Heidi Klum Hasn't Lost A Step At 50, Patrick Mahomes' Mom Goes Out & Wasted At The Waste Management

I will be in charge of Super Bowl Sunday Screencaps and I need you guys to help me

Do I want to get up at 6 a.m. tomorrow morning? Hell no. Do I want to ‘work’ 13 days or so in a row? Hell no. But I'm going to do it for the fans who want to start their Super Bowl Sunday with the sports-talk radio of digital media, as one reader called it this week. We'll have SeanJo sleep in and work a later shift that will allow him to handle the salaciousness of the Super Bowl. 

That means I need your help. I need you to have your head on a swivel today and tonight for content surrounding the Super Bowl. Did someone you know hit a slot for a half-mllion in Vegas? I want to know about it. Do you have a friend on Facebook who created some crazy bar setup for Super Bowl Sunday? I WANT TO KNOW ABOUT IT. 

Does your grocery store have error cookie cakes in the bakery with Detroit Lions vs. Kansas City Chiefs written in icing? I WANT THAT CONTENT. 

Heads on a swivel today and tonight. Let's dominate Super Bowl Sunday morning. 

Email: joekinsey@gmail.com

• Guy G. in western New York is out with his Super Bowl party menu: 

It’s been a long couple of weeks for Bills Mafia, and other than rooting against the Mahomes’ and Swift’s, we’ve not got a lot to root for Sunday. So, I thought I’d send out the menu for Sunday’s game. Not my usual smoker food, but it’ll be great none the less. 

Wings- Habanero Hot, Hot Garlic Parm, Standard hot Frank’s, BBQ

Pigs in Blankets- Weber’s Horseradish Mustard, Maple Siriacha Mustard, Standard Yellow

Big Mac Dip- Everything Big Mac, minus the buns, and dippable

Mac & Cheese Bites- Mac and cheese, baked in a bacon cup


Assorted vegetable platter- for Mrs. G

Having a pregame party with these snacks, as guests all have small children. Super Bowl highlights from the ‘good ole days’, and good friends!

What's your first move after hitting this on Friday with the Super Bowl in town?

Do you blow it all (after taxes) by partying your ass off or do you head right to the airport for the next flight out?

I'm a big get the hell out of town as fast as possible, but it feels like blowing through $60k on Super Bowl weekend sounds like the story of a lifetime. 

Email: joekinsey@gmail.com

Remember: The Instagram model section has a wide age-range of fans

• Otis writes: 

First, the photo of Bowers and Gronk looks like Gronk taking his accountant for a walk around whatever city they are in.

Regarding the ladies of screencaps, as a boob man I enjoy most of them and I am cool with a variety of body types to scan.  HOWEVER, I have been lately getting a little creeped out by looking at photos of college-age girls, especially considering that I have a college-age stepdaughter.   To each his own, so do your thing and I will just keep on scrolling past the youngins.   For me, if I am having a mental debate over whether I should try to seduce her or arrange a clown and a pony for her next birthday party, I need to just walk away.   

Tell you what I DO like, 10 news in Tampa Bay has two rock stars.    Caitlyn Lockerbie and Amanda Pappas, they are on the SAME Newscast.  It's unfair.   The traffic girl is no slouch either.


I'll get this comment from time to time on how some of you old-timers start having ethical debates in your heads over the IG models. Then I have to remind the Boomers that I will give them Christie Brinkley content, but, based on our analytical data, we have a solid group of young-gun Millennials who want to know what's going on at the college level. 

If I don't keep the Millennials happy, they leave, and that's a bad business practice because here in a few years they're going to be right in our 35-45 wheelhouse with rising wealth to blow on products that are advertised on OutKick, like Hims®. 

The post-grad Millennial crowd is just a few years away from having a bad marriage, 2-3 kids screaming at him all weekend and come Monday morning, he's going to need an escape and Screencaps will be there for him. It will help him reset his life. 

That's why the college IGs are included, Otis. It's not to cause you to have ethical debates in your brain. I give you a full pass to scroll past the college-aged IGs. As you're scrolling by, salute the hard-working young-gun Millennials who are where you were at back in the day. 

