High-Class Escort Says Her Success As A Businesswoman Intimidates Men & Has Reduced Her Dating Pool

I've got news for anyone thinking that the dating life of a high-class escort is smooth sailing.  It's not that at all.  Believe it or not, they're faced with a reduced dating pool due to their line of work.

If the high-class escort is also a successful businesswoman, the dating pool shrinks even further.  That's the challenge Katija Cortez says she's faced with.

She's making great money after finding success in her career, but can't find herself a man "secure" enough to date her.  She has a good idea why that is though.

Cortez told news.com.au, "It does dramatically reduce the dating pool in a lot of ways as it isn’t particularly easy finding a guy who is secure enough to accept this kind of relationship dynamic.  Your partner being highly wanted and spoiled by men all around the world is not everyone’s cup of tea."

That's part of it.  Another factor is something she considers to be a positive aspect of what she brings to the table.  She's a financially independent woman with three degrees, a professional license and multiple investment properties.

Cortez says she's "more successful, more educated, and wealthier than most men that I meet."  This positive only "intimidates" prospective boyfriends and that's without mentioning her sex work.

Her reduced dating pool has opened her up to relationships with some of her clients and male sex workers, who understand the business.

She doesn't have time for dating apps or hitting up bars in order to meet people.  So she dates the men she meets through her work.

Dating As A High-Class Escort Might Have Its Challenges, But Katija Cortez Is Determined To Make It Work

"Obviously, because they get that it’s a job and have experienced the difference between paid sex or camera sex versus recreational sex," Cortez said about dating the men in her reduced dating pool.  "It’s very different."

Despite the added complexity, Katija Cortez is confident she'll eventually find a man to marry.  But there are some requirements her Mr. Right has to meet.

They have to be willing to be in an open relationship.  Her line of work and the number of clients that she has that are cheating on their partners has helped her add this to the list.

Any potential man in her life has to let her continue her work as an escort.  She said of this requirement, "If they can’t accept me as I am, then they clearly are not for me.  You shouldn’t date someone if you want them to change."

She's seen it work for others and wants that for herself.  Although, Cortez admits, "These men do indeed exist.  They’re just a little harder to find."

That leads us to the final requirement in order to date this high-class escort.  She's willing to wait it out in her search, and she doesn't want kids, so there will be no biological clock pushing her into a relationship.

So, if you're okay with dating a successful businesswoman/escort who has no plans on quitting her well-paying job, and you're down with being in an open relationship with her while also having no desire to have kids, you might have found the one.

You know the saying - shooters shoot.

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.