Hockey Goalie Mikayla Demaiter Dumps Out Rare Black Bikini Content, Wade Statue Used As A Distraction & MEAT!
How long do you need to live in the South before you can be a Southerner?
- CB writes:
I’ll be watching the Penn State – Ohio State game this Saturday. We have a divided house, my wife is from Ohio, Reynoldsburg to be exact and I grew up in Central PA, with some family ties to Penn State.
Could get a bit rowdy in our house this Saturday! We’ve lived in Northeastern FL now for the last 23 years and given my career choice early in life, I feel more like this is home than PA.
So, a few years ago I renounced my Yankee citizenship and have become a full on Southerner and Florida Man.
Yes FL, at least the northern part, is part of the South and I’ll die on that hill. Brings up a question I have. Curious to know if any other SC readers feel the same? Is their adopted state more like home than where they grew up?
I'll let the Southerners fight it out over this one.
Let's check in with the Ohio high school football state playoffs where they pretty much allow every team to make the playoffs
Hey parents, your kids are being used as fodder to funnel gate money to the state high school association and fees to the companies that run the online ticketing.
By the way, you might remember how the Marion Local Flyers, the team that set the Ohio HS consecutive wins record last week, had multiple teams refuse to play them in the first round of the state playoffs.
Fort Recovery, who lost 62-0 against Marion Local (it's a D-VII public school) during the regular season, stepped up and said what the hell, we'll play them.
Here's how that went last night:
That's right, Fort Recovery has been outscored 130-0 by Marion Local this year. At least that team had the balls to take the game and get lit up. That speaks volumes.
The Flyers are out-scoring teams 530-22. They haven't given up points since September 20. We're talking six straight shutouts and those aren't games against invalids. They're playing in one of the most competitive high school conferences in Ohio.
What did you do for beer money in your 20s?
- Steve C. writes:
Didn’t need it! All my beer was free!
I managed to snag a part time job working for a local beer distributor in Charlottesville while in college in the late 1970’s. Worked after classes during the week and all day in the summer months. Here are some of the (current and former) brands we distributed:
Stroh’s - firebrewed in Detroit
St Pauli Girl
Grolsch - in the very cool swing-top bottles
Colt 45 Malt Liquor
Foster’s Lager - in the big oil-can size container
This was way before the craft beer explosion. Worked in the warehouse loading trucks for deliveries and also humped kegs to local restaurants, bars, and grocery stores. Free beer came from the revered Breakage Pile located in the warehouse. While unloading a beer delivery into the warehouse, we workers might "accidentally" drop a case or two, or even an entire pallet, off the forklift and onto the concrete floors, some of the bottles or cans within the cases would then break, be unsellable, and the unbroken soldiers in the broken cases would then end up in the Breakage Pile. This pile was the source of probably thousands of free beers over the years. Most ended up in the trunk of my ‘72 Cutlass and then into the closet in my apartment. I was a very popular guy with the chicks, my roommates, fraternity parties, etc…as I always had beer. Never resold it. It was free to me, so it was then also free to whoever came to visit or to party!
- CB spent his 20s making his beer money the old-fashioned way - from Uncle Sam:
JH, the retired nuclear inspector, inspired me to share what I did in my 20’s (and part of my 30’s) for beer money. Curios what ship he is on, maybe a carrier or big deck amphib? My thanks to him and my other fellow vets that read SC.

Where is that gun range in Ohio?
- Ray writes:
Ok I saw the tweet shooting drone and thought cool. Then I saw the follow-up tweet that said it is in Ohio. Now I need to know where.
Thanks for the content and the assist.
I did a little investigating and it turns out the gun range guys are in Columbia Station, OH, which is just west of Cleveland. It also turns out that this seems to be a private range where the owner and his buddies blow up stuff for the fun of it.
That was a serious gut-punch. I was hoping to take the text group to the range and play 18 afterwards before heading home to the wives.
Crazy ways to meet your wife
- Scott shares a crazy story:
My cousin, a handsome and strapping fella, met his wife playing ultimate frisbee in a play like you describe, except that he accidentally plowed her over and knocked her unconscious. And introduced himself later.... They have been married 20 years or so and have 4 sons. Happy ending for them in an Ultimate Frisbee knockout.
Craziest Classes on Your College Transcript
- Otis in Mobile writes:
As stated before I went to US Merchant Marine Academy. Among the classes that we were required to take such as self defense, lifesaving, etc. one that was really out of the box was sailing. If you look at the school it makes some sense and it was actually fun sailing those little lazers around Long Island Sound in the afternoon but certainly not something that you see in other schools. Note that this was a REQUIRED class.
- Pat in Spokane shares:
Similar to PhD Matt's nominee for Craziest Class On Your College Transcript - I am a faculty member at a law school where my university and law school have a study abroad campus and program in Florence, Italy. I was fortunate enough to teach there during the summer of 2019. I taught a course called "Comparative Sports Law". The subjects included gambling, disability, intellectual property, gender equity and sports in the U.S. compared to other countries (Italy, UK, Japan, Canada, etc.).
One day I took the class to a field trip to the Museo Del Calcio (Italian National Football Museum) in Florence. Soccer isn't my favorite sport but "when in Rome or Florence..."
I woke up every morning pinching myself saying "I am getting paid to do this". It was very nice and a great experience.
Spam the Election Spam Texts

- Jason DeM. had some fun:
I also received a text from "Damian". He did not want to engage in conversation though….

100 Grand bars and a thank you to Homebrew Bill
- Alexander writes:
I wanted to follow with a thanks and quick compliment on the beer. I intentionally saved the beer for trick-or-treat night. This was supposed to be Wednesday, but due to rain (sorry Joe!), the city folks moved it to last night. I saved the beer because, like you boys, we respect summer and I use Halloween as my official end of summer. It tracks with daylight savings and is normally a great party around the neighborhood.
The beer was phenomenal. My brother comes with his boy to traverse the neighborhood and he has a more refined taste than I do, and he gave it a hearty thumbs up. I hope your brew appears again, as you can count me a repeat customer. I have occasion to get to Omaha area a lot, and if Lincoln is in the cards I would love to by a beer for you as much as from you. Cheers!
Joe, a quick aside. I laughed about the 100 Grand candy bar discussion you injected. My kids know that is what I steal. For years there were always at least a dozen between my two kids. This year something is wrong. They know I like it, so even for the scores of houses that have the "take a piece" jars out, they hunt those for me. Everywhere. Last night's grand total between the 6 kids: 0. Something is up. Alex Berenson needs to get on this one!
Thanks men for all you do.
Screencaps readers think back to the first time they saw HDTV and how it transformed their brains
- Tom B. writes:
Your posts about HD TVs brought back my first memory of seeing it. Around 2001 - 2002 I commuted to Philadelphia from DC each week for a project. On time I returned to Union Station in DC and I saw ahead of me a bunch of people watching a large TV and were standing there like zombies. I walked up to see what was going on and next thing I know I was mesmerized too. The video was amazing and I couldn't stop watching.
That's it for this Saturday morning. I have to get my weekend started. Mrs. Screencaps and I will be going to the Fox Theatre in Detroit for the first time. I'm very excited to see the interior of the place.
Before that, we'll sit through the Ohio State game and pray that Ryan Day's team shows up and his brain shows up. I need this guy to show some balls. Go win the game, Ryan. Stop hoping the other team loses.
Anyway, enjoy the football. Enjoy the early November weather. It's sunny here.
Let's go get after it.