Saturday Seafood with The Ts

Here's how the Ts are spending their Saturday in Spain: 

Wyn has lost his damn mind…wait until Sheriff John in Houston hears this one

• Wyn in Colorado writes: 

Wanted to chime in on Christmas lights still being up. As some may recall, I have the permanently installed lights on the house. Can turn them on and off anytime with an app. That said, even though I turned them off on January 1st because of energy bill, I am a proponent of folks leaving them on until Super Bowl Sunday. Colorado has an unspoken rule that you leave them up through Stock Show (huge rodeo) which ends the 3rd week of January. 

Also, I am all in on people having pet raccoons. My dad had 2 for a summer while I was in high school. They were friendly and it was a trip seeing how inquisitive they were. There’s a guy on social media named Timmc1269 who has a wild pet coyote he keeps with his dog, cat and raccoon. The coyote will even open beers for Tim. 

Will close out by saying Go Niners. No reason other than I hate the Chiefs. Financially i wouldn’t mind seeing Pacheco win MVP though.


1. Christmas lights left on until Super Bowl Sunday is why America is broke. Don't listen to this man. 

2. Raccoon pets: Set him straight, Sheriff John! 

A question for the residents of Augusta, GA

• Scott S. raises a GREAT question: 

Wes, do residents of Augusta feel pressure to have their lawns look like Augusta National?


This would be a great question for Justin in Augusta, a member of TNML, who mows a Par 3 green into his yard every year for a golf tournament amongst his buddies. 

Email: joekinsey@gmail.com

Michigan will be stripped of its national title and food in Alabama

• Dawgs fan Sam writes: 

First off, Michigan, in the last act of the NCAA before it dies, will be stripped. Therefore UGA is still your Natty Daddy.

Since I have been work traveling, it finally hit me, that it's not Spain, but I could post some foodie stuff.....  The Fremont in Birmingham

Screencaps readers who witnessed sports history

• Tim in Texas City, TX writes: 

This wasn't really a "great sports moment", per say, but it was a memorable night for my buddy and I...

December 1, 2008 was the Texans first ever Monday Night Football game (it took 7 seasons to get one), so we were pretty stoked about it.  My buddy, Wiliam, and I polished off a 30 pack of Keystone Light before walking into the stadium, had a few more during the game to keep the buzz rolling along and when the game ended, we stuck around to watch the ESPN post-game show live in the stadium.

By the time the post-game show was done, they had closed all but a few exits in the stadium.  We wandered around until an exhausted-looking attendant motioned for us to follow a hallway down "and when you get to the end", he said, "take a right and you'll be out on Kirby Dr."

Naturally, I looked at William, we both peeked back to see if we had left the attendant's field of vision, and I said, "...let's go left." And like any good buddy who would absolutely help you get rid of a body in the middle of the night without any questions, William grinned, shrugged and said, "Ok."

We took a left and soon found ourselves merging with the players and their families as they exited the locker room into their parking lot.  If you're keeping score at home, 2 very inebriated, 23 year old, life-long Houston football fans are now running amok in the players parking lot after MNF.  I don't remember everything but I do remember walking up to Andre Johnson (HoF c/o '24!!), giving him one of those hand-shake-bro-hugs and knowing he was absolutely thinking to himself, "Who the hell is this drunk guy?" and "Do I know him?"  If you know anything about Andre, you know he's a very quiet, super nice guy, so he handled it with a friendly smile.  Before he had come outside, Andre's mom asked me if I was WR Kevin Walter (whom you're probably familiar w/from Cincy), Chester Pitts (OT) had a gift waiting for him (it was a car, might have been an old Impala, I'm not 100%) and I walked over to Sage Rosenfels, shook his hand and told him, his wife and his child that he played a great game (Matt Shaub was injured that night).

We hung out for a bit, kinda starstruck but buzzed enough not to care, then decided to get out of there before we were violently escorted out. It was definitely one hell of a night.


That's it this morning. The sun IS OUT, I have a ton of stuff to do around the house and we have a house basketball tournament to attend. 

Let's go have a FUN weekend. Get your Super Bowl squares. Get your supplies. Get your spaces ready for action. Enjoy that golf (the courses here are going to be packed). 

Take care. 

Email: joekinsey@gmail.com

Numbers from :

Stuff You Guys Sent In & Stuff I Like :

Written by
Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.