Guy Jumps Into Lagoon At Disney World's Epcot Thanks To Reported $6,000 Bet

The throngs of people drinking their way through Walt Disney World's Epcot were treated to a show on Monday when a visitor jumped off a bridge and into the park's World Showcase Lagoon.

And according to reports, he did it all for a $6,000 bet.

Video made the rounds on social media of the unnamed man taking the illicit dip outside of the park's Italy Pavilion. The guest can be seen standing on a bridge over the water. Meanwhile, other visitors warn him of the very obvious. That he'll get the ol' heave-ho from the park if he takes the plunge.

He did not heed their warnings.

The man — who appears to be rocking the kind of headband one can buy at the Japan Pavilion — took a dip and hopped out of the water almost as quickly as he went in. According to Fox 35 Orlando, he had Disney security on his tail before he even hit the water.

Passersby claimed to have heard the man and the group he was with discussing a bet for $6,000 about jumping into the water.

There hasn't been any word on this fella's fate as far as whether he has been banned from Disney World or if he will face charges.

Whatever the outcome, you've got to assume it won't be good for him. The powers that be certainly won't look too kindly upon this kind of thing.

I've hit up Epcot quite a few times in my day. Let me tell you, on a hot day, that water looks mighty inviting. Most of us just have something called self-control and don't do it though.

Self-control or friends who can't afford to pony up $6,000 for a bet... probably more so that one.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.