Hockey Goalie Mikayla Demaiter Is Back, Troy Aikman Working Off The Weekend Beers & Joe Buck Burns Peyton Manning
• Martin M. sent this email at 1:13 ET Monday afternoon:
Hello there Mr. Kinsey. Just wanted to shoot you an email to let you know I appreciate your daily screencaps. I came across them a while back through Clay Travis' Twitter page. I don't have any social media and enjoy getting a couple of good laughs every day looking through them.
I drive a concrete truck for a living in the Evansville Indiana area. Huge Bears, Cubs, and Irish fan. Anyways, been wanting to write for a while about your dad. My dad had cancer when I was in middle school around 1997 and beat it, but unfortunately, it came back in the fall of 2019. It was much more aggressive this time around, and even though we thought he had beat it again, it had made its way to his brain while receiving chemotherapy and it took him from us in June of 2020.
By this time, my dad was more of a friend than a dad. Wanted to watch a game with someone, he was my first call. Play a round of golf, he got the first call and I treasure that now very much. I see something every day I would call him to talk about. I really hope your dad is doing well, and hope you are able to cherish simple moments with him, cause those are the ones you will miss the most. Hope you have a good holiday. Fire Nagy.
I don't know if it was some sort of divine intervention on Martin's part or what, but I received a call from my father last night at about 5:30. I figured it was about the Bengals looking terrible Sunday and Michigan winning. That was just half of the conversation.
The first half was the results of his latest scan after several rounds of treatment for a spot found on his lung. Dad told me the scan he had on Friday came back clean. The treatment was successful.
As I've told you guys, I don't delve into his treatment, his condition, his situation beyond what he's willing to tell me. When I asked him about the severity of the treatment he's been going through, he said it was 10% less than regular chemo.
When I asked about how he was able to battle through to golf and work -- delivering heavy equipment to job sites -- during this ordeal, he credited being in good shape and getting consistent rest. He's 66.
There was understandable relief in his voice and he revealed that he can now get busy planning out life further down the road than the next few months. I have no idea what's on his mind as far as his long-range plan, but today he's taking the boat out around Marco Island. I assume he'll park it on some sandbar, turn up the music and see what's in the cooler.
I know there are some of you who are going through some extremely difficult times. You've sent me emails telling me of great pain and I have great respect for those who have trusted me with their stories. It's my hope that dad's results give hope to those of you who cannot see a path towards brighter days. It's also not lost on me to cherish having parents around.
And with that, we move on with life.
• Rob in NC has financial and strategic advice for those of us who've reached the age where we need the NFL Ticket:
Hey Joe on the NFL Ticket calling your name. I have had DirecTV for over 20 years along with the ticket being a Pats fan from CT in NC. First year I have not had the ticket because what we were paying for DirecTV is ridiculous and with all the apps and streaming these days I couldn't do it anymore.
We switched to Youtube TV(as long as the wife has law and order reruns and kids have their phones it's all good) and pay so much less, but I had to figure something out. I hit up my boy Tugboat who is a diehard skins fan and I knew he still had the ticket, so I asked if anyone was piggybacking off his. In other words, signing in under his account and no one was. Can't have more than one person signed in and Tugboat watching at his house doesn't count.
So I put the NFL ticket app on my Roku, sign-in and I don't miss a game. Hell Tug and I go way back, we used to trade direct boxes for the ticket, but I think they caught on a few years ago. My advice find a buddy who has it and is cool with you piggy- him a case or 2 of his choice. Hopefully direct owning the rights will change down the road. Keep up the work.
• Last night, I was at Home Depot and ran into this display. I never thought I needed a bath fan/Bluetooth speaker combo, but the longer I stood there, the longer I thought this might be one of the most genius inventions of our time. Yes, I'm probably 2-3 years late to this trend, but now it has my full attention.
Have any of you installed the Bluetooth speaker bathroom fans? I need reviews because this would be a nice, quick project I'd like to knock out.
• I have to say that Mike T. & Cindy T. in Eagle, Idaho are the Screencaps Power Couple of the year. They sent me the T. Holiday Greetings letter via email that reminds me of end-of-year letters my parents would get from couples back in the 1980s and I was fascinated by those letters because there was so much detail. Little did I realize at the time that in less than 10 years, those letters would be sent out via email and the world would be connected in a way that my young brain couldn't comprehend.
In the T letter, I learned that Mike & Cindy's tomatoes and cucumbers went nuts this year, but the wine grapes "were hit and miss." I also learned the Ts have been married 41 years and Mike included a photo of his Honda mower picking up leaves.
I'm telling you, this letter to friends and family is some flat-out wholesome stuff from the Ts. They're a Screencaps treasure.
• Mark Z. in Milwaukee writes:
Love the column. Saw this on Saturday during SEC Championship. Crowd shot going to commercial. Gotta love the South!!
• Mark W. in Franklin, TN writes:
The Cato Institute does an annual, index of freedom for all 50 states. The link takes you to their study and you can click on your state and see the analysis that supports the ranking. Very interesting stuff, and very grateful to see Tennessee in the top 5.
No surprise that all the states that rank at or near the bottom are the Democrat-controlled blue states. I understand that California Governor Gavin Newsome was just named as “Realtor of the Year” for Tennessee.
Thanks for all you do. Love the morning ScreenCaps.
• And before we wrap it up this morning, Gerard W. in northern Illinois has a Smoked Chex Mix recipe that he says "is the next big thing on a pellet grill."
Nephew brought this to Thanksgiving and it was devoured quickly. It has just a hint of smoke flavor.
• Today's the 80th anniversary:
• Have a great day out there across this great country. Send in your emails, the projects you're working on, pictures of your food, whatever. Make Screencaps what you want to see it become.
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