivered (especially around Christmas time) I put an envelope with some cash in it addressed to the Amazon driver with a note on it saying ‘thanks for delivering to the back door’. 9/10 times the packages end up on the front porch anyway.
If they do their job (read the delivery instructions) and take the extra time to walk to the back of my house (it’s not big so it adds less than a minute to their stop) they get a tip. If not, they don’t.
What a morning for the column. Mondays and Tuesdays tend to be slow because you guys are getting back to work. By late Wednesday and Thursday, the inbox starts to light up and we finish off the week with incredible editions on Fridays and Saturdays.
Both days have been loaded lately.
We've made it to the end of another week and the end to the real work week of the year for many of you who'll be jerking around next week while not working a bit.
Congratulations to those who are off the rest of the year. You've earned it. Make sure you're clicking on the column because Sean Jo and I will have you covered.
For the rest of us, let's buckle down and finish the year strong.
Have a great weekend.