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It turns out I wasn't the only one who thinks Buc-ee's is overrated, but this topic also brought out Texans who would like to have a word with me
Monday, I addressed my recent stop at the Richmond, Kentucky Buc-ee's where I experienced SEC stadium-like crowds and lines for the restrooms. Yes, I also took a shot at the cleanliness of the restroom. It was like halftime of an LSU-Bama game in there.
The paper towels in the trash can were nearly overflowing. The urinals were struggling on the cleanliness meter. Women were 30 deep out in the convenience store waiting to be herded into stalls.
I lost count of the emails after I hit publish on Monday Screencaps. There's no way I can get to all of them.
- Wyn writes:
In regards to your Bucees experience, that had to be an anomaly. Now I don’t think you’re one of these people looking for reaction by saying it’s overrated (like people do with In-N-Out) but I’ve been to numerous of them around the south and never seen a dirty one. Also, never had a brisket sandwich but the brisket tacos are a must.
I am 100% not trying to get a reaction by saying the place is overrated and I now feel better about saying it because others are saying it as well.
- Donny D. emails:
Totally agree. I avoid that place like the plague. My family quit asking, finally. We went 1 time and I said never again. Like Walmart, I can’t stand that place either.
Gimme a roadside fruit stand with boiled peanuts and a dentally challenged farmer any day over Suck-eez
- Jon U. in Dahlonega is on my team:
Over the 4th of July holiday, I drove my seven-year-old granddaughter down to a family vacation in New Smyrna Beach, FL. The route from here passes by 3 Buc-ee’s. My wife (who had to fly down separately due to a work obligation) had whispered in my granddaughter’s ear that we were passing 3 Buc-ees.
We stopped at the first one in Warner-Robins, GA. Total mob scene x 10 (it was the Saturday before the 4th of July holiday). As your wife experienced, the women’s restroom line was curving out into the main part of the store. I asked whether there were "family" bathrooms where I could stand guard by the door for my granddaughter and there wasn’t.
My granddaughter agreed that we could leave and go to a more normal fast-food place where I could feel comfortable letting her go into the restroom by herself. On the way out, I did ask a an older female Buc-ee’s worker a question about where I might find something (I forget what it was). When she didn’t answer, I said, "Ma’am…" and she said "I heard you the first time. I don’t know where (whatever) is."
I declared to my family that I was done with Buc-ee’s forever. However, my wife, who drove back with us instead of flying, somehow convinced my granddaughter and then eventually me (under duress), to stop at not one, but 2 out of the 3 Buc-ee’s. It was the same miserably crowded scenario both times.
So I am back to my vow to never to go to one of those Buc-ee’s again. Wish me luck the next trip!
- Eric F. agrees:
Stopped at one for the first time a few years ago near Houston, and once was enough for me. I think it’s aimed for those who like to shop/browse/wander around at gas stations.
On road trips I want efficiency, in and out as quick as possible. Hit the pump, walk inside while the tank is filling, take a leak, grab a bite/drink if necessary and back on the road asap, ten minutes tops.
I try to stick to truck stops (Pilot, Loves etc).
- Ryan N. throws his support into my camp:
Caught the first couple paragraphs of Screencaps today and had to write. You are completely right, Bucees is extremely overrated. I dare to say it actually sucks. I go out of my way to avoid going to one.
The idea is great, the execution is poor, and everything unique about it is either a bad thing (ever get stuck at a gas pump because the trolls around you all are inside trying to figure out what flavorless fast food item they’re going to pay double for?) or not that great (Loves & Quiktrip have clean bathrooms, Bucees does not). Plus, do you really need a gas station that is designed for people to spend time there? I want a gas station where I can pee, GET GAS, and leave in the shortest amount of time possible. I do not want my gas station experience mired by a bunch of cows milling about trying to figure out what flavor of sub par beef jerky they’re going to buy, try, then instantly throw away because it’s gross.
Just say no to bucees kids.
- Herb Z. in Roswell, GA agrees:
Loved your take on Buc-ees. There is too much of everything and way too many competing smells. But, my teens always want to stop there and buy the junk they sell- with their own money. On another note, Buc-ees makes Walmart look classy and that is hard to do. Welcome back!
Buc-ee's fans have their say in response to me calling the place overrated
- Kim P. writes:
I don’t think the Richmond Kentucky Buc-ees is a reliable reference; have never been: but saw how small it was from the freeway. The ones I have been to in Texas are much much bigger. The restrooms were always clean; food was good and getting gas was crowded but always could find a spot with (I think ) 72 pumps to choose from. A Buc-ees is breaking ground north of Dayton; next month; I think in Trotwood area off I-70. I think you will be impressed if you get a chance to give it a try someday. Keep up the great work!
- Dale took exception to my overrated review:
I am really surprised about your Buc-ees experience. I only have the Daytona Beach and St Augustine stores for reference, but the bathrooms are always amazingly clean. They have recently upped their game with the greatest car wash in the world. Their gas is currently at $3.22 but if you pay for a $15.00 car wash the price dropped to $2.72.
I would also like to recommend the super sausage taco. It feels like it weighs a pound and is simply amazing.
It is Daytona 500 eve and we role into the Buc-ees after the Saturday race and I saw the amazing bride and groom at the fountain drink station. I forgot to mention to mention the twenty selections of fountain drinks. Anyway, this was a high dollar wedding with two photographers and a videographer.
Buc-ees is pure American joy.

- Mike M. says:
Reading your column this morning & I'm shocked to hear you visited a Buc-ees with a less than spotless bathroom. I've been to dozens of them down here in the great State of Texas and have never had that problem. That is on that Buc-ees and shame on them. Have a great week!
- Alex R. checks in:
I agree and disagree on Bucees, It is a fun break on a 10 hour drive. Food is pretty good and consistent, that is key, I know what the brisket will taste like in every spot and it is middle of the road but better than a microwave hamburger at a 7 eleven any day. The really good food isnt the brisket it is their burritos (Texas Cheesteak and the beast burrito for breakfast) hit those up.
Not sure what happened in the bathroom in KY but all the ones I have been to in TN and SC have been immaculate. And you are ABSOLUTELY right about the Bucees chips they are terrible and bland.
- Duncan N. in Georgia says:
I think you had bad luck in going to a Bucees in Kentucky. I've been to several in Georgia, and one in Texas, and have never seen a dirty bathroom. And if the Bucees is overflowing with people, it will make the trip not as fun - getting gas is tougher, getting brisket tacos is tougher, etc. The first time I was going to take the kids to a Bucees I saw lines waiting for gas, and just got back on the highway. Give it another shot, just not in Kentucky!
- Vince says:
As a Texan who stops at multiple Buc-ees a couple of day per week, your experience is unlike any I’ve had, especially the bathrooms. Crowds are often insane but they get people in an out efficiently everywhere I’ve been. Not sure why Kentucky was such a problem.
It turns out many of you also have thoughts on Asheville, NC & the current state of the crazies and transients who run the downtown
- Matt D. in Roanoke, VA emails:
I took a wrong turn out of my hotel in Asheville and ended up walking down a street with a bunch of homeless drug addicts. There’s definitely a growing "streets of San Francisco" vibe happening there. I even saw a local headline asking if Asheville was becoming unsafe, and today noticed this story:
For my July vacation, I started in Knoxville, then went thru the Great Smokey Mountains to Asheville and a visit to Biltmore. It’s great, but it was 95 degrees when I went. In ASHEVILLE! Sadly, Asheville has neither a Hooters nor a Twin Peaks to cool down after that experience. Some good rooftop bars, though.
- Aaron in Lisbon, WI knows Asheville:
We lived in Asheville for about 18 months way back in 2008-2010. It was pretty bad with transients back then. We visited a few years ago, and we're taken aback at how much worse it got.
When we lived there, I worked downtown. I can't tell you how many times I was asked for money from poets, musicians, and artists. I never gave them a dime. Get a job, not a hobby, was always my response.
Asheville greatly defunded their police, so much so that the amount of officers is down 40% from where they were before 2020. The patrols of downtown are almost non-existent.
It is a beautiful area, with a turd placed firmly in the middle.
It's such a shame, but that's par for the course when you have an area run by leftists. They ruin everything!
- Wyn adds:
In 2012 I lived/worked in Asheville North Carolina. Drove 25,000 miles that year for a sale job hit almost every city in Western NC. Before moving there, I knew it was very liberal, but had no idea how much until I started working downtown. The crazies used to protest in the main square almost weekly. One time Mitt Romney came for a campaign stop and you would’ve thought Hitler was in town.
- Alex R. backs up what the others are saying:
I live in NC and can confirm Asheville is a mess, the people that like it are usually the ones that want to drink beer and they overlook how absolutely liberla and insane the town really is so they can keep going to the breweries.
‘No Outlet’ vs. ‘Dead End’
- Larry H. in Tennessee wonders:
When did the wussification of traffic signs become a thing. I must have slept through it. I have noticed several instances where instead of "Dead End" signs we now have "No Outlet" signs.
I guess society has become so soft that we had to tone it down on the off chance someone would see "Dead End" as a microaggression.
I have also attached a pic of one of the less aggressive signs (yes it is leaning).
Does this also mean that "dead end jobs" are now "no outlet jobs", "dead end marriages" are now "no outlet marriages" and when someone is doing research and hits a "dead end" it is now a "no outlet". We have gone soft.

I decided to help Larry by asking the AI bots to see what they have to say.

The current state of tipping in the United States
- Sonny in Georgia shares this story:
Fords Garage - Upscale Burger Chain - in Celebration, FL (near Orlando) for kids' soccer tournament.
Hostess informs us that they are trialing a new Shared Service for their entire wait staff. And an automatic 20% service fee will be added to the bill. (Big menu sized signs in Spanish explaining this new service fee at Hostess Stand, but not in English!)
Hostess wanted to make sure we were OK with that before we were seated. And we are told that any additional tip will go directly to our server.
Is this becoming a new norm? Because tipping is completely out of control....
I thought the automatic tip was just on groups of like 10 or more.
It appears we may have hit the fast-food pricing ceiling
Have you noticed the price of Chick-fil A lately? It certainly feels like we've reached the summit of fast-food pricing and now McDonald's seems to be indicating it maxed out consumers.
According to "The average price of a McDonald’s menu item has increased by roughly 40% since 2019."
For those who might want to do some vintage 1990s travel
You can hit up the Blockbuster in Bend, Oregon and then jump on a ferry to Haines, Alaska where Radio Shack is reportedly still operational. There's also a Radio Shack in Bozeman, Montana that has an active Facebook page.
That's it for this final Tuesday in July 2024. Hope you use this day wisely. It's the last time in your life that you'll ever enjoy July 30, 2024. Let that sink in.
Go have a great day.