Hockey Goalie Mikayla Demaiter Smiles, Arnold Schwarzenegger's Donkey Leaves Peyton Stunned & The Dirtiest Players
Back at full strength
The quick overnight trip north into Michigan has concluded and I'm now back at the Screencaps HQ locked in on another week of work. The kids got to swim their hearts out. They got to play a bunch of video games. Mrs. Screencaps got to shop. I got to watch MY Bengals win another game.
It was a very positive trip:
Inside a defense contractor trade show in Hawaii
• Andy from Knoxville reports:
Aloha! Checking in from Waikiki Beach on Oahu. I had to come out for a work conference, but they didn't have to twist my arm. Going back to Oahu is a bit of a homecoming for me, I was stationed there twice and all of my kids were born there. Thanks to all of the great travel advice given by the Screencaps Community earlier this year, I had plenty of miles to bring my wife out with me. Screencaps for the win, once again!
I am in the defense industry now, so I get to go to these cool trade shows where everyone comes together and tries to get the government to buy their stuff. I remember when you went to the food industry trade show, those were great reports. Is that still going on? The best way to describe a defense trade show is that it is like the Detroit Auto Show but with tanks, helicopters, and guns, instead of cars. See the attached pics.
I am mostly team sunset because I don't go looking for the sunrise if I can help it. Here is one from last night from Waikiki. With the time change, I am sure I'll be up for a sunrise while I am here so I'll grab that and send it in for a comparison. Mahalo for continuing to crank out America's Best Daily Column.

Yes, I still go to the restaurant trade association show with Mrs. Screencaps and it's back to being awesome after a brutal three-year stretch with COVID where the samples weren't being tossed around like the old days.
We're BACK.
That brings me to a defense contractor show: What samples do you guys get at defense contractor shows?
I know the Equip Expo guys like Canoe Kirk brag about hats and shirts they get from the landscaping industry. What does the military complex world give to conventioneers? Toy tanks to take home to the kids? Rubberband guns that are completely legal to take onto airplanes?
And one more thing, does the Mexican drug cartel industry come to these events? Do proxies walk the show and send texts back to the boys in the mountains alerting them to new tanks on the market? I'm completely intrigued by this world.
I hate to brag, but I'm about to throw around some money on golf equipment
I'm going to this guy's wedding (not Dave Ramsey) on Friday
Would it be wrong to show up to Millennial Mark's wedding with a case of Valvoline oil? Take a listen to his conversation with Dave Ramsey and then you make the call.
Do we have any lawyers who are "mean and angry" and would like to represent Millennial Mark (who was supposed to aerate my yard last week but it sounds like he was busy calling Dave Ramsey) against Valvoline? I'll write your number on the wedding card and tell Mark and his bride to give you a call.

CPAP report
• Mike T. in Eagle, Idaho checks in:
Greetings from beautiful Idaho! Just wanted to add my 2 cents to the CPAP conversation. I’ve used a CPAP machine nightly for 10 years and can’t imagine life without it.
During a physical 10 years ago, my doctor suggested I undergo a sleep study, it was so simple. The company sent me a monitor to wear on my finger at night and then send it in for review. I needed a CPAP badly and have used it nightly since!
Yes, I take it with me when we travel, is it a hassle, no not really!
Until you find out how sleep deprivation you are, you never know how much you needed a CPAP!
PS, your significant other will love you sleeping all night also!
Time zone frustrations
• Economist Jared P. in Ohio writes:
In response to Jim M. on time zones, I've lived on both sides of the eastern time zone and understand the frustration with time changes. For those on the eastern side, they are frustrated that the sun sets so early when daylight savings ends.
However, those on the western side are frustrated with how late the sun rises with daylight savings time. The sun didn't rise last week until 8:10 or so in western Ohio and close to 8:30 in Grand Rapids, MI.
The extremes are worse the further north one goes. Maybe we should just move the clocks 30 minutes, never change the clocks again, and call it even.
PS - My wife spent much of her childhood in Edmonton, Alberta and remembers going to school in the dark and coming home in the dark in the dead of winter.
• Travel Ball Hardo Chris B. in Houston writes:
Wow lotsa people are grumpy about the time change! I am OK with it. Here in Houston today the sunrise was at 6:40 which I like. It helps me wake up. Sunset will be at 5:30 this evening which is early but thankfully I'm comfy walking the dogs after dark. Also... time change is not new! I am not a young man and the time has been changing my whole life.
Big game coming up... Texans look pretty good, but damn... your Bengals look really good.
I'm not a gar expert -- Is this a big one?
Deer season
• Ridge Runner reports in from Rogues Fork:

• Scott B. in Cincy writes:
A little love from SW Ohio.
Sunset in Cincinnati suburbs Sunday night.
You probably don’t have a sunset on the Ionian Sea yet. This was taken last month off the west coast of Greece while I was on a cruise.

• Benny writes:
First and foremost, kudos to operating the best column anywhere. SC is a must read and gives me faith we still have an America we all love and fought (and still fight) for. Not the radical trash littering the news every day. This community is what real America is all about. Thank you! And thanks to the Nightcaps gang as well!!!
Now, onto business...
1) Sunrises vs sunsets - both amazing. Sunrises (when the world is still sleeping) are a peaceful way to enjoy hot coffee and get ready to attack the day. Sunsets are a reward for ending a productive day of "doing hard things."
2) IG girls - always a great variety. I mostly prefer the farmers, hunters, lumberjacks, police, etc. over the college cheerleaders, so I hope to see more of them. But I'll never complain for whatever we're blessed with!
3) Enjoy your trip to Michigan. If you ever decide to vacation north of the bridge, let me know. I'm a born and raised Yooper (even though I'm not living there anymore) and can give you a few suggestions.
4) Now that I am recently moved and settled into my new house in OK with a small yard, I'd like to put my name on the list for the next round of League stickers you send out. I look forward to TNML season. I have a spot on my garage fridge reserved for it.
5) T-shirt suggestion: "Those Who Mow on Thursdays Will Be Champions". Hopefully your ohio state bias doesn't get in the way of getting this into the Outkick Shop! GO BLUE!
6) I attached a sunset pic from Dubrovnik, Croatia.

• Dustin D. in on this team:
Friday night lights sunset – Indianapolis, IN.
Cathedral HS taking on Lawrence North. Cathedral HS with the W gets to take on the mighty giants of Ben Davis this week.

• John H. is back with sunsets in places 99.9% of this community will never visit. Relax, that doesn't mean your sunsets have less value than John's sunsets:
Sunset in Wadi Rum - Jordan
Wadi Rum is where “The Martian” and “Star Wars”, among other films were made. Fascinating place.

• Chris A. says:
I'm officially on Team Sunrise this morning. This is looking towards Sugarloaf Mountain from Frederick County, MD. Note the multiple contrails crossing the sky. I've never seen so many.

• John H. also sent in this one:
Sunrise in Petra - Jordan

• John also sent in this one before Halloween that I should go ahead and publish today just so people don't start thinking John is just showing off far-off locations where he's seen the sun rise and set:
Sunrise in NW Washington

That's it this morning. The sun is out and we're going to have a positive day of life.
Let's go get after it.