Government Is Receiving Staggering Amount Of UFO Reports

The government is being flooded with reports of UFO sightings.

Loyal OutKick readers know UFOs and UAPs have become a major topic in America (send me your UFO theories to, and the topic is only growing with more and more interest with every passing story.

The situation surrounding unexplained sightings hit a boiling point when whistleblower David Grusch claimed non-human biologics had been recovered during a hearing in front of multiple Congress members.

Federal government receiving lots of claims involving UFO sightings.

Turns out that a lot of people have UFO sighting stories, and the government is getting a staggering number of reports.

The federal government is getting "dozens of reports of unidentified anomalous phenomena" (aka, UFOs) every month, according to data from the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (via CNN). There's some speculation sightings could reach into the thousands in the future.

The rate of sightings is also up considerably over the past year. There have been 800 reported sightings of UFOs since this past April. There had been 650 as of August 2022, according to CNN. All the UFO sightings are in the air, except one. There's one object that was a "maritime sighting."

Interest is soaring in UFOs and the unexplained.

While there's not a good explanation for all the sightings, All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office boss Sean Kirkpatrick believes some might be foreign actors.

"There are some indicators that are concerning that may be attributed to foreign activity, and we are investigating those very hard," Kirkpatrick told CNN.

All we know for sure is interest is booming, and the United States government by its own admission doesn't know what all UFO sightings are.

Some are certainly foreign actors, and some sightings are without question, in my opinion, unknown military technology. Go back to the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s and read up on UFO sightings in the southwest region of the country, and then compare the sightings to military planes that were later revealed. They're eerily similar.

For example, below is a photo of a B-21. Kind of looks like something someone might mistake for a UFO, right?

Could little green men flying around the sky be an explanation? Let's hope not because if they're already here, the war is going to be a quick one, and we won't be coming out on top. I much prefer a military explanation. Have a great UFO theory? Let me know at

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David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.