Hockey Goalie Mikayla Demaiter Finishes The Content Year On A High Note, Hogs Fans Gone Wild & Gunner's F-150
It's probably time to stop playing the lotto when it goes over a billion
…unless you live in California.
States that have won the lotto after it has gone over a BILLION:
California (4)
South Carolina
New Jersey
(Winning tickets in California, Florida and Tennessee split a $1.586 billion lotto in 2016.)
The three biggest lottos of 2024 were won in California (2) and Oregon.
Nick Saban thinks Ohio State fan's focus is on Michigan after what happened after Thanksgiving. No, Nick, it was on the offensive plan Ryan Day & Chipper deployed against a damaged Michigan team when they were 23.5 point favorites
And like I've been writing, the devaluing of college football rivalries is officially here and the talking heads are telling you to just move on from historic losses when your soft head coach tries to play Michigan like it's 1969.
Now you're the one who need therapy for taking the rivalry games as life or death, according to Nick.
Nick didn't have a problem cashing checks after rivalry games and rabid fans turned college football into a multi-billion-dollar industry. Now, fans are told just to move on. Eh, it was a loss.
You're going to get what you're asking for and that's the devaluing of the regular season.
A Rutgers fan remembers his wife and how she would handle Rutgers football games
- John W. emails:
Wife who passed went to Rutgers-talked about how ‘The R U Screw’ hit Rutgers students over and over sports, academic cs, student life….
Hang this mid 3rd quarter text from me in the Louvre

For context, Rutgers blew a 17-point lead and lost 44-41 to Kansas State this week.
How do I know readers come back to OutKick multiple times each day?
- BS in Lake Orion, MI asks:
Another great Screencaps today. Thank you. A few days ago you wrote that you would be making the Outkick homepage decisions…, doing work so that we could come back to Outkick throughout the day (as you knew we would).
How do you know that?
My wife was away caring for her mother so my Christmas was exceptionally quiet (ahhh). I was checking Outkick multiple times and it was always a little new. Amazing.
Thanks for putting together the best web content. I tell anyone & everyone about the site.
- Our stat counter gives us data on "Loyal" readers who have visited OutKick on eight or more days over the last 16 days. As I type this on Saturday morning, there are several hundred visitors right now who are listed as loyal readers based on the IP address they're using to visit the site.
- I don't personally look at your IP address. That function is old news. Way back in 2007 when I started my Internet career, I used a stat counter that would show me where IP addresses were coming from. I was always fascinated when an IP address would show it was from inside a military facility. Or some foreign country. Wait, those people care what I write? It was fascinating.
- Plus, BS, readers tell me they're reading multiple posts or they'll email me about my other work.
- If we hypothesize that you'll visit once an hour, we need to have those top stories changing about once an hour. A stale site looks like a site that isn't being updated and there's no reason for a loyal visitor to keep returning. Loyal visitors tell others about their favorite websites and then those people become loyal visitors. That's the idea.
- Thank you for telling others about OutKick. They might hate the Culture Department, but they might really enjoy Womansplaining with Amber Harding or Matt Reigle's Gripe Report.
Maybe Tom was on the naughty list this year
- Tom B. in Alexandria, VA writes:
I just wanted to let you know that before Christmas I gave the wife plenty of hints about the Battery Daddy and how everyone on the "Outkick Column" raves about it.
Alas, I did not get one for Christmas, even though my wife always says how I am so hard to buy gifts for.
Tom, here's what I want you to do:
- Tell Mrs. B. that you need to run out to Home Depot to get a couple of items.
- Go to Home Depot, buy the Battery Daddy and the Battery Daddy lantern. We're talking like $25-30 total for both.
- Then go to Costco and buy the mega packs of AA & AAA batteries.
- Go home, hang out in your garage and start stuffing batteries into the greatest battery organizer in the history of batteries. #NotSponsored
- Take your time.
- Pour yourself a drink or crack open a beer, Coke, Pepsi or drink a cup of water.
- Maybe turn on some music. Maybe a college bowl game.
- Keep stuffing batteries into their little cubbyholes.
- Take photos of your process.
- Then sit back and wait for Mrs. B to ask you in the very near future if you know where the AA batteries are at.
It will then be your time to shine, Tom. You don't have to be pretentious about it when you whip out your Battery Daddy for Mrs. B to see. You don't have to be dramatic when you dump out your Battery Daddy.
Just be proud.
Be proud of your organization heading into 2025. Be proud that you're now part of an exclusive club of Screencaps readers who understand the beauty of knowing exactly where the batteries are at in a time of need.
Trust me with this process, Tom.
Dove poppers with Travel Ball Hardo Chris B. in Houston
- TBHCBiH writes:
More dove poppers tonite

Garbage truck on Capri
Thanks to Screencaps reader Downriver for sending in this snap because it reminded me that it's trash day here due to the holiday. That was clutch, Downriver. I would've forgotten.
- Downriver writes:
I saw Mike T’s picture of the street cleaner in Cadiz, Spain and it made me think of the garbage truck I photographed in on the Island of Capri(Italy) this summer.

A Friday in Spain
- Mike T. writes:
Flamenco dancers getting ready for an Instagram shoot , Seville, Spain

That is it for this Saturday morning. It has been one helluva long week navigating the holidays and working quite a few hours. But, we made it, the site is humming along and we're heading into a massive football time of year with serious momentum.
Let's keep it up. Let's finish strong.
If you're working next week, I want you to give the best two days of work of 2024. Finish STRONG.
Have a great weekend